www.gusucode.com > wlan 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wlan/RecoverVHTDataFieldInMUMIMOChannelExample.m

    %% Recover VHT-Data Field in MU-MIMO Channel
% Recover VHT-Data field bits for a multiuser transmission using channel
% estimation on a VHT-LTF field over a quasi-static fading channel.
% Create a VHT configuration object having a 160 MHz channel bandwidth, two 
% users, and four transmit antennas. Assign one space-time stream to the first 
% user and three space-time streams to the second user.

cbw = 'CBW160';
numSTS = [1 3];
vht = wlanVHTConfig('ChannelBandwidth',cbw,'NumUsers',2, ...
% Because there are two users, the PSDU length is a 1-by-2 row vector.

psduLen = vht.PSDULength
% Generate multiuser input data. This data must be in the form of a 1-by- _N_ 
% cell array, where _N_ is the number of users.

txDataBits{1} = randi([0 1],8*vht.PSDULength(1),1);
txDataBits{2} = randi([0 1],8*vht.PSDULength(2),1);
% Generate VHT-LTF and VHT-Data field signals.

txVHTLTF  = wlanVHTLTF(vht); 
txVHTData = wlanVHTData(txDataBits,vht);
% Pass the data field for the first user through a 4x1 channel because it
% consists of a single space-time stream. Pass the second user's data
% through a 4x3 channel because it consists of three space-time streams.
% Apply white Gaussian noise to each user signal.

snr = 15;
H1 = 1/sqrt(2)*complex(randn(4,1),randn(4,1));
H2 = 1/sqrt(2)*complex(randn(4,3),randn(4,3));

rxVHTData1 = awgn(txVHTData*H1,snr,'measured');
rxVHTData2 = awgn(txVHTData*H2,snr,'measured');
% Repeat the process for the VHT-LTF fields.
rxVHTLTF1  = awgn(txVHTLTF*H1,snr,'measured');
rxVHTLTF2  = awgn(txVHTLTF*H2,snr,'measured');
% Calculate the received signal power for both users and use it to estimate
% the noise variance.

powerDB1 = 10*log10(var(rxVHTData1));
noiseVarEst1 = mean(10.^(0.1*(powerDB1-snr)));

powerDB2 = 10*log10(var(rxVHTData2));
noiseVarEst2 = mean(10.^(0.1*(powerDB2-snr)));

% Estimate the channel characteristics using the VHT-LTF fields.

demodVHTLTF1 = wlanVHTLTFDemodulate(rxVHTLTF1,cbw,numSTS);
chanEst1 = wlanVHTLTFChannelEstimate(demodVHTLTF1,cbw,numSTS);

demodVHTLTF2 = wlanVHTLTFDemodulate(rxVHTLTF2,cbw,numSTS);
chanEst2 = wlanVHTLTFChannelEstimate(demodVHTLTF2,cbw,numSTS);

% Recover VHT-Data field bits for the first user and compare against the
% original payload bits.

rxDataBits1 = wlanVHTDataRecover(rxVHTData1,chanEst1,noiseVarEst1,vht,1);
[~,ber1] = biterr(txDataBits{1},rxDataBits1)
% Determine the number of bit errors for the second user.

rxDataBits2 = wlanVHTDataRecover(rxVHTData2,chanEst2,noiseVarEst2,vht,2);
[~,ber2] = biterr(txDataBits{2},rxDataBits2)
% The bit error rates are quite high because there is no precoding to
% mitigate the interference between streams. This is especially evident for
% the user 1 receiver because it receives energy from the three streams
% intended for user 2. The example is intended to show the workflow and
% proper syntaxes for the LTF demodulate, channel estimation, and data
% recovery functions.