www.gusucode.com > wlan 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wlan/RecoverVHTSIGAUsingZeroForcingEqualizerExample.m

    %% Recover VHT-SIG-A Using Zero-Forcing Equalizer  
% Recover the VHT-SIG-A in an AWGN channel. Configure the VHT signal to
% have a 160 MHz channel bandwidth, one space-time stream, and one receive
% antenna.

% Create a |wlanVHTConfig| object having a channel bandwidth of 160 MHz.
% Using the object to create a VHT-SIG-A waveform.
cfg = wlanVHTConfig('ChannelBandwidth','CBW160');
% Generate L-LTF and VHT-SIG-A field signals.
txLLTF = wlanLLTF(cfg);
[txSig,txBits] = wlanVHTSIGA(cfg);
chanBW = cfg.ChannelBandwidth;
noiseVar = 0.1;
% Pass the transmitted VHT-SIG-A through an AWGN channel.
awgnChan = comm.AWGNChannel('NoiseMethod','Variance','Variance',noiseVar);
rxLLTF = awgnChan(txLLTF);
rxSig = awgnChan(txSig);

% Using |wlanRecoveryConfig|, set the equalization method to zero-forcing,
% |'ZF'|.
cfgRec = wlanRecoveryConfig('EqualizationMethod','ZF');

% Perform channel estimation based on the L-LTF.
demodLLTF = wlanLLTFDemodulate(rxLLTF,chanBW,1);
chanEst = wlanLLTFChannelEstimate(demodLLTF,chanBW);

% Recover the VHT-SIG-A. Verify that there are no bit errors in the received
% information.
[rxBits,crcFail] = wlanVHTSIGARecover(rxSig,chanEst,noiseVar,'CBW160',cfgRec);
% The CRC failure check returns a |0|, indicating the CRC passed. Comparing
% the transmitted bits to the received bits reconfirms the reported CRC
% result because the output matches the input.