www.gusucode.com > wlan 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wlan/TransmitVHTWaveformThrough4x2MIMOChannelExample.m

    %% Transmit VHT Waveform Through 4x2 MIMO Channel
% Create a VHT waveform having four transmit antennas and two space-time
% streams.
cfg = wlanVHTConfig('NumTransmitAntennas',4,'NumSpaceTimeStreams',2, ...
txSig = wlanWaveformGenerator([1;0;0;1],cfg);

% Create a 4x2 MIMO TGac channel and disable large-scale fading effects.
tgacChan = wlanTGacChannel('SampleRate',80e6,'ChannelBandwidth','CBW80', ...
    'NumTransmitAntennas',4,'NumReceiveAntennas',2, ...
% Pass the transmit waveform through the channel.
rxSig = tgacChan(txSig);

% Display the spectrum of the two received space-time streams.
saScope = dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer('SampleRate',80e6, ...
    'ShowLegend',true, ...
    'ChannelNames',{'Stream 1','Stream 2'});