www.gusucode.com > wlan 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wlan/VHTPacketRecoveryExample.m

    %% VHT Packet Recovery
% This example shows how to recover contents from a VHT format waveform.
%% Generate 80 MHz VHT Waveform
% Create a VHT configuration object. Set |APEPLength| to |3200| and |MCS|
% to |5|. Later these settings are compared to recovered signal
% information. Create a transmission bit stream for the data field.  For a
% VHT waveform, the data field is |PSDULength*8| bits.
vht = wlanVHTConfig('APEPLength',3200,'MCS',5);
txBits = randi([0 1],vht.PSDULength*8,1);
% Create the PPDU fields individually. Create L-STF, L-LTF, L-SIG,
% VHT-SIG-A, VHT-STF, VHT-LTF, and VHT-SIG-B preamble fields and the
% VHT-Data field.
lstf = wlanLSTF(vht);
lltf = wlanLLTF(vht);
lsig = wlanLSIG(vht);
vhtSigA = wlanVHTSIGA(vht);
vhtstf = wlanVHTSTF(vht);
vhtltf = wlanVHTLTF(vht);
vhtSigB = wlanVHTSIGB(vht);
vhtData = wlanVHTData(txBits,vht);
% Concatenate the individual fields to create a single PPDU waveform.
txPPDU = [lstf; lltf; lsig; vhtSigA; vhtstf; vhtltf; vhtSigB; vhtData];
%% Pass VHT Waveform Through TGac SISO Channel
% Create TGac SISO and AWGN channel objects.
chBW = vht.ChannelBandwidth;
fs = 80e6;
tgacChan = wlanTGacChannel('SampleRate',fs,'ChannelBandwidth',chBW,...
    'LargeScaleFadingEffect','Pathloss and shadowing');
awgnChan = comm.AWGNChannel('NoiseMethod','Variance','VarianceSource','Input port');
% Calculate the noise variance for a receiver with a 9 dB noise figure. The
% noise variance, |noiseVar|, is equal to kTBF, where k is Boltzmann's
% constant, T is the ambient temperature of 290 K, B is the bandwidth
% (sample rate), and F is the receiver noise figure. Pass the transmitted
% waveform through the noisy TGac channel.
noiseVar = 10^((-228.6 + 10*log10(290) + 10*log10(fs) + 9)/10)
rxPPDU = awgnChan(tgacChan(txPPDU),noiseVar);

%% Recover VHT Preamble Contents from PPDU
% In general, the L-STF and L-LTF are processed to perform frequency offset
% estimation and correction, and symbol timing. For this example, the
% carrier frequency is not offset and the packet timing is 'on-time'.
% Therefore, for accurate demodulation, determination of carrier frequency
% offset and symbol timing is not required.
% Find the start and stop indices for the PPDU fields.
fieldInd = wlanFieldIndices(vht)
% The stop index of VHT-SIG-B indicates the preamble length in samples.
numSamples = fieldInd.VHTSIGB(2);
% Plot the preamble and the beginning of the packet data. Add markers to
% and plot to delineate the packet field boundaries.
time = ([0:double(numSamples)-1]/fs)*1e6;
peak = 1.2*max(abs(rxPPDU(1:numSamples)));
fieldMarkers = zeros(numSamples,1);
fieldMarkers(fieldInd.LSTF(2)-1,1) = peak;
fieldMarkers(fieldInd.LLTF(2)-1,1) = peak;
fieldMarkers(fieldInd.LSIG(2)-1,1) = peak;
fieldMarkers(fieldInd.VHTSIGA(2)-1,1) = peak;
fieldMarkers(fieldInd.VHTSTF(2)-1,1) = peak;
fieldMarkers(fieldInd.VHTLTF(2)-1,1) = peak;
fieldMarkers(fieldInd.VHTSIGB(2)-1,1) = peak;
xlabel ('Time (microseconds)')
title('VHT Format Preamble')

% Demodulate the L-LTF and estimate the channel.
rxLLTF = rxPPDU(fieldInd.LLTF(1):fieldInd.LLTF(2),:);
demodLLTF = wlanLLTFDemodulate(rxLLTF,vht);
chEstLLTF = wlanLLTFChannelEstimate(demodLLTF,vht);
% Extract the L-SIG field from the received PPDU, recover its information
% bits and check the CRC.
rxLSIG = rxPPDU(fieldInd.LSIG(1):fieldInd.LSIG(2),:);
[recLSIG,failCRC] = wlanLSIGRecover(rxLSIG,chEstLLTF,noiseVar,chBW);
% |failCRC = 0| indicates that CRC passed.
% For the VHT format, the L-SIG rate bits are constant and set to |[1 1 0
% 1]|. Inspect the L-SIG rate information and confirm that this constant
% sequence is recovered. For the VHT format, the MCS setting in VHT-SIG-A2
% determines the actual data rate.
rate = recLSIG(1:4)'
% Extract the VHT-SIG-A and confirm that the CRC check passed.
rxVHTSIGA = rxPPDU(fieldInd.VHTSIGA(1):fieldInd.VHTSIGA(2),:);
[recVHTSIGA,failCRC] = wlanVHTSIGARecover(rxVHTSIGA, ...
% Extract the MCS setting from the VHT-SIG-A. For single user VHT, the MCS
% is located in VHT-SIG-A2 bits 4 through 7.
recMCSbits = (recVHTSIGA(29:32))';
recMCS = bi2de(double(recMCSbits))
% The recovered MCS setting matches the MCS value in the configuration
% object.
% Extract and demodulate the VHT-LTF. Use the demodulated signal to perform
% channel estimation. Use the channel estimate to recover the VHT-SIG-B and
% VHT-Data fields.
rxVHTLTF = rxPPDU(fieldInd.VHTLTF(1):fieldInd.VHTLTF(2),:);
demodVHTLTF = wlanVHTLTFDemodulate(rxVHTLTF,vht);
chEstVHTLTF = wlanVHTLTFChannelEstimate(demodVHTLTF,vht);
% Extract and recover the VHT-SIG-B.
rxVHTSIGB = rxPPDU(fieldInd.VHTSIGB(1):fieldInd.VHTSIGB(2),:);
recVHTSIGB = wlanVHTSIGBRecover(rxVHTSIGB,chEstVHTLTF,noiseVar,chBW);
% As described in IEEE Std 802.11ac-2013, Table 22-1, the value in the
% VHT-SIG-B Length field multiplied by 4 is the recovered APEP length for
% packets carrying data. Verify that the APEP length, contained in the
% first 19 bits of the VHT-SIG-B, corresponds to the specified APEP length.
sigbAPEPbits = recVHTSIGB(1:19)';
sigbAPEPlength = bi2de(double(sigbAPEPbits))*4
% The recovered value matches the configured APEP Length.
%% Recover VHT-Data Contents from PPDU
% Construct a recovery configuration object.
cfgRec = wlanRecoveryConfig;
% Recover receive equalized symbols using channel estimates from VHT-LTF.
recPSDU = wlanVHTDataRecover(rxPPDU(fieldInd.VHTData(1):fieldInd.VHTData(2),:),...
% Compare transmission and receive PSDU bits.
numErr = biterr(txBits,recPSDU)
% The number of bit errors is zero.