www.gusucode.com > robot-9 源码程序matlab代码 > robot-9.4Toolbox/rvctools/common/Polygon.m

    %POLYGON - General polygon class
%   p = Polygon(vertices);
% Methods::
%  plot           Plot polygon
%  area           Area of polygon
%  moments        Moments of polygon
%  centroid       Centroid of polygon
%  perimeter      Perimter of polygon
%  transform      Transform polygon
%  inside         Test if points are inside polygon
%  intersection   Intersection of two polygons
%  difference     Difference of two polygons
%  union          Union of two polygons
%  xor            Exclusive or of two polygons
%  display        print the polygon in human readable form
%  char           convert the polgyon to human readable string
% Properties::
%  vertices   List of polygon vertices, one per column
%  extent     Bounding box [minx maxx; miny maxy]
%  n          Number of vertices
% Notes::
% - this is reference class object
% - Polygon objects can be used in vectors and arrays
% Acknowledgement::
% The methods inside, intersection, difference, union, and xor are based on code
% written by:
%  Kirill K. Pankratov, kirill@plume.mit.edu,
%  http://puddle.mit.edu/~glenn/kirill/saga.html
% and require a licence.  However the author does not respond to email regarding 
% the licence, so use with care.

%  split the code in two.  Simple polygon functions in Polgon class, subclass with
%  Pankratov code to Polygon2.

classdef Polygon < handle
    properties (Dependent=true)
        function p = Polygon(v, wh)
        %Polygon.Polygon Polygon class constructor
        % P = Polygon(V) is a polygon with vertices given by V, one column per
        % vertex.
        % P = Polygon(C, WH) is a rectangle centred at C with dimensions
        % WH=[WIDTH, HEIGHT].

            if nargin == 0
                p.n = 0;
                p.vertices = [];

            if nargin < 2
                if numrows(v) ~= 2
                    error('vertices must have two rows');
                p.vertices = v;
            if nargin == 2
                if length(v) ~= 2
                    error('first argument must be polygon centre');
                if length(wh) ~= 2
                    error('second arugment must be width height');
                p.vertices = [
                    v(1)-wh(1)/2  v(1)+wh(1)/2  v(1)+wh(1)/2  v(1)-wh(1)/2
                    v(2)-wh(2)/2  v(2)-wh(2)/2  v(2)+wh(2)/2 v(2)+wh(2)/2 ];
            % compute the extent
            p.extent(1,1) = min(p.x);
            p.extent(1,2) = max(p.x);
            p.extent(2,1) = min(p.y);
            p.extent(2,2) = max(p.y);
        function r = get.n(p)
            r = numcols(p.vertices);
        function r = get.x(p)
            r = p.vertices(1,:)';
        function r = get.y(p)
            r = p.vertices(2,:)';
        function r = set.n(p)
            error('cant set property');
        function r = set.x(p)
            error('cant set property');
        function r = set.y(p)
            error('cant set property');
        function s = char(p)
            %Polygon.char String representation
            % S = P.char() is a compact representation of the polgyon in human 
            % readable form.
            s = sprintf('%d vertices', p.n);
        function display(p)
            %Polygon.display Display polygon
            % P.display() displays the polygon in a compact human readable form.
            % See also Polygon.char.
            loose = strcmp( get(0, 'FormatSpacing'), 'loose');
            if loose
                disp(' ');
            disp([inputname(1), ' = '])
            if loose
                disp(' ');
            if loose
                disp(' ');
        function plot(plist, varargin)
            %Polygon.plot Plot polygon
            % P.plot() plot the polygon.
            % P.plot(LS) as above but pass the arguments LS to plot.
            for p=plist

            x = p.vertices(1,:)'; x = [x; x(1)];
            y = p.vertices(2,:)'; y = [y; y(1)];
            plot(x, y, varargin{:});
        function a = area(p)
            %Polygon.area Area of polygon
            % A = P.area() is the area of the polygon.
            a = p.moments(0, 0);
        function m = moments(p, mp, mq)
            %Polygon.moments Moments of polygon
            % A = P.moments(p, q) is the pq'th moment of the polygon.
            % See also mpq_poly.
            m = mpq_poly(p.vertices, mp, mq);
        function q = transform(p, T)
            %Polygon.transform Transformation of polygon vertices
            % P2 = P.transform(T) is a new Polygon object whose vertices have
            % been transfored by the 3x3 homgoeneous transformation T.
            if length(T) == 3
                T = se2(T);
            q = Polygon( homtrans(T, p.vertices) );

        function f = inside(p, points)
            %Polygon.inside Test if points are inside polygon
            % IN = P.inside(P) tests if points given by columns of P are
            % inside the polygon.  The corresponding elements of IN are
            % either true or false.
            IN = inpolygon(points(1,:), points(2,:), p.x, p.y)

        function c = centroid(p)
            %Polygon.centroid Centroid of polygon
            % X = P.centroid() is the centroid of the polygon.
            xc = p.moments(1,1) / p.area();
        function r = perimeter(p)
            %Polygon.perimeter Perimeter of polygon
            % L = P.perimeter() is the perimeter of the polygon.
             p = sum(sqrt(diff(p.x).^2+diff(p.y).^2));

        function f = intersect(p, plist)
            %Polygon.intersect Intersection of polygon with list of polygons
            % I = P.intersect(PLIST) indicates whether or not the Polygon P
            % intersects with 
            % i(j) = 1 if p intersects polylist(j), else 0.

            % Based on ISINTPL
            %  Copyright (c) 1995 by Kirill K. Pankratov,
            %       kirill@plume.mit.edu.
            %       06/20/95, 08/25/95
            f = [];
            for q=plist
                f = [f isintpl(p.x, p.y, q.x, q.y)];
        function f = intersect_line(p, l)
            %Polygon.intersect_line Intersection of polygon and line segment
            % I = P.intersect_line(L) is the intersection points of a polygon P
            % with the line segment L=[x1 x2; y1 y2].  I is an Nx2 matrix with
            % one column per intersection, each column is [x y]'.

            f = [];
            % find intersections
            for i=1:p.n
                in = mod(i, p.n)+1;

                xv = [p.x(i); p.x(in)];
                yv = [p.y(i); p.y(in)];
                intsec = iscross(xv, yv, l(1,:)', l(2,:)');
                if intsec
                    [x,y] = intsecl(xv, yv, l(1,:)', l(2,:)');
                    f = [f [x;y]];

        function r = difference(p, q)
            %Polygon.difference Difference of polygons
            % D = P.difference(Q) is polygon P minus polygon Q.
            % Notes::
            % - If polygons P and Q are not intersecting, returns 
            %   coordinates of P.
            % - If the result D is not simply connected or consists of 
            %   several polygons, resulting vertex list will contain NaNs.
            % POLYDIFF  Difference of 2 polygons.
            %       [XO,YO] = POLYDIFF(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) Calculates polygon(s) P
            %   of difference of polygons P1 and P1 with coordinates 
            %   X1, Y1 and X2, Y2.
            %   The resulting polygon(s) is a set of all points which belong
            %   to P1 but not to to P2: P = P1 & ~P2.
            %   The input polygons must be non-self-intersecting and
            %   simply connected.
            %       If polygons P1, P2 are not intersecting, returns 
            %   coordinates of the first polygon X1, X2.
            %   If the result P is not simply connected or consists of several
            %   polygons, resulting boundary consists of concatenated 
            %   coordinates of these polygons, separated by NaN.
            %  Copyright (c) 1995 by Kirill K. Pankratov,
            %       kirill@plume.mit.edu.
            %       06/25/95  

            % Call POLYBOOL with flag=3
            [xo,yo,ind] = polybool(p.x, p.y, q.x, q.y, 3);

            r = Polygon([xo(:) yo(:)]');

        function r = intersection(p, q)
            %Polygon.intersection Intersection of polygons
            % I = P.intersection(Q) is a Polygon representing the
            % intersection of polygons P and Q.
            % Notes::
            % - If these polygons are not intersecting, returns empty polygon.
            % - If intersection consist of several disjoint polygons
            %   (for non-convex P or Q) then vertices of I is the concatenation
            %   of the vertices of these polygons.

            % POLYINTS  Intersection of 2 polygons.
            %   [XO,YO] = POLYINTS(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) Calculates polygon(s)
            %   if intersection of polygons with coordinates X1, Y1 
            %   and X2, Y2.
            %       The resulting polygon(s) is a set of all points which 
            %   belong to both P1 and P2: P = P1 & P2.
            %   These polygons must be non-self-intersecting and
            %   simply connected.
            %   If these polygons are not intersecting, returns empty.
            %   If intersection consist of several disjoint polygons
            %   (for non-convex P1 or P2) output vectors XO, YO consist
            %   of concatenated cooddinates of these polygons, 
            %  Copyright (c) 1995 by Kirill K. Pankratov,
            %       kirill@plume.mit.edu.
            %       06/25/95  

             % Call POLYBOOL with flag=1
            [xo,yo,ind] = polybool(p.x, p.y, q.x, q.y, 1);

            r = Polygon([xo(:) yo(:)]');

        function r = union(p, q)
            %Polygon.union Union of polygons
            % I = P.union(Q) is a Polygon representing the
            % union of polygons P and Q.
            % Notes::
            % - If these polygons are not intersecting, returns a polygon with 
            %   vertices of both polygons separated by NaNs.
            % - If the result P is not simply connected (such as a polygon
            %   with a "hole") the resulting contour consist of counter-
            %   clockwise "outer boundary" and one or more clock-wise 
            %   "inner boundaries" around "holes".

            % POLYUNI  Union of 2 polygons.
            %       [XO,YO] = POLYINT(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) Calculates polygon(s) P
            %       which is (are) union of polygons P1 and P2 with coordinates 
            %   X1, Y1 and X2, Y2.
            %   The resulting polygon(s) is a set of all points which belong
            %   either to P1 or to P2: P = P1 | P2.
            %   The input polygons must be non-self-intersecting and
            %   simply connected.
            %       If polygons P1, P2 are not intersecting, returns 
            %   coordinates of the both polygons separated by NaN.
            %   If both P1 and P2 are convex, their boundaries can have no 
            %   more than 2 intersections. The result is also a convex 
            %   polygon.
            %       If the result P is not simply connected (such as a polygon
            %   with a "hole") the resulting contour consist of counter-
            %   clockwise "outer boundary" and one or more clock-wise 
            %   "inner boundaries" around "holes".
            %  Copyright (c) 1995 by Kirill K. Pankratov,
            %       kirill@plume.mit.edu.
            %       06/25/95  
             % Call POLYBOOL with flag=2 ..........
            [xo,yo,ind] = polybool(p.x, p.y, q.x, q.y, 2);

            r = Polygon([xo(:) yo(:)]');

        function r = xor(p, q)
            %Polygon.xor Exclusive or of polygons
            % I = P.union(Q) is a Polygon representing the
            % union of polygons P and Q.
            % Notes::
            % - If these polygons are not intersecting, returns a polygon with 
            %   vertices of both polygons separated by NaNs.
            % - If the result P is not simply connected (such as a polygon
            %   with a "hole") the resulting contour consist of counter-
            %   clockwise "outer boundary" and one or more clock-wise 
            %   "inner boundaries" around "holes".

            % POLYXOR  Exclusive OR of 2 polygons.
            %       [XO,YO] = POLYXOR(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) Calculates polygon(s) P
            %   of difference of polygons P1 and P1 with coordinates
            %   X1, Y1 and X2, Y2.
            %   The resulting polygon(s) is a set of all points which belong
            %   either to P1 or to P2 but not to both:
            %   P = (P1 & ~P2) | (P2 & ~P1).
            %   The input polygons must be non-self-intersecting and
            %   simply connected.
            %       If polygons P1, P2 are not intersecting, returns
            %   coordinates of the both polygons separated by NaN.
            %   If the result P is not simply connected or consists of several
            %   polygons, resulting boundary consists of concatenated
            %   coordinates of these polygons, separated by NaN.
            %  Copyright (c) 1995 by Kirill K. Pankratov,
            %       kirill@plume.mit.edu.
            %       06/25/95
            % Call POLYBOOL twice with flag=3
            [xx,yy,ind] = polybool(p.x, p.y, q.x, q.y, 3);
            xo = [xx; NaN]; yo = [yy; NaN];
            [xx,yy,ind] = polybool(q.x, q.y, p.x, p.y, 3);
            xo = [xo; xx]; yo = [yo; yy];
                        r = Polygon([xo(:) yo(:)]');

function [is,in,un] = interval(x1,x2)

    % Intersection and union of 2 intervals.
    %   [IS,IN,UN] = INTERVAL(X1,X2) calculates pair-wise
    %   intersection IN and union UN of N pairs of
    %   intervals with coordinates X1 and X2 (both are
    %   2 by N vectors). Returns 1 by N boolean vector IS
    %   equal to 1 if intervals have non-empty intersection
    %   and 0 if they don't.
    %  Copyright (c) 1995 by Kirill K. Pankratov,
    %       kirill@plume.mit.edu.
    %       08/24/95
    % Handle input ...........................
    if nargin==0, help interval, return, end
    if nargin==1
        un = x1;
        un = [x1; x2];
    [in,un] = sort(un);     % Sort both intervals together
    un = un(1:2,:)-1;
    is = sum(floor(un/2));  % Check for [0 0 1 1] or [1 1 0 0]
    is = (is==1);
    ii = find(in(2,:)==in(3,:));
    is(ii) = .5*ones(size(ii));
    % Extract intersection and union from sorted coordinates
    if nargout>1
        un = in([1 4],:);
        in = in(2:3,:);
        in(:,~is) = flipud(in(:,~is));

function [is,S] = iscross(x1,y1,x2,y2,tol)

    % ISCROSS  Finds whether pairs of lines cross each other
    %   [IS,S] = ISCROSS(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) where arguments X1, Y1,
    %   X2, Y2 are all 2 by N matrices are coordinates of
    %   ends of the pairs of line segments.
    %   Returns vector  IS (1 by N)  consisting of ones if
    %   corresponding pairs cross each other, zeros if they
    %   don't and .5 if an end of one line segment lies on
    %   another segment.
    %   Also returns a matrix  S (4 by N) with each row
    %   consisting of cross products (double areas of
    %   corresponding triangles) built on the following points:
    %   (X2(1,:),Y2(1,:)),(X1(1,:),Y1(1,:)),(X2(2,:),Y2(2,:)),
    %   (X2(1,:),Y2(1,:)),(X1(2,:),Y1(2,:)),(X2(2,:),Y2(2,:))
    %   (X1(1,:),Y1(1,:)),(X2(1,:),Y2(1,:)),(X1(2,:),Y1(2,:))
    %   (X1(1,:),Y1(1,:)),(X2(2,:),Y2(2,:)),(X1(2,:),Y1(2,:))
    %   The signs of these 4 areas can be used to determine
    %   whether these lines and their continuations cross each
    %   other.
    %   [IS,S] = ISCROSS(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,TOL) uses tolerance TOL
    %   for detecting the crossings (default is 0).
    %  Copyright (c) 1995 by Kirill K. Pankratov
    %       kirill@plume.mit.edu
    %       08/14/94, 05/18/95, 08/25/95
    % Defaults and parameters .......................
    tol_dflt = 0; % Tolerance for area calculation
    is_chk = 1;   % Check input arguments
    % Handle input ..................................
    if nargin==0, help iscross, return, end
    if nargin<4           % Check if all 4 entered
        error('  Not enough input arguments')
    if nargin<5, tol = tol_dflt; end
    if tol < 0, is_chk = 0; tol = 0; end
    % Check the format of arguments .................
    if is_chk
        [x1,y1,x2,y2] = linechk(x1,y1,x2,y2);
    len = size(x1,2);
    o2 = ones(2,1);
    % Find if the ranges of pairs of segments intersect
    [isx,S,A] = interval(x1,x2);
    scx = diff(A);
    [isy,S,A] = interval(y1,y2);
    scy = diff(A);
    is = isx & isy;
    % If S values are not needed, extract only those pairs
    % which have intersecting ranges ..............
    if nargout < 2
        isx = find(is);  % Indices of pairs to be checked
        % further
        x1 = x1(:,isx);
        x2 = x2(:,isx);
        y1 = y1(:,isx);
        y2 = y2(:,isx);
        is = is(isx);
        if isempty(is), is = zeros(1,len); return, end
        scx = scx(isx);
        scy = scy(isx);
    % Rescale by ranges ...........................
    x1 = x1.*scx(o2,:);
    x2 = x2.*scx(o2,:);
    y1 = y1.*scy(o2,:);
    y2 = y2.*scy(o2,:);
    % Calculate areas .............................
    S = zeros(4,length(scx));
    S(1,:) = (x2(1,:)-x1(1,:)).*(y2(2,:)-y1(1,:));
    S(1,:) = S(1,:)-(x2(2,:)-x1(1,:)).*(y2(1,:)-y1(1,:));
    S(2,:) = (x2(1,:)-x1(2,:)).*(y2(2,:)-y1(2,:));
    S(2,:) = S(2,:)-(x2(2,:)-x1(2,:)).*(y2(1,:)-y1(2,:));
    S(3,:) = (x1(1,:)-x2(1,:)).*(y1(2,:)-y2(1,:));
    S(3,:) = S(3,:)-(x1(2,:)-x2(1,:)).*(y1(1,:)-y2(1,:));
    S(4,:) = (x1(1,:)-x2(2,:)).*(y1(2,:)-y2(2,:));
    S(4,:) = S(4,:)-(x1(2,:)-x2(2,:)).*(y1(1,:)-y2(2,:));
    % Find if they cross each other ...............
    is = (S(1,:).*S(2,:)<=0)&(S(3,:).*S(4,:)<=0);
    % Find very close to intersection
    isy = min(abs(S));
    ii = find(isy<=tol & is);
    is(ii) = .5*ones(size(ii));
    % Output
    if nargout < 2
        isy = zeros(1,len);
        isy(isx) = is;
        is = isy;
        isy = scx.*scy;
        ii = find(~isy);
        isy(ii) = ones(size(ii));
        S = S./isy(ones(4,1),:);

function [xo,yo,ind] = polybool(x1,y1,x2,y2,flag)

    %   [XO,YO] = POLYBOOL(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,FLAG)
    %   calulates results of Boolean operations on
    %   a pair of polygons.
    %   FLAG Specifies the type of the operation:
    %   1 - Intersection (P1 & P2)
    %   2 - Union (P1 | P2)
    %   3 - Difference (P1 & ~P2)

    %  Copyright (c) 1995 by Kirill K. Pankratov,
    %       kirill@plume.mit.edu.
    %       06/25/95, 09/07/95 

    %   This program calls the following functions:

    % Algorithm:
    %  1. Check boundary contour directions (area).
    %     For intersection and union make all
    %     counter-clockwise. For difference make the second
    %    contour clock-wise.
    %  2. Calculate matrix of intersections (function ISINTPL).
    %     Quick exit if no intersections.
    %  3. For intersecting segments calculate intersection
    %     coordinates (function INTSECL).
    %  4. Sort intersections along both contours.
    %  5. Calculate sign of cross-product between intersectiong
    %     segments. This will give which contour goes "in" and
    %     "out" at intersections.
    %  6. Start with first intersection:
    %     Determine direction to go ("in" for intersection,
    %     "out" for union).
    %     Move until next intersection, switch polygons at each
    %     intersection until coming to the initial point.
    %     If not all intersections are encountered, the 
    %     resulting polygon is disjoint. Separate output 
    %     coordinates by NaN and repeat procedure until all 
    %     intersections are counted.

     % Default for flag
    flag_dflt = 1; % 1- intersec., 2-union, 3 - diff.

     % Handle input
    if nargin==0, help polybool, return, end
    if nargin < 4
      error(' Not enough input arguments')
    if nargin<5, flag = flag_dflt; end

    x1 = x1(:); y1 = y1(:);
    x2 = x2(:); y2 = y2(:);
    l1 = length(x1);
    l2 = length(x2);

     % Check areas and reverse if negative
    nn1 = area(x1,y1);
    if nn1<0, x1 = flipud(x1); y1 = flipud(y1); end
    nn2 = area(x2,y2);
    if (nn2<0 & flag<3) | (nn2>0 & flag==3)
      x2 = flipud(x2); y2 = flipud(y2); 

     % If both polygons are identical ........
    if l1==l2
      if all(x1==x2) & all(y1==y2)
        if flag<3, xo = x1; yo = y1; ind = 1:l1; 
        else, xo = []; yo = []; ind = []; end

     % Calculate matrix of intersections .....
    [is,C] = isintpl(x1,y1,x2,y2);
    is = any(any(C));

     % Quick exit if no intersections ........
    if ~is
      if flag==1       % Intersection
        xo=[]; yo = [];
      elseif flag==2   % Union
        xo = [x1; nan; x2];
        yo = [y1; nan; y2];
      elseif flag==3   % Difference
        xo = x1; yo = y1;

     % Mark intersections with unique numbers
    i1 = find(C);
    ni = length(i1);
    C(i1) = 1:ni;

     % Close polygon contours
    x1 = [x1; x1(1)]; y1 = [y1; y1(1)];
    x2 = [x2; x2(1)]; y2 = [y2; y2(1)];
    l1 = length(x1);  l2 = length(x2);

     % Calculate intersections themselves
    [i1,i2,id] = find(C);
    xs1 = [x1(i1) x1(i1+1)]'; ys1 = [y1(i1) y1(i1+1)]';
    xs2 = [x2(i2) x2(i2+1)]'; ys2 = [y2(i2) y2(i2+1)]';

     % Call INTSECL ............................
    [xint,yint] = intsecl(xs1,ys1,xs2,ys2);

     % For sements belonging to the same line
     % find interval of intersection ...........
    ii = find(xint==inf);
    if ~isempty(ii)
      [is,inx] = interval(xs1(:,ii),xs2(:,ii));
      [is,iny] = interval(ys1(:,ii),ys2(:,ii));
      xint(ii) = mean(inx);
      yint(ii) = mean(iny);

     % Coordinate differences of intersecting segments
    xs1 = diff(xs1); ys1 = diff(ys1);
    xs2 = diff(xs2); ys2 = diff(ys2);

     % Calculate cross-products
    cp = xs1.*ys2-xs2.*ys1;
    cp = cp>0;
    if flag==2, cp=~cp; end % Reverse if union
    cp(ii) = 2*ones(size(ii));

     % Sort intersections along the contours
    ind = (xint-x1(i1)').^2+(yint-y1(i1)').^2;
    ind = ind./(xs1.^2+ys1.^2);
    cnd = min(ind(ind>0));
    ind = ind+i1'+i2'/(ni+1)*cnd*0;
    [xo,ii] = sort(ind);
    xs1 = id(ii);
    [xo,ind] = sort(xs1);
    ind = rem(ind,ni)+1;
    xs1 = xs1(ind);

    ind = (xint-x2(i2)').^2+(yint-y2(i2)').^2;
    ind = ind./(xs2.^2+ys2.^2);
    cnd = min(ind(ind>0));
    [xo,ii] = sort(i2'+ind+i1'/(ni+1)*cnd*0);
    xs2 = id(ii);
    [xo,ind] = sort(xs2);
    ind = rem(ind,ni)+1;
    xs2 = xs2(ind);

     % Combine coordinates in one vector
    x1 = [x1; x2]; y1 = [y1; y2];

     % Find max. possible length of a chain
    xo = find(any(C'));
    xo = diff([xo xo(1)+l1]);
    mlen(1) = max(xo);
    xo = find(any(C));
    xo = diff([xo xo(1)+l2]);
    mlen(2) = max(xo);

     % Check if multiple intersections in one segment
    xo = diff([i1 i2]);
    is_1 = ~all(all(xo));

     % Begin counting intersections *********************

     % Initialization ..................
    int = zeros(size(xint));
    nn = 1;   % First intersection
    nn1 = i1(nn); nn2 = i2(nn);
    b = cp(nn);
    is2 = b==2;
    xo = []; yo = []; ind = [];
    closed = 0;

     % Proceed until all intersections are counted 
    while ~closed  % begin counting `````````````````````0

      % If contour closes, find new starting point
      if int(nn) & ~all(int)
        ii = find(int);
        C(id(ii)) = zeros(size(ii));
        nn = min(find(~int));  % Next intersection
        nn1 = i1(nn);
        nn2 = i2(nn);
        xo = [xo; nan];        % Separate by NaN 
        yo = [yo; nan];
        ind = [ind; nan];
        % Choose direction ......
        b = cp(nn);

      % Add current intersection ......
      xo = [xo; xint(nn)];
      yo = [yo; yint(nn)];
      ind = [ind; 0];
      int(nn) = 1;
      closed = all(int);

      % Find next segment
      % Indices for next intersection
      if ~b, nn = xs1(nn);
      else,  nn = xs2(nn);
      if ~b, pt0 = nn1; else,  pt0 = nn2; end

      nn1 = i1(nn);
      nn2 = i2(nn);

      if b, pt = nn2; else, pt = nn1; end

      if b, pt0 = pt0+l1; pt = pt+l1; end
      ii = (pt0+1:pt);

      % Go through the beginning ..............
      cnd = pt<pt0 | (pt==pt0 & is_1 & flag>1);
      if cnd
        if ~b,  ii = [pt0+1:l1 1:pt];
        else,   ii = [pt0+1:l1+l2 l1+1:pt];
      len = length(ii);
      cnd = b & len>mlen(2);
      cnd = cnd | (~b & len>mlen(1));
      if is2 | cnd, ii=[]; end

      % Add new segment
      xo = [xo; x1(ii)];
      yo = [yo; y1(ii)];
      ind = [ind; ii'];

      % Switch direction
      if cp(nn)==2, b = ~b; is2 = 1;
      else, b = cp(nn); is2 = 0;

    end    % End while (all intersections) '''''''''''''''0

     % Remove coincident successive points
    ii = find(~diff(xo) & ~diff(yo));
    xo(ii) = []; yo(ii) = []; ind(ii) = [];

     % Remove points which are 
    ii = find(isnan(xo));
    if ~isempty(ii)
      i2 = ones(size(xo));
      ii = [ii; length(xo)+1];

      i1 = find(diff(ii)==3);
      i1 = ii(i1);
      i1 = [i1; i1+1; i1+2];
      i2(i1) = zeros(size(i1));

      i1 = find(diff(ii)==2);
      i1 = ii(i1);
      i1 = [i1; i1+1];
      i2(i1) = zeros(size(i1));

      xo = xo(i2); yo = yo(i2); ind = ind(i2);

function  [xo,yo] = intsecpl(xv,yv,xl,yl,trace)

    % INTSECPL Intersection of a polygon and a line.
    %   [XI,YI] = INTSECPL(XV,YV,XL,YL) calculates
    %   intersections XI, YI of a polygon with vertices XV,
    %   YV and a line specified by pairs of end coordinates
    %   XL = [XL0 XL1], YL = [YL0 YL1]. Line is assumed to
    %   continue beyond the range of end points.
    %   INTSECPL(XV,YV,[A B]) uses another specification for
    %   a line: Y = A*X+B.
    %   If a line does not intersect polygon, returns empty
    %   XI, YI.
    %   For convex polygon maximum number of intersections is
    %   2, for non-convex polygons multiple intersections are 
    %   possible.
    %   INTSECPL(XV,YV,XL,YL)  by itself or
    %   [XI,YI] = INTSECPL(XV,YV,XL,YL,1) plots polygon,
    %   a line segment and intersection segment(s) 
    %   (part(s) of the same line inside the polygon).

    %  Copyright (c) 1995 by Kirill K. Pankratov,
    %       kirill@plume.mit.edu.
    %       06/25/95, 08/27/95, 09/27/95

    %  Calls ISCROSS, INTSECL programs.

     % Defaults and parameters .................................
    tol = 1e-14;  % Tolerance
    marg = tol;   % Margins for polygon frame
    is_ab = 0;    % Default A*X+B  mode

     % Handle input ............................................
    if nargin==0, help intsecpl, return, end
    if nargin < 3
      error(' Not enough input arguments')
    if nargin<5, trace = 0; end
    if nargin==4  % Check if 4-th arg is trace
      if max(size(yl))==1, trace = yl;  is_ab = 1; end
    if nargin==3, is_ab = 1; end
    trace = trace | nargin<2;
    if length(xv)~=length(yv)
      error(' Vectors X, Y must have the same size')

     % Auxillary ...........
    xv = [xv(:); xv(1)];
    yv = [yv(:); yv(1)];
    ii = find(abs(diff(xv))<tol & abs(diff(yv))<tol);
    xv(ii) = []; yv(ii) = [];
    nv = length(xv);
    ov = ones(nv-1,1);

      % Polygon frame
    lim = [min(xv)-marg max(xv)+marg min(yv)-marg max(yv)+marg];
     % Estimate for diameter
    d = sqrt((lim(2)-lim(1)).^2+(lim(4)-lim(3)).^2);

     % Form line segment depending on how line is specified 
    if is_ab       % A*X+B  mode ...................

      xl = xl(:);
      if length(xl)<2
        error(' Line is specified by at least two parameters')

      a = xl(1); b = xl(2);
      xl = [lim(1)-1 lim(2)+1];
      yl = a*xl+b;

    else          % [X1 X2],[Y1 Y2]  mode ..........

      x0 = (xl(1)+xl(2))/2;
      y0 = (yl(1)+yl(2))/2;
      dx = xl(2)-x0;
      dy = yl(2)-y0;
      dl = max(abs([lim(1:2)-x0 lim(3:4)-y0]));
      d = max(d,dl);
      dl = sqrt(dx.^2+dy.^2);
      dl = max(d,d/dl);
      dx = dx*dl; dy = dy*dl;
      xl = [x0-dx x0+dx];
      yl = [y0-dy y0+dy];


     % Find intersecting segments ..............................
    is = iscross([xv(1:nv-1) xv(2:nv)]',[yv(1:nv-1) yv(2:nv)]',...

     % Quick exit if no intersections .........................
    if ~any(is)
      if trace
        % Intersection with polygon frame
        [xl,yl] = intsecpl(lim([1 2 2 1]),lim([3 3 4 4]),xl,yl);
        plot(xv,yv,xl,yl) % Plotting itself
      xo = []; yo = []; 

     % For segments touching the line (is==.5) find whether pairs of
     % successive segments are on the same side
    ii = find(is==.5)';
    if ii~=[]
      xo = [ii-1 ii+1];
      xo = xo+(nv-1)*(xo<1);
      yo = iscross([xv(xo(:,1)) xv(xo(:,2))]',[yv(xo(:,1)) yv(xo(:,2))]',...
      ii = ii(find(yo==1));
      is(ii) = zeros(size(ii));

     % Calculate intersection coordinates ......................
    ii = find(is);
    oi = ones(size(ii));
    [xo,yo] = intsecl([xv(ii) xv(ii+1)]',[yv(ii) yv(ii+1)]',...

    dx = find(~finite(xo));
    xo(dx) = []; yo(dx) = [];
    ii(dx) = []; oi(dx) = [];

     % Sort intersections along the line ..........
    xo = xo(:); yo = yo(:);
    if any(diff(xo))
      [xo,ii] = sort(xo);
      yo = yo(ii);


      [yo,ii] = sort(yo);
      xo = xo(ii);

     % Exclude repeated points (degenerate cases)
     % ///////// It seems that this is not needed, figure this
     % later ///////////////////
    if length(ii)>1 & 0  % Do not execute
      xx = [xo yo];
      yy = diff(xx)';
      ii = [1 find(any(abs(yy)>tol))+1];
      xo = xx(ii,1); yo = xx(ii,2);
      oi = ones(size(xo));

     % Plotting ................................................
    if trace
      oi(3:2:length(oi)) = oi(3:2:length(oi))+1;
      oi = cumsum(oi);
      len = max(oi);
      xp = nan*ones(len,1); yp = xp;
      xp(oi) = xo;
      yp(oi) = yo;

      % Intersection with polygon frame
      [xl,yl] = intsecpl(lim([1 2 2 1]),lim([3 3 4 4]),xl,yl);

      plot(xv,yv,xl,yl,xp,yp) % Plotting itself

function [is,S] = isintpl(x1,y1,x2,y2)

    % ISINTPL Check for intersection of polygons.
    %   [IS,S] = ISINTPL(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) Accepts coordinates
    %   X1,Y1 and X2, Y2 of two polygons. Returns scalar
    %   IS equal to 1 if these polygons intersect each other
    %   and 0 if they do not.
    %   Also returns Boolean matrix S of the size length(X1)
    %   by length(X2) so that {ij} element of which is 1 if 
    %   line segments i to i+1 of the first polygon and 
    %   j to j+1 of the second polygon intersect each other,
    %   0 if they don't and .5 if they "touch" each other.

    %  Copyright (c) 1995 by Kirill K. Pankratov,
    %       kirill@plume.mit.edu.
    %       06/20/95, 08/25/95

     % Handle input ...................................
    if nargin==0, help isintpl, return, end
    if nargin<4
      error(' Not enough input arguments ')

     % Make column vectors and check sizes ............
    x1 = x1(:); y1 = y1(:);
    x2 = x2(:); y2 = y2(:);
    l1 = length(x1);
    l2 = length(x2);
    if length(y1)~=l1 | length(y2)~=l2
      error('(X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2) must pair-wise have the same length.')

     % Quick exit if empty
    if l1<1 | l2<1, is = []; S = []; return, end

     % Check if their ranges are intersecting .........
    lim1 = [min(x1) max(x1)]';
    lim2 = [min(x2) max(x2)]';
    isx = interval(lim1,lim2);  % X-ranges
    lim1 = [min(y1) max(y1)]';
    lim2 = [min(y2) max(y2)]';
    isy = interval(lim1,lim2);  % Y-ranges
    is = isx & isy;
    S = zeros(l2,l1);

    if ~is, return, end  % Early exit if disparate limits

     % Indexing .......................................
    [i11,i12] = meshgrid(1:l1,1:l2);
    [i21,i22] = meshgrid([2:l1 1],[2:l2 1]);
    i11 = i11(:); i12 = i12(:);
    i21 = i21(:); i22 = i22(:);

     % Calculate matrix of intersections ..............
    S(:) = iscross([x1(i11) x1(i21)]',[y1(i11) y1(i21)]',...
                   [x2(i12) x2(i22)]',[y2(i12) y2(i22)]')';

    S = S';
    is  = any(any(S));

function [xo,yo] = intsecl(x1,y1,x2,y2,tol)

    % INTSECL Intersection coordinates of two line segments.
    %       [XI,YI] = INTSECL(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) where all 4
    %   arguments are 2 by N matrices with coordinates
    %   of ends of N pairs of line segments (so that 
    %       the command such as PLOT(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) will plot 
    %       these pairs of lines).
    %       Returns 1 by N vectors XI and YI consisting of 
    %       coordinates of intersection points of each of N
    %   pairs of lines.
    %   Special cases:
    %   When a line segment is degenerate into a point
    %   and does not lie on line through the other segment
    %   of a pair returns XI=NaN while YI has the following
    %   values: 1 - when the first segment in a pair is
    %   degenerate, 2 - second segment, 0 - both segments
    %   are degenerate.
    %   When a pair of line segments is parallel, returns
    %   XI = Inf while YI is 1 for coincident lines,
    %   0 - for parallel non-coincident ones.
    %   INTSECL(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,TOL) also specifies tolerance
    %   in detecting coincident points in different line
    %   segments.

    %  Copyright (c) 1995 by Kirill K. Pankratov
    %       kirill@plume.mit.edu
    %       04/15/94, 08/14/94, 05/10/95, 08/23/95

     % Defaults and parameters .........................
    tol_dflt = 0; % Tolerance for coincident points
    is_chk = 1;   % Check input arguments

     % Handle input ....................................
    if nargin==0, help intsecl, return, end
    if nargin<4           % Check if all 4 entered
      error('  Not enough input arguments')
    if nargin<5, tol = tol_dflt; end
    if tol < 0, is_chk = 0; tol = 0; end

     % Check the format of arguments .......
    if is_chk
      [x1,y1,x2,y2] = linechk(x1,y1,x2,y2);

     % Auxillary
    o2 = ones(2,1);
    i_pt1 = []; i_pt2 = []; i_pt12 = [];

     % Make first points origins ...........
    xo = x1(1,:);
    yo = y1(1,:);
    x2 = x2-xo(o2,:);
    y2 = y2-yo(o2,:);

     % Differences of first segments .......
    a = x1(2,:)-x1(1,:);
    b = y1(2,:)-y1(1,:);
    s = sqrt(a.^2+b.^2);  % Lengths of first segments
    i_pt1 = find(~s);
    s(i_pt1) = ones(size(i_pt1));
    rr = rand(size(i_pt1));
    a(i_pt1) = cos(rr);
    b(i_pt1) = sin(rr);

     % Normalize by length .................
    a = a./s; b = b./s;

     % Rotate coordinates of the second segment
    tmp = x2.*a(o2,:)+y2.*b(o2,:);
    y2 = -x2.*b(o2,:)+y2.*a(o2,:);
    x2 = tmp;

     % Calculate differences in second segments
    s = x2(2,:)-x2(1,:);
    tmp = y2(2,:)-y2(1,:);
    cc = tmp(i_pt1);

     % Find some degenerate cases .......................

     % Find zeros in differences
    izy2 = find(~tmp);
    tmp(izy2) = ones(size(izy2));

     % Find degenerate and parallel segments
    bool = ~s(izy2);
    i_par = izy2(~bool);
    i_pt2 = izy2(bool);

    bool = abs(y2(1,i_pt2))<=tol;
    i_pt2_off = i_pt2(~bool);
    i_pt2_on = i_pt2(bool);

    if ~isempty(i_par)
      bool = abs(y2(1,i_par))<=tol;
      i_par_off = i_par(~bool);
      i_par_on = i_par(bool);

     % Calculate intercept with rotated x-axis ..........
    tmp = s./tmp;   % Slope
    tmp = x2(1,:)-y2(1,:).*tmp;

     % Rotate and translate back to original coordinates
    xo = tmp.*a+xo;
    yo = tmp.*b+yo;

     % Mark special cases ...................................
     % First segments are degenerate to points
    if ~isempty(i_pt1)
      bool = ~s(i_pt1) & ~cc;
      i_pt12 = i_pt1(bool);
      i_pt1 = i_pt1(~bool);

      bool = abs(tmp(i_pt1))<=tol;
      i_pt1_on = i_pt1(bool);
      i_pt1_off = i_pt1(~bool);

      xo(i_pt1_on) = x1(1,i_pt1_on);
      yo(i_pt1_on) = y1(1,i_pt1_on);

      oo = ones(size(i_pt1_off));
      xo(i_pt1_off) = nan*oo;
      yo(i_pt1_off) = oo;

     % Second segments are degenerate to points ...
    if ~isempty(i_pt2)
      oo = ones(size(i_pt2_off));
      xo(i_pt2_off) = nan*oo;
      yo(i_pt2_off) = 2*oo;

     % Both segments are degenerate ...............
    if ~isempty(i_pt12)
      bool = x1(i_pt12)==xo(i_pt12);
      i_pt12_on = i_pt12(bool);
      i_pt12_off = i_pt12(~bool);

      xo(i_pt12_on) = x1(1,i_pt12_on);
      yo(i_pt12_on) = y1(1,i_pt12_on);

      oo = ones(size(i_pt12_off));
      xo(i_pt12_off) = nan*oo;
      yo(i_pt12_off) = 0*oo;

     % Parallel segments .........................
    if ~isempty(i_par)
      oo = ones(size(i_par_on));
      xo(i_par_on) = inf*oo;
      yo(i_par_on) = oo;

      oo = ones(size(i_par_off));
      xo(i_par_off) = inf*oo;
      yo(i_par_off) = 0*oo;
