www.gusucode.com > robot-9 源码程序matlab代码 > robot-9.4Toolbox/rvctools/robot/mdl_puma560.m

    %MDL_PUMA560 Create model of Puma 560 manipulator
%      mdl_puma560
% Script creates the workspace variable p560 which describes the 
% kinematic and dynamic characteristics of a Unimation Puma 560 manipulator
% using standard DH conventions.
% The model includes armature inertia and gear ratios.
% Also define the workspace vectors:
%   qz         zero joint angle configuration
%   qr         vertical 'READY' configuration
%   qstretch   arm is stretched out in the X direction
%   qn         arm is at a nominal non-singular configuration
% Reference::
% -  "A search for consensus among model parameters reported for the PUMA 560 robot",
%     P. Corke and B. Armstrong-Helouvry, 
%     Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, (San Diego), 
%     pp. 1608-1613, May 1994.
% See also SerialLink, mdl_puma560akb, mdl_stanford, mdl_twolink.

% Notes:
%    - the value of m1 is given as 0 here.  Armstrong found no value for it
% and it does not appear in the equation for tau1 after the substituion
% is made to inertia about link frame rather than COG frame.
% updated:
% 2/8/95  changed D3 to 150.05mm which is closer to data from Lee, AKB86 and Tarn
%  fixed errors in COG for links 2 and 3
% 29/1/91 to agree with data from Armstrong etal.  Due to their use
%  of modified D&H params, some of the offsets Ai, Di are
%  offset, and for links 3-5 swap Y and Z axes.
% 14/2/91 to use Paul's value of link twist (alpha) to be consistant
%  with ARCL.  This is the -ve of Lee's values, which means the
%  zero angle position is a righty for Paul, and lefty for Lee.
%  Note that gravity load torque is the motor torque necessary
%  to keep the joint static, and is thus -ve of the gravity
%  caused torque.
% 8/95 fix bugs in COG data for Puma 560. This led to signficant errors in
%  inertia of joint 1. 
% $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
% Revision 1.4  2008/04/27 11:36:54  cor134
% Add nominal (non singular) pose qn

% Copyright (C) 1993-2011, by Peter I. Corke
% This file is part of The Robotics Toolbox for Matlab (RTB).
% RTB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% RTB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU Leser General Public License
% along with RTB.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

clear L
%             th    d       a         alpha
L(1) = Link([ 0     0       0         pi/2    0], 'standard');
L(2) = Link([ 0 	0       0.4318	  0       0], 'standard');
L(3) = Link([ 0     0.15005	0.0203    -pi/2   0], 'standard');
L(4) = Link([ 0     0.4318	0         pi/2    0], 'standard');
L(5) = Link([ 0     0       0         -pi/2   0], 'standard');
L(6) = Link([ 0     0 	    0          0      0], 'standard');

L(1).m = 0;
L(2).m = 17.4;
L(3).m = 4.8;
L(4).m = 0.82;
L(5).m = 0.34;
L(6).m = .09;

L(1).r = [ 0    0	   0 ];
L(2).r = [ -.3638  .006    .2275];
L(3).r = [ -.0203  -.0141  .070];
L(4).r = [ 0    .019    0];
L(5).r = [ 0    0	   0];
L(6).r = [ 0    0	   .032];

L(1).I = [  0	 0.35	 0	 0	 0	 0];
L(2).I = [  .13	 .524	 .539	 0	 0	 0];
L(3).I = [   .066  .086	 .0125   0	 0	 0];
L(4).I = [  1.8e-3  1.3e-3  1.8e-3  0	 0	 0];
L(5).I = [  .3e-3   .4e-3   .3e-3   0	 0	 0];
L(6).I = [  .15e-3  .15e-3  .04e-3  0	 0	 0];

L(1).Jm =  200e-6;
L(2).Jm =  200e-6;
L(3).Jm =  200e-6;
L(4).Jm =  33e-6;
L(5).Jm =  33e-6;
L(6).Jm =  33e-6;

L(1).G =  -62.6111;
L(2).G =  107.815;
L(3).G =  -53.7063;
L(4).G =  76.0364;
L(5).G =  71.923;
L(6).G =  76.686;

% viscous friction (motor referenced)
L(1).B =   1.48e-3;
L(2).B =   .817e-3;
L(3).B =    1.38e-3;
L(4).B =   71.2e-6;
L(5).B =   82.6e-6;
L(6).B =   36.7e-6;

p560 = SerialLink(L, 'name', 'Puma 560', ...
    'manufacturer', 'Unimation', 'comment', 'viscous friction; params of 8/95');

% Coulomb friction (motor referenced)
L(1).Tc = [ .395	-.435];
L(2).Tc = [ .126	-.071];
L(3).Tc = [ .132	-.105];
L(4).Tc = [ 11.2e-3 -16.9e-3];
L(5).Tc = [ 9.26e-3 -14.5e-3];
L(6).Tc = [ 3.96e-3 -10.5e-3];

% some useful poses
qz = [0 0 0 0 0 0]; % zero angles, L shaped pose
qr = [0 pi/2 -pi/2 0 0 0]; % ready pose, arm up
qs = [0 0 -pi/2 0 0 0];
qn=[0 pi/4 pi 0 pi/4  0];

p560_f = SerialLink(L, 'name', 'Puma 560', ...
    'manufacturer', 'Unimation', 'comment', 'nonlin friction; params of 8/95');
clear L