www.gusucode.com > robot-9 源码程序matlab代码 > robot-9.4Toolbox/rvctools/robot/mdl_quadcopter.m

    %MDL_QUADCOPTER Dynamic parameters for a quadcopter.
%     mdl_quadcopter
% Script creates the workspace variable quad which describes the 
% dynamic characterstics of a quadcopter.
% Properties::
% This is a structure with the following elements:
% J         Flyer rotational inertia matrix (3x3)
% h         Height of rotors above CoG (1x1)
% d         Length of flyer arms (1x1)
% nb        Number of blades per rotor (1x1)
% r         Rotor radius (1x1)
% c         Blade chord (1x1)
% e         Flapping hinge offset (1x1)
% Mb        Rotor blade mass (1x1)
% Mc        Estimated hub clamp mass (1x1)
% ec        Blade root clamp displacement (1x1)
% Ib        Rotor blade rotational inertia (1x1)
% Ic        Estimated root clamp inertia (1x1)
% mb        Static blade moment (1x1)
% Ir        Total rotor inertia (1x1)
% Ct        Non-dim. thrust coefficient (1x1)
% Cq        Non-dim. torque coefficient (1x1)
% sigma     Rotor solidity ratio (1x1)
% thetat    Blade tip angle (1x1)
% theta0    Blade root angle (1x1)
% theta1    Blade twist angle (1x1)
% theta75   3/4 blade angle (1x1)
% thetai    Blade ideal root approximation (1x1)
% a         Lift slope gradient (1x1)
% A         Rotor disc area (1x1)
% gamma     Lock number (1x1)
% References::
% - Design, Construction and Control of a Large Quadrotor micro air vehicle.
%   P.Pounds, PhD thesis, 
%   Australian National University, 2007.
%   http://www.eng.yale.edu/pep5/P_Pounds_Thesis_2008.pdf
% See also sl_quadcopter.

% Copyright (C) 1993-2011, by Peter I. Corke
% This file is part of The Robotics Toolbox for Matlab (RTB).
% RTB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% RTB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU Leser General Public License
% along with RTB.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

quad.g = 9.81;                   %   g       Gravity                             1x1
quad.rho = 1.184;                %   rho     Density of air                      1x1
quad.muv = 1.5e-5;               %   muv     Viscosity of air                    1x1

% Airframe
quad.M = 4;                      %   M       Mass                                1x1
Ixx = 0.082;
Iyy = 0.082;
Izz = 0.149;%0.160;
quad.J = diag([Ixx Iyy Izz]);    %   I       Flyer rotational inertia matrix     3x3

quad.h = -0.007;                 %   h       Height of rotors above CoG          1x1
quad.d = 0.315;                  %   d       Length of flyer arms                1x1

quad.nb = 2;                      %   b       Number of blades per rotor          1x1
quad.r = 0.165;                  %   r       Rotor radius                        1x1

quad.c = 0.018;                  %   c       Blade chord                         1x1

quad.e = 0.0;                    %   e       Flapping hinge offset               1x1
quad.Mb = 0.005;                 %   Mb      Rotor blade mass                    1x1
quad.Mc = 0.010;                 %   Mc      Estimated hub clamp mass            1x1
quad.ec = 0.004;                 %   ec      Blade root clamp displacement       1x1
quad.Ib = quad.Mb*(quad.r-quad.ec)^2/4 ;        %   Ib      Rotor blade rotational inertia      1x1
quad.Ic = quad.Mc*(quad.ec)^2/4;           %   Ic      Estimated root clamp inertia        1x1
quad.mb = quad.g*(quad.Mc*quad.ec/2+quad.Mb*quad.r/2);    %   mb      Static blade moment                 1x1
quad.Ir = quad.nb*(quad.Ib+quad.Ic);             %   Ir      Total rotor inertia                 1x1

quad.Ct = 0.0048;                %   Ct      Non-dim. thrust coefficient         1x1
quad.Cq = quad.Ct*sqrt(quad.Ct/2);         %   Cq      Non-dim. torque coefficient         1x1

quad.sigma = quad.c*quad.nb/(pi*quad.r);         %   sigma   Rotor solidity ratio                1x1
quad.thetat = 6.8*(pi/180);      %   thetat  Blade tip angle                     1x1
quad.theta0 = 14.6*(pi/180);     %   theta0  Blade root angle                    1x1
quad.theta1 = quad.thetat - quad.theta0;   %   theta1  Blade twist angle                   1x1
quad.theta75 = quad.theta0 + 0.75*quad.theta1;%   theta76 3/4 blade angle                     1x1
quad.thetai = quad.thetat*(quad.r/quad.e);      %   thetai  Blade ideal root approximation      1x1
quad.a = 5.5;                    %   a       Lift slope gradient                 1x1

% derived constants
quad.A = pi*quad.r^2;                 %   A       Rotor disc area                     1x1
quad.gamma = quad.rho*quad.a*quad.c*quad.r^4/(quad.Ib+quad.Ic);%   gamma   Lock number                         1x1

quad.b = quad.Ct*quad.rho*quad.A*quad.r^2; % T = b w^2
quad.k = quad.Cq*quad.rho*quad.A*quad.r^3; % Q = k w^2

quad.verbose = false;