www.gusucode.com > IPCV_Eval_Kit_R2019a_0ce6858工具箱matlab程序源码 > IPCV_Eval_Kit_R2019a_0ce6858/code/demo_files/I2_00f_coins_misc.m

    clear;clc;close all;imtool close all

%% 暔懱偺掕検昡壙乮柺愊啇S揰紝a鼒蛼穪j
I = imread('coins.png');        % 夋憸偺撉崬
figure; imshow(I);              % 昞帵

figure; imhist(I);              % 僸僗僩僌儔儉昞帵
Ibw = I>100;                    % 敀崟偺夋憸傊曄姺
figure; imshow(Ibw);            % 昞帵
Ibw = I>90;                     % 懳榖揑扵嶕
figure; imshow(Ibw);            % 昞帵

Ibwf = imfill(Ibw, 'holes');    % 寠傪杽傔傞
figure; imshow(Ibwf);           % 昞帵

Ibwc = bwareaopen(Ibwf, 10);    % 偛傒偺彍嫀  (10僺僋僙儖埲壓偺傕偺)
figure; imshow(Ibwc);           % 昞帵        [懳榖揑側扵嶕]

%% 奺椞堟偺柺愊丒拞怱揰丒捈宎丒廃埻挿傪媮傔傞
stats = regionprops('table', Ibwc, 'Area', 'Centroid', 'MajorAxisLength', 'Perimeter')   % struct/table

areas = stats.Area           % 奺乆偺柺愊

mean(areas)                     % 柺愊偺暯嬒

figure;hist(areas);             % 柺愊偺僸僗僩僌儔儉昞帵

figure;imshow(I);improfile     % 慄暘偵増偭偨僺僋僙儖抣丗2揰傪儅僂僗塃僋儕僢僋偱巜掕偟儕僞乕儞

figure; surf(double(I));shading interp;  % 3師尦昞帵(夞揮壜)丗僣乕儖儊僯儏乕撪偺"3師尦夞揮"

%%   暔懱掕検昡壙偺寢壥傪夋憸忋偵彂崬傒
I1 = insertMarker(I, stats.Centroid, 'star', 'Color','red');
I2 = insertText(I1, stats.Centroid,  cellstr(num2str(areas)), 'BoxOpacity',0, 'FontSize',10);
I3 = insertText(I2, [160, 220], ['# of coins: ' num2str(size(stats, 1))], 'FontSize',16);
figure; imshow(I3);
hold on;
visboundaries(Ibwc, 'Color','g');
hold off;

%% 廔椆

%% 僄僢僕専弌
I = imread([matlabroot '\toolbox\coder\codegendemos\coderdemo_edge_detection\hello.jpg']);
G = rgb2gray(I);
Gcanny = edge(G,'canny',0.18);        % 僄僢僕専弌丗僉儍僯乕朄

%% 墌偺専弌
RGB = imread('tape.png');        % 僙儘僥乕僾偺夋憸
[center, radius] = imfindcircles(RGB,[60 100],'Sensitivity',0.9)  %墌偺専弌
viscircles(center,radius);      % 墌偺昞帵
hold on; plot(center(:,1),center(:,2),'yx','LineWidth',4); hold off;

%% 暯嬒壔僼傿儖僞乕張棟
Fave=fspecial('average');           % 僼傿儖僞乕學悢惗惉
Iave=imfilter(I, Fave);             % 僼傿儖僞乕張棟
I=[I Iave];                         % 塃墶偵暿偺夋憸傪奼挘
figure; imshow(I);                  % 昞帵

%% 慛柧壔張棟
Ish=imsharpen(Iave, 'Amount', 3);        % 僼傿儖僞乕張棟丄嫮搙
figure; imshowpair(Iave, Ish, 'montage'); % 墶暲傃壜帇壔

fspecial('average', 5)
edit fspecial      % fspecial娭悢偺幚憰昞帵 or 娭悢慖傫偱F4
doc                % 廩幚偟偨僪僉儏儊儞僩
%% 廔椆

%% [嶲峫]
% 鑷抣傪帺摦揑偵媮傔傞娭悢
Th = graythresh(I)              % 戝捗朄傪巊偄偰夋憸偺擇抣壔梡鑷抣傪媮傔傞
Ibw = im2bw(I, Th);             % 媮傔偨鑷抣傪梡偄偰夋憸偺擇抣壔
figure; imshow(Ibw);            % 夋憸偺昞帵

doc                             % 僪僉儏儊儞僩傪奐偔
edit imfill                     % M尵岅偱彂偐傟偰偄傞娭悢傕懡偄偺偱幚憰傪屼妋擣偄偨偩偗傑偡
edit bwareaopen

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