www.gusucode.com > 机器人工具箱 - robot源码程序 > robot\demos\rtandemo.m

    %RTANDEMO Animation demo

echo on
% The trajectory demonstration has shown how a joint coordinate trajectory
% may be generated
    t = [0:.056:2]'; 	% generate a time vector
    q = jtraj(qz, qr, t); % generate joint coordinate trajectory
% the overloaded function plot() animates a stick figure robot moving 
% along a trajectory.

    plot(p560, q);
% The drawn line segments do not necessarily correspond to robot links, but 
% join the origins of sequential link coordinate frames.
% A small right-angle coordinate frame is drawn on the end of the robot to show
% the wrist orientation.
% A shadow appears on the ground which helps to give some better idea of the
% 3D object.

pause % any key to continue
% We can also place additional robots into a figure.
% Let's make a clone of the Puma robot, but change its name and base location

    p560_2 = p560;
    p560_2.name = 'another Puma';
    p560_2.base = transl(-0.5, 0.5, 0);
    hold on
    plot(p560_2, q);
pause % any key to continue

% We can also have multiple views of the same robot
    plot(p560, qr);
    plot(p560, qr);
    plot(p560, q)
pause % any key to continue
% Sometimes it's useful to be able to manually drive the robot around to
% get an understanding of how it works.

% use the sliders to control the robot (in fact both views).  Hit the red quit
% button when you are done.
echo off