www.gusucode.com > 机器人工具箱 - robot源码程序 > robot\demos\rtfddemo.m

    %RTFDDEMO Forward dynamics demo

% Copyright (C) 1993-2002, by Peter I. Corke

% $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
% Revision 1.4  2002-04-02 12:26:48  pic
% Handle figures better, control echo at end of each script.
% Fix bug in calling ctraj.
% Revision 1.3  2002/04/01 11:47:17  pic
% General cleanup of code: help comments, see also, copyright, remnant dh/dyn
% references, clarification of functions.
% $Revision: 1.1 $
echo on
% Forward dynamics is the computation of joint accelerations given position and
% velocity state, and actuator torques.  It is useful in simulation of a robot
% control system.
% Consider a Puma 560 at rest in the zero angle pose, with zero applied joint 
% torques. The joint acceleration would be given by
    accel(p560, qz, zeros(1,6), zeros(1,6))
pause % any key to continue
% To be useful for simulation this function must be integrated.  fdyn() uses the
% MATLAB function ode45() to integrate the joint acceleration.  It also allows 
% for a user written function to compute the joint torque as a function of 
% manipulator state.
% To simulate the motion of the Puma 560 from rest in the zero angle pose 
% with zero applied joint torques
    [t q qd] = fdyn(nofriction(p560), 0, 10);
% and the resulting motion can be plotted versus time
    xlabel('Time (s)');
    ylabel('Joint 1 (rad)')
    xlabel('Time (s)');
    ylabel('Joint 2 (rad)')
    xlabel('Time (s)');
    ylabel('Joint 3 (rad)')
% Clearly the robot is collapsing under gravity, but it is interesting to 
% note that rotational velocity of the upper and lower arm are exerting 
% centripetal and Coriolis torques on the waist joint, causing it to rotate.

pause % hit any key to continue
% This can be shown in animation also
    plot(p560, q)
pause % hit any key to continue
echo off