www.gusucode.com > 机器人工具箱 - robot源码程序 > robot\demos\rtfkdemo.m

    %RTFKDEMO Forward kinematics demo

% Copyright (C) 1993-2002, by Peter I. Corke

% $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
% Revision 1.3  2002-04-02 12:26:48  pic
% Handle figures better, control echo at end of each script.
% Fix bug in calling ctraj.
% Revision 1.2  2002/04/01 11:47:17  pic
% General cleanup of code: help comments, see also, copyright, remnant dh/dyn
% references, clarification of functions.
% $Revision: 1.1 $
    echo on
% Forward kinematics is the problem of solving the Cartesian position and 
% orientation of a mechanism given knowledge of the kinematic structure and 
% the joint coordinates.
% Consider the Puma 560 example again, and the joint coordinates of zero,
% which are defined by qz
% The forward kinematics may be computed using fkine() with an appropropriate 
% kinematic description, in this case, the matrix p560 which defines 
% kinematics for the 6-axis Puma 560.
    fkine(p560, qz)
% returns the homogeneous transform corresponding to the last link of the 
% manipulator
pause % any key to continue
% fkine() can also be used with a time sequence of joint coordinates, or 
% trajectory, which is generated by jtraj()
    t = [0:.056:2]; 	% generate a time vector
    q = jtraj(qz, qr, t); % compute the joint coordinate trajectory
% then the homogeneous transform for each set of joint coordinates is given by
    T = fkine(p560, q);

% where T is a 3-dimensional matrix, the first two dimensions are a 4x4 
% homogeneous transformation and the third dimension is time.
% For example, the first point is
% and the tenth point is
pause % any key to continue
% Elements (1:3,4) correspond to the X, Y and Z coordinates respectively, and 
% may be plotted against time
    plot(t, squeeze(T(1,4,:)))
    xlabel('Time (s)');
    ylabel('X (m)')
    plot(t, squeeze(T(2,4,:)))
    xlabel('Time (s)');
    ylabel('Y (m)')
    plot(t, squeeze(T(3,4,:)))
    xlabel('Time (s)');
    ylabel('Z (m)')
pause % any key to continue
% or we could plot X against Z to get some idea of the Cartesian path followed
% by the manipulator.
    plot(squeeze(T(1,4,:)), squeeze(T(3,4,:)));
    xlabel('X (m)')
    ylabel('Z (m)')
pause % any key to continue
echo off