www.gusucode.com > MATLAB3D画图工具箱 > graph3d\surfnorm.m

    function [nxout,nyout,nzout] = surfnorm(varargin)
%SURFNORM Surface normals.
%   [Nx,Ny,Nz] = SURFNORM(X,Y,Z) returns the components of the 3-D 
%   surface normal for the surface with components (X,Y,Z).  The 
%   normal is normalized to length 1.
%   [Nx,Ny,Nz] = SURFNORM(Z) returns the surface normal components
%   for the surface Z.
%   Without lefthand arguments, SURFNORM(X,Y,Z) or SURFNORM(Z) 
%   plots the surface with the normals emanating from it.
%   SURFNORM(AX,...) plots into AX instead of GCA.
%   SURFNORM(...,'PropertyName',PropertyValue,...) can be used to set
%   the value of the specified surface property.  Multiple property
%   values can be set with a single statement.
%   The surface normals returned are based on a bicubic fit of
%   the data.  Use SURFNORM(X',Y',Z') to reverse the direction
%   of the normals.

%   Clay M. Thompson  1-15-91
%   Revised 8-5-91, 9-17-91 by cmt.
%   Copyright 1984-2007 The MathWorks, Inc.
%   $Revision: $  $Date: 2007/12/14 14:52:26 $

[cax,args,nargs] = axescheck(varargin{:});
[reg, prop]=parseparams(args);

if rem(length(prop),2)~=0,
   error('MATLAB:surfnorm:PropertyValuePairsExpected', 'Property value pairs expected.')

if nargs==1,
   z = x;
   [m,n] = size(z);
   [x,y] = meshgrid(1:n,1:m);
elseif nargs==2,
   error('MATLAB:surfnorm:InvalidMatrixInput', 'Wrong number of matrix input arguments.');
elseif nargs==3,

[m,n] = size(x);
if ~isequal(size(y),[m,n])
    error('MATLAB:surfnorm:InvalidInput', 'Y and Z must be the same size as X.'); 
if ~isequal(size(z),[m,n])
    error('MATLAB:surfnorm:IncorrectInput', 'Y and Z must be the same size as X.'); 
if any([m n]<3), error('MATLAB:surfnorm:InvalidZValue','Z must be at least 3-by-3.'); end

stencil1 = [1 0 -1]/2;
stencil2 =  [-1;0;1]/2;

if nargout==0, % If plotting, then scale to match plot aspect ratio.
   % Determine plot scaling factors for a cube-like plot domain.
   if isempty(cax)
       cax = gca;
   next = lower(get(cax,'NextPlot'));
   hold_state =  ishold(cax);
   a = [get(cax,'xlim') get(cax,'ylim') get(cax,'zlim')];
   Sx = a(2)-a(1);
   Sy = a(4)-a(3);
   Sz = a(6)-a(5);
   scale = max([Sx,Sy,Sz]);
   Sx = Sx/scale; Sy = Sy/scale; Sz = Sz/scale;
   % Scale surface
   xx = x/Sx; yy = y/Sy; zz = z/Sz;
   xx = x; yy = y; zz = z;

% Expand x,y,z so interpolation is valid at the boundaries.
xx = [3*xx(1,:)-3*xx(2,:)+xx(3,:);xx;3*xx(m,:)-3*xx(m-1,:)+xx(m-2,:)];
xx = [3*xx(:,1)-3*xx(:,2)+xx(:,3),xx,3*xx(:,n)-3*xx(:,n-1)+xx(:,n-2)];
yy = [3*yy(1,:)-3*yy(2,:)+yy(3,:);yy;3*yy(m,:)-3*yy(m-1,:)+yy(m-2,:)];
yy = [3*yy(:,1)-3*yy(:,2)+yy(:,3),yy,3*yy(:,n)-3*yy(:,n-1)+yy(:,n-2)];
zz = [3*zz(1,:)-3*zz(2,:)+zz(3,:);zz;3*zz(m,:)-3*zz(m-1,:)+zz(m-2,:)];
zz = [3*zz(:,1)-3*zz(:,2)+zz(:,3),zz,3*zz(:,n)-3*zz(:,n-1)+zz(:,n-2)];

rows = 2:m+1; cols = 2:n+1;
ax = filter2(stencil1,xx); ax = ax(rows,cols);
ay = filter2(stencil1,yy); ay = ay(rows,cols);
az = filter2(stencil1,zz); az = az(rows,cols);

bx = filter2(stencil2,xx); bx = bx(rows,cols);
by = filter2(stencil2,yy); by = by(rows,cols);
bz = filter2(stencil2,zz); bz = bz(rows,cols);

% Perform cross product to get normals
nx = -(ay.*bz - az.*by);
ny = -(az.*bx - ax.*bz);
nz = -(ax.*by - ay.*bx);

if nargout==0,
   if ~hold_state, view(cax,3); grid(cax,'on'), end  % Set graphics system for 3-D plot
   % Set the length of the surface normals
   mag = sqrt(nx.*nx+ny.*ny+nz.*nz)*(10/scale);
   d = find(mag==0); mag(d) = eps*ones(size(d));
   nx = nx ./mag;
   ny = ny ./mag;
   nz = nz ./mag;
   % Normal vector points
   xc = x; yc = y; zc = z;
   % use nan trick here
   xp = [xc(:) Sx*nx(:)+xc(:) repmat(nan,[numel(xc) 1])]';
   yp = [yc(:) Sy*ny(:)+yc(:) repmat(nan,[numel(xc) 1])]';
   zp = [zc(:) Sz*nz(:)+zc(:) repmat(nan,[numel(xc) 1])]';
   if ~hold_state, set(cax,'NextPlot',next); end

% Normalize the length of the surface normals to 1.
mag = sqrt(nx.*nx+ny.*ny+nz.*nz);
d = find(mag==0); mag(d) = eps*ones(size(d));
nxout = nx ./mag;
nyout = ny ./mag;
nzout = nz ./mag;