www.gusucode.com > MFeval 工具箱matlab源码程序 > MFeval/doc/examples/fittingExample.m

    %% Load the data
% First load the data into the workspace
% For this example, the data is stored as a Table and has been already
% filtered, cropped and pre-processed.
% The data in this example is already in ISO-W and all channels in SI units
% (N, Nm, m, s, rad, Pa)


%% Fitting process

% Load a TIR file as a starting point for the fitting
InitalParameterSet = mfeval.readTIR('PacejkaBook_Defaults.tir');

% Set nominal parameters of the model (DO NOT CHANGE AFTER)
InitalParameterSet.UNLOADED_RADIUS = 0.26; % Unloaded tire radius
InitalParameterSet.FNOMIN = 1200; % Nominal load
InitalParameterSet.LONGVL = 16.7; % Nominal reference speed
InitalParameterSet.NOMPRES = 85000; % Nominal inflation pressure

% Create the initial parameters for the fitting (seeds)
x0(1)  = InitalParameterSet.PCY1;   %Shape factor Cfy for lateral forces
x0(2)  = InitalParameterSet.PDY1;   %Lateral friction Muy
x0(3)  = InitalParameterSet.PDY2;   %Variation of friction Muy with load
x0(4)  = InitalParameterSet.PDY3;   %Variation of friction Muy with squared camber
x0(5)  = InitalParameterSet.PEY1;   %Lateral curvature Efy at Fznom
x0(6)  = InitalParameterSet.PEY2;   %Variation of curvature Efy with load
x0(7)  = InitalParameterSet.PEY3;   %Zero order camber dependency of curvature Efy
x0(8)  = InitalParameterSet.PEY4;   %Variation of curvature Efy with camber
x0(9)  = InitalParameterSet.PEY5;   %Variation of curvature Efy with camber squared
x0(10) = InitalParameterSet.PKY1;   %Maximum value of stiffness Kfy/Fznom
x0(11) = InitalParameterSet.PKY2;   %Load at which Kfy reaches maximum value
x0(12) = InitalParameterSet.PKY3;   %Variation of Kfy/Fznom with camber
x0(13) = InitalParameterSet.PKY4;   %Curvature of stiffness Kfy
x0(14) = InitalParameterSet.PKY5;   %Peak stiffness variation with camber squared
x0(15) = InitalParameterSet.PKY6;   %Fy camber stiffness factor
x0(16) = InitalParameterSet.PKY7;   %Vertical load dependency of camber stiffness
x0(17) = InitalParameterSet.PHY1;   %Horizontal shift Shy at Fznom
x0(18) = InitalParameterSet.PHY2;   %Variation of shift Shy with load
x0(19) = InitalParameterSet.PVY1;   %Vertical shift in Svy/Fz at Fznom
x0(20) = InitalParameterSet.PVY2;   %Variation of shift Svy/Fz with load
x0(21) = InitalParameterSet.PVY3;   %Variation of shift Svy/Fz with camber
x0(22) = InitalParameterSet.PVY4;   %Variation of shift Svy/Fz with camber and load
x0(23) = InitalParameterSet.PPY1;   %influence of inflation pressure on cornering stiffness
x0(24) = InitalParameterSet.PPY2;   %influence of inflation pressure on dependency of nominal tyre load on cornering stiffness
x0(25) = InitalParameterSet.PPY3;   %linear influence of inflation pressure on lateral peak friction
x0(26) = InitalParameterSet.PPY4;   %quadratic influence of inflation pressure on lateral peak friction
x0(27) = InitalParameterSet.PPY5;   %Influence of inflation pressure on camber stiffness

% Declare the anonymous function (Cost function) for the fitting
% The @ operator creates the handle, and the parentheses () immediately
% after the @ operator include the function input arguments
fun = @(X) costFyPure(X, TyreData, InitalParameterSet);

% Options for the fitting function lsqnonlin
options.TolFun = 1e-08; % Low tolerance to ensure good fitting
options.MaxFunEvals = 9999; % Very high to avoid this stop criteria

% Non-linear least squares fitting formula
% lsqnonlin will try to minimize the output of the cost function (error).
% Go to the cost function "costFyPure" to check how this is performed
X_OPTIM = lsqnonlin(fun,x0,[],[],options);

% Create a copy of the initial parameters and replace the fitted parameters
OptimParameterSet = InitalParameterSet;

OptimParameterSet.PCY1 = X_OPTIM(1);
OptimParameterSet.PDY1 = X_OPTIM(2);
OptimParameterSet.PDY2 = X_OPTIM(3);
OptimParameterSet.PDY3 = X_OPTIM(4);
OptimParameterSet.PEY1 = X_OPTIM(5);
OptimParameterSet.PEY2 = X_OPTIM(6);
OptimParameterSet.PEY3 = X_OPTIM(7);
OptimParameterSet.PEY4 = X_OPTIM(8);
OptimParameterSet.PEY5 = X_OPTIM(9);
OptimParameterSet.PKY1 = X_OPTIM(10);
OptimParameterSet.PKY2 = X_OPTIM(11);
OptimParameterSet.PKY3 = X_OPTIM(12);
OptimParameterSet.PKY4 = X_OPTIM(13);
OptimParameterSet.PKY5 = X_OPTIM(14);
OptimParameterSet.PKY6 = X_OPTIM(15);
OptimParameterSet.PKY7 = X_OPTIM(16);
OptimParameterSet.PHY1 = X_OPTIM(17);
OptimParameterSet.PHY2 = X_OPTIM(18);
OptimParameterSet.PVY1 = X_OPTIM(19);
OptimParameterSet.PVY2 = X_OPTIM(20);
OptimParameterSet.PVY3 = X_OPTIM(21);
OptimParameterSet.PVY4 = X_OPTIM(22);
OptimParameterSet.PPY1 = X_OPTIM(23);
OptimParameterSet.PPY2 = X_OPTIM(24);
OptimParameterSet.PPY3 = X_OPTIM(25);
OptimParameterSet.PPY4 = X_OPTIM(26);
OptimParameterSet.PPY5 = X_OPTIM(27);

%% Plot results

% Filter data to plot specific conditions:
indFz1 = TyreData.Fz > 1000 & TyreData.Fz < 1400;   % 1200 N
indFz2 = TyreData.Fz > 1500 & TyreData.Fz < 1800;   % 1650 N
indFz3 = TyreData.Fz > 650 & TyreData.Fz < 1000;    % 760 N
indIA = TyreData.IA > -0.01 & TyreData.IA < 0.01;   % 0 rad
indP = TyreData.P > 8e4 & TyreData.P < 9e4;         % 83160 Pa
indFz = indFz1 | indFz2 | indFz3;
filt = indFz & indIA & indP;

% Create data inputs to do a data replay with MFeval and check the fitting
% quality
evalFz1 = ones(100,1)*1200;
evalFz2 = ones(100,1)*1650;
evalFz3 = ones(100,1)*760;
evalNull = zeros(100, 1);
evalSA = linspace(-0.23,0.23)';
evalVx = ones(100, 1)*16;
evalP = ones(100,1)*83160;

MFinput1 = [evalFz1 evalNull evalSA evalNull evalNull evalVx evalP];
MFinput2 = [evalFz2 evalNull evalSA evalNull evalNull evalVx evalP];
MFinput3 = [evalFz3 evalNull evalSA evalNull evalNull evalVx evalP];

% Call mfeval with the optimized parameters
MFout1 = mfeval(OptimParameterSet,MFinput1,111);
MFout2 = mfeval(OptimParameterSet,MFinput2,111);
MFout3 = mfeval(OptimParameterSet,MFinput3,111);

% Plot data vs Fitted Model
hold on
plot(TyreData.SA(filt), TyreData.Fy(filt),'o')
plot(MFout1(:,8), MFout1(:,2),'-', 'linewidth', 2)
plot(MFout2(:,8), MFout2(:,2),'-', 'linewidth', 2)
plot(MFout3(:,8), MFout3(:,2),'-', 'linewidth', 2)
grid on
xlabel('Slip Angle [rad]')
ylabel('Lateral Force [N]')
title('PureFy fitting')
legend('Data', 'Model: Fz=1200N', 'Model: Fz=1650N', 'Model: Fz= 760N')

%% Nested functions
function [ error ] = costFyPure(X, Data, ParameterSet)
%COSTFYPURE calls MFeval and calculates the error between the model and the
%input data.
% error = costFyPure(X, Data, ParameterSet)
% X: Is a structure that contains the FyPure parameters that are being
%       fitted. X is changing all the time when lsqnonlin is calling this
%       function.
% Data: Is a Table that contains the Data used to measure the error
%       of the model that is being fitted.
% ParameterSet: Is a structure of MF6.1 parameters. The parameters are used
%       only to call MFeval without errors.
% Example:
% error = costFyPure(Xstructure, TableData, ParameterSet)

% Create the Inputs for MFeval
INPUTS = [Data.Fz Data.SR Data.SA Data.IA Data.Phit Data.Vx Data.P Data.W];

% Select use mode 211. For more info go to the documentation of MFeval
USE_MODE = 211;

% Unpack the parameters that are being fitted and replace them into the
% ParameterSet.
ParameterSet.PCY1	=  X(1)     ;%Shape factor Cfy for lateral forces
ParameterSet.PDY1	=  X(2)     ;%Lateral friction Muy
ParameterSet.PDY2	=  X(3)     ;%Variation of friction Muy with load
ParameterSet.PDY3	=  X(4)  	;%Variation of friction Muy with squared camber
ParameterSet.PEY1	=  X(5)  	;%Lateral curvature Efy at Fznom
ParameterSet.PEY2	=  X(6)   	;%Variation of curvature Efy with load
ParameterSet.PEY3	=  X(7)   	;%Zero order camber dependency of curvature Efy
ParameterSet.PEY4	=  X(8)  	;%Variation of curvature Efy with camber
ParameterSet.PEY5	=  X(9)   	;%Variation of curvature Efy with camber squared
ParameterSet.PKY1	=  X(10)	;%Maximum value of stiffness Kfy/Fznom
ParameterSet.PKY2	=  X(11) 	;%Load at which Kfy reaches maximum value
ParameterSet.PKY3	=  X(12)   	;%Variation of Kfy/Fznom with camber
ParameterSet.PKY4	=  X(13)   	;%Curvature of stiffness Kfy
ParameterSet.PKY5	=  X(14)   	;%Peak stiffness variation with camber squared
ParameterSet.PKY6	=  X(15)   	;%Fy camber stiffness factor
ParameterSet.PKY7	=  X(16)   	;%Vertical load dependency of camber stiffness
ParameterSet.PHY1	=  X(17)  	;%Horizontal shift Shy at Fznom
ParameterSet.PHY2	=  X(18)   	;%Variation of shift Shy with load
ParameterSet.PVY1	=  X(19)  	;%Vertical shift in Svy/Fz at Fznom
ParameterSet.PVY2	=  X(20)   	;%Variation of shift Svy/Fz with load
ParameterSet.PVY3	=  X(21)   	;%Variation of shift Svy/Fz with camber
ParameterSet.PVY4	=  X(22)  	;%Variation of shift Svy/Fz with camber and load
ParameterSet.PPY1	=  X(23)   	;%influence of inflation pressure on cornering stiffness
ParameterSet.PPY2	=  X(24)  	;%influence of inflation pressure on dependency of nominal tyre load on cornering stiffness
ParameterSet.PPY3	=  X(25)   	;%linear influence of inflation pressure on lateral peak friction
ParameterSet.PPY4	=  X(26)   	;%quadratic influence of inflation pressure on lateral peak friction
ParameterSet.PPY5	=  X(27)   	;%Influence of inflation pressure on camber stiffness

% Call MFeval
OUTPUT = mfeval(ParameterSet,INPUTS,USE_MODE);

% Get the Fy from the MF6.1 model
Fy_MFeval = OUTPUT(:,2);

% Calculate error against the data
error = (Data.Fy - Fy_MFeval);