www.gusucode.com > classification_matlab_toolbox分类方法工具箱源码程序 > code/Classification_toolbox/Genetic_Culling.m

    function [features, targets, feature_numbers] = genetic_culling(features, targets, params, region)

% Culling type genetic algorithm for feature selection
%	train_features	- Input features
%	train_targets	- Input targets
%	params  		- Algorithm parameters: [%groups in each chromosome, Output dimension , classifier type, classifier params]
%	region			- Decision region vector: [-x x -y y number_of_points]
%	features		- New features
%	targets			- New targets
%	feature_numbers	- The numbers of the selected features

[Fremove, Ndims, Type, Params] = process_params(params);
Fremove   = 1/Fremove;

Ngenerations = 100;
Nfold        = 5;

if (floor(Ndims/2) ~= Ndims/2),
   error('Classifier output dimensions must be even.')

disp(['Using ' num2str(Ndims) ' dimensions per classifier'])
disp(['Fraction removed at each iteration is: 1/' num2str(Fremove)])

[Dims, Nf]  = size(features);

%Permute the examples
in          = randperm(Nf);
features    = features(:,in);
targets     = targets(in);

Ngroups     = floor(Dims/Ndims);
Nremove     = floor(Ngroups/Fremove);     %How many groups to remove at each iteration
L           = Ngroups * Ndims;
Pcorrect    = 0;

Lf          = floor(Nf/Nfold)*Nfold;
Fin         = reshape([1:Lf], Lf/Nfold, Nfold)';
train_indices= zeros(Nfold,Lf/Nfold*(Nfold-1));
test_indices= zeros(Nfold,Lf/Nfold);

for i=1:Nfold,
    train_indices(i,:)  = reshape(Fin([1:i-1,i+1:Nfold],:),1,Lf*(Nfold-1)/Nfold);    
    test_indices(i,:) = Fin(i,:);

%Make the initial, random, partition
indices     = reshape(randperm(L), Ndims, Ngroups);
correct     = inf*ones(Nfold, Ngroups);

%Start iterating
for i = 1:Ngenerations,
    disp(['Iteration ' num2str(i) ': Best classifier so far has ' num2str(Pcorrect*100) '%.']);
    %First, get Nfold cross validation of error (only for those groups that changed)
    for j = 1:Ngroups,
        if (~isfinite(correct(1,j))),
            for k = 1:Nfold,
                %If more than two features are to be selected, these 5 lines of code have to be modified
                region1 = max(abs(squeeze(features(indices(:,j),train_indices(k,:)))'));
                region  = [-region1 region1 100];
                D       = feval(Type, squeeze(features(indices(:,j),train_indices(k,:))), targets(train_indices(k,:)), Params, region);
                scores  = calculate_error (D, squeeze(features(indices(:,j),test_indices(k,:))), targets(test_indices(k,:)), [], [], region, length(unique(targets(test_indices(k,:)))));
    	        correct(k,j) = scores(3);
    %Find which Nremove groups had the worse performance, and which Nremove*2 had the best ones
    [m, in]     = sort(mean(correct));
    in_remove   = in(1:Nremove);
    in_temp		 = in(Nremove+1:Ngroups);
    in_temp		 = in_temp(randperm(length(in_temp)));
    %If there are not enough groups to choose from, add some using a random draw
    in_temp = ones(ceil(Nremove*2/length(in_temp)),1) * in_temp;
    in_temp	= in_temp(:);
    in_temp	= in_temp(randperm(length(in_temp)));
    in_best = in_temp(1:Nremove*2);

    if (max(m) > Pcorrect),
        best = indices(:,in(Ngroups));
        Pcorrect = max(m);

    %Permute the best groups, and put them in place of the worse ones
    for j = 1:Nremove,
        g1  = in_best(j*2-1);
        g2  = in_best(j*2);
        gt  = in_remove(j);
        i1(randperm(Ndims))  = indices(:,g1);
        i2(randperm(Ndims))  = indices(:,g2);
        indices(1:Ndims/2,gt) = i1(1:Ndims/2)';
        indices(Ndims/2+1:Ndims,gt) = i2(1:Ndims/2)';
    correct(:, in_remove) = inf.*ones(Nfold, Nremove);

%Assign the best feature group to the output
features        = features(best,:);
feature_numbers = best;

disp(['The best features are: ' num2str(best')])