www.gusucode.com > GUI的布局工具箱 > GUI的布局工具箱/GUI的布局工具箱/GUILayout-v1p10/layoutHelp/Examples/demoBrowser.m

    function demoBrowser()
%demoBrowser: an example of using layouts to build a user interface
%   demoBrowser() opens a simple GUI that allows several of MATLAB's
%   built-in demos to be viewed. It aims to demonstrate how multiple
%   layouts can be used to create a good-looking user interface that
%   retains the correct proportions when resized. It also shows how to
%   hook-up callbacks to interpret user interaction.
%   See also: <a href="matlab:doc Layouts">Layouts</a>

%   Copyright 2010 The MathWorks, Inc.
%   $Revision: 1$
%   $Date: 2010-05-18$

% Data is shared between all child functions by declaring the variables
% here (they become global to the function). We keep things tidy by putting
% all GUI stuff in one structure and all data stuff in another. As the app
% grows, we might consider making these objects rather than structures.
data = createData();
gui = createInterface( data.DemoNames );

% Now update the GUI with the current data

% Explicitly call the demo display so that it gets included if we deploy

    function data = createData()
        % Create the shared data-structure for this application
        demoList = {
            'Complex surface'            'cplxdemo'
            'Cruller'                    'cruller'
            'Earth'                      'earthmap'
            'Four linked tori'           'tori4'
            'Klein bottle'               'xpklein'
            'Klein bottle (1)'           'klein1'
            'Knot'                       'knot'
            'Logo'                       'logo'
            'Spherical Surface Harmonic' 'spharm2'
            'Werner Boy''s Surface'      'wernerboy'
        selectedDemo = 8;
        data = struct( ...
            'DemoNames', {demoList(:,1)'}, ...
            'DemoFunctions', {demoList(:,2)'}, ...
            'SelectedDemo', selectedDemo );
    end % createData

    function gui = createInterface( demoList )
        % Create the user interface for the application and return a
        % structure of handles for global use.
        gui = struct();
        % Open a window and add some menus
        gui.Window = figure( ...
            'Name', 'Gallery browser', ...
            'NumberTitle', 'off', ...
            'MenuBar', 'none', ...
            'Toolbar', 'none', ...
            'HandleVisibility', 'off' );
        % Set default panel color
        uiextras.set( gui.Window, 'DefaultBoxPanelTitleColor', [0.7 1.0 0.7] );
        % + File menu
        gui.FileMenu = uimenu( gui.Window, 'Label', 'File' );
        uimenu( gui.FileMenu, 'Label', 'Exit', 'Callback', @onExit );
        % + View menu
        gui.ViewMenu = uimenu( gui.Window, 'Label', 'View' );
        for ii=1:numel( demoList )
            uimenu( gui.ViewMenu, 'Label', demoList{ii}, 'Callback', @onMenuSelection );
        % + Help menu
        helpMenu = uimenu( gui.Window, 'Label', 'Help' );
        uimenu( helpMenu, 'Label', 'Documentation', 'Callback', @onHelp );
        % Arrange the main interface
        mainLayout = uiextras.HBoxFlex( 'Parent', gui.Window, 'Spacing', 3 );
        % + Create the panels
        controlPanel = uiextras.BoxPanel( ...
            'Parent', mainLayout, ...
            'Title', 'Select a demo:' );
        gui.ViewPanel = uiextras.BoxPanel( ...
            'Parent', mainLayout, ...
            'Title', 'Viewing: ???', ...
            'HelpFcn', @onDemoHelp );

        % + Adjust the main layout
        set( mainLayout, 'Sizes', [-1,-2]  );
        % + Create the controls
        controlLayout = uiextras.VBox( 'Parent', controlPanel, ...
            'Padding', 3, 'Spacing', 3 );
        gui.ListBox = uicontrol( 'Style', 'list', ...
            'BackgroundColor', 'w', ...
            'Parent', controlLayout, ...
            'String', demoList(:), ...
            'Value', 1, ...
            'Callback', @onListSelection);
        gui.HelpButton = uicontrol( 'Style', 'PushButton', ...
            'Parent', controlLayout, ...
            'String', 'Help for <demo>', ...
            'Callback', @onDemoHelp );
        set( controlLayout, 'Sizes', [-1 28] ); % Make the list fill the space
        % + Create the view
        p = gui.ViewPanel;
        gui.ViewAxes = axes( 'Parent', p );
    end % createInterface

    function updateInterface()
        % Update various parts of the interface in response to the demo
        % being changed.
        % Update the list and menu to show the current demo
        set( gui.ListBox, 'Value', data.SelectedDemo );
        % Update the help button label
        demoName = data.DemoNames{ data.SelectedDemo };
        set( gui.HelpButton, 'String', ['Help for ',demoName] );
        % Update the view panel title
        set( gui.ViewPanel, 'Title', sprintf( 'Viewing: %s', demoName ) );
        % Untick all menus
        menus = get( gui.ViewMenu, 'Children' );
        set( menus, 'Checked', 'off' );
        % Use the name to work out which menu item should be ticked
        whichMenu = strcmpi( demoName, get( menus, 'Label' ) );
        set( menus(whichMenu), 'Checked', 'on' );
    end % updateInterface

    function redrawDemo()
        % Draw a demo into the axes provided
        % We first clear the existing axes ready to build a new one
        if ishandle( gui.ViewAxes )
            delete( gui.ViewAxes );
        % Some demos create their own figure. Others don't.
        fcnName = data.DemoFunctions{data.SelectedDemo};
        switch upper( fcnName )
            case 'LOGO'
                % These demos open their own windows
                evalin( 'base', fcnName );
                gui.ViewAxes = gca();
                fig = gcf();
                set( fig, 'Visible', 'off' );
                % These demos need a window opening
                fig = figure( 'Visible', 'off' );
                evalin( 'base', fcnName );
                gui.ViewAxes = gca();
        % Now copy the axes from the demo into our window and restore its
        % state.
        cmap = colormap( gui.ViewAxes );
        set( gui.ViewAxes, 'Parent', double(gui.ViewPanel) );
        colormap( gui.ViewAxes, cmap );
        rotate3d( gui.ViewAxes, 'on' );
        % Get rid of the demo figure
        close( fig );
    end % redrawDemo

    function onListSelection( src, ~ )
        % User selected a demo from the list - update "data" and refresh
        data.SelectedDemo = get( src, 'Value' );
    end % onListSelection

    function onMenuSelection( src, ~ )
        % User selected a demo from the menu - work out which one
        demoName = get( src, 'Label' );
        data.SelectedDemo = find( strcmpi( demoName, data.DemoNames ), 1, 'first' );
    end % onMenuSelection

    function onHelp( ~, ~ )
        % User has asked for the documentation
        doc layout
    end % onHelp

    function onDemoHelp( ~, ~ )
        % User wnats documentation for the current demo
        showdemo( data.DemoFunctions{data.SelectedDemo} );
    end % onDemoHelp

    function onExit( ~, ~ )
        % User wants to quit out of the application
        delete( gui.Window );
    end % onExit

end % EOF