www.gusucode.com > 模糊控制工具箱 fuzzy logic toolbox源码程序 > fuzzy/fuzdemos/noisedm.m

    %% Adaptive Noise Cancellation
% This is a demonstration of adaptive nonlinear noise cancellation using
% the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox functions ANFIS and GENFIS1.
% Copyright 1994-2005 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: $

%% Signal & Noise
% Defined below is a hypothetical information signal x sampled
% at 100Hz over 6 seconds.

time = (0:0.01:6)';
x = sin(40./(time+0.01));
plot(time, x)
title('Information Signal x')

% Unfortunately, the information signal x cannot be measured
% without an interference signal n2, which is generated from
% another noise source n1 via a certain unknown nonlinear
% process.
% The plot below shows the noise source n1.

n1 = randn(size(time));
plot(time, n1)
title('Noise Source n1')

% The interference signal n2 that appears in the measured
% signal is assumed to be generated via an unknown nonlinear
% equation:
%  n2(k) = 4*sin(n1(k))*n1(k-1)/(1+n1(k-1)^2)
% This nonlinear characteristic is shown as a surface in the
% window.

domain = linspace(min(n1), max(n1), 20);
[xx, yy] = meshgrid(domain, domain);
zz = 4*sin(xx).*yy./(1+yy.^2);

surf(xx, yy, zz);
title('Unknown Channel Characteristics That Generate Interference');

% The noise source n1 and interference n2 are shown together.
% Note that n2 is related to n1 via the highly nonlinear process
% shown previously; it is hard to see if these two signals are
% correlated in any way.

n1d0 = n1;                            % n1 delay 0
n1d1 = [0; n1d0(1:length(n1d0)-1)];   % n1 delay 1
n2 = 4*sin(n1d0).*n1d1./(1+n1d1.^2);  % interference

plot(time, n1);
ylabel('noise n1');
plot(time, n2);
ylabel('interference n2');

% The measured signal m is the sum of the original information
% signal x and the interference n2. However, we do not  know
% n2. The only signals available to us are the noise signal n1
% and the measured signal m, and our task is to recover the
% original information signal x. In the demo window is the
% measured signal m that combines x and n2.

m = x + n2;             % measured signal
plot(time, m)
title('Measured Signal')

%% Building the ANFIS model
% We will use the function ANFIS to identify the nonlinear
% relationship between n1 and n2. Though n2 is not directly
% available, we can take m as a "contaminated" version of n2
% for training.  Thus x is treated as "noise" in this kind of
% nonlinear fitting.
% Here we assume the order of the nonlinear channel is known
% (in this case, 2), so we can use 2-input ANFIS for training.
% We assign two membership functions to each input, so the
% total number of fuzzy rules for learning is 4. Also we set the
% step size equal to 0.2. You should be able to see all the
% training information in the MATLAB command window.

delayed_n1 = [0; n1(1:length(n1)-1)];
trn_data = [delayed_n1 n1 m];

% Generating the initial FIS
mf_n = 2;
ss = 0.2;
in_fismat=genfis1(trn_data, mf_n);
% Using ANFIS to finetune the initial FIS
out_fismat = anfis(trn_data, in_fismat, [nan nan ss]);
% Testing the tuned model with training data
estimated_n2 = evalfis(trn_data(:, 1:2), out_fismat);
estimated_x = m - estimated_n2;

% After training, the estimated n2 is calculated using the
% command EVALFIS. The original n2 and estimated n2
% (output of ANFIS) are shown above. (Note that n2 is unknown.)

plot(time, n2)
ylabel('n2 (unknown)'); 

plot(time, estimated_n2)

% The estimated information signal x is equal to the difference
% between the measured signal m and the estimated
% interference (that is, ANFIS output).
% The original information signal x and the estimated x by
% ANFIS are plotted. Without extensive training, the ANFIS
% can already do a fairly good job.

plot(time, x)
ylabel('x (unknown) '); 
plot(time, estimated_x)