www.gusucode.com > Matlab动力系统和时间序列分析工具箱 > Matlab动力系统和时间序列分析工具箱/lab432/toolbox/time_frec_distribution.m

    function varargout = time_frec_distribution(varargin)
% time_frec_distribution creates time-frecuency distribution of time series
% [tfd,t,f]=time_frec_distribution(x,giu_mode,method,param);
% Parameters:
% x - data vector or structure with fields
%    .data - data vector
%    .time - time vector
% gui_mode - 'gui' or 'silent' (no gui)
% method - 
%  1 - Born-Jordan distribution 
%  2 - Binomial distribution 
%  3 - quasi-Wigner distribution 
%  4 - Levin distribution
%  5 - Rihaczek distribution
%  6 - Page distribution 
%  7 - Margenau-Hill distribution 
%  8 - Spectrogram 
%  9 - Short-time Fourier Transform 
% For methods 1-3 param is a length of rectangular lag window on the autocorr. function (even)
% For methods 4-7 no parameters required
% For methods 8-9 param is a duration of gaussian window (odd)
% Based on DiscreteTFD
% Jeffrey O'Neill <jeffo@bu.edu>
% 8 St. Mary's Street
% Boston, MA 02135

% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 22-Oct-2004 17:03:50
% last modified 8.01.04

% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
gui_Singleton = 1;
gui_State = struct('gui_Name',       mfilename, ...
                   'gui_Singleton',  gui_Singleton, ...
                   'gui_OpeningFcn', @time_frec_distribution_OpeningFcn, ...
                   'gui_OutputFcn',  @time_frec_distribution_OutputFcn, ...
                   'gui_LayoutFcn',  [] , ...
                   'gui_Callback',   []);
if nargin && ischar(varargin{1})
    gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});

if nargout
    [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT

% --- Executes just before time_frec_distribution is made visible.
function time_frec_distribution_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)
% This function has no output args, see OutputFcn.
% hObject    handle to figure
% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% varargin   command line arguments to time_frec_distribution (see VARARGIN)

% Choose default command line output for time_frec_distribution
global tfdDATA

handles.output = hObject;
guidata(hObject, handles);

set(hObject,'name','Time-frequency distribution ');
set([handles.t_fsw handles.e_l_fsw],'visible','off');
if isempty(varargin)
    error('Not enought input parameters');
if isa(varargin{1},'struct')

if rem(length(tfdDATA.data.data),2)==0

if length(varargin)>1
    if strcmp(varargin{2},'gui')|strcmp(varargin{2},'silent')
        warning('Wrong value of ''gui_mode'' parameter. ''gui_mode'' set to ''gui''');

if length(varargin)>2
if length(varargin)>=3
	switch varargin{3} % method
    case {1,2,3}
        set([handles.t_fsw handles.e_l_fsw],'visible','off');
        set([handles.t_tsw handles.t_l_tsw handles.e_l_tsw ],'visible','on');
		if length(varargin)>3
    case {4,5,6,7} 
        set([handles.t_fsw handles.e_l_fsw],'visible','off');
        set([handles.t_tsw handles.t_l_tsw handles.e_l_tsw ],'visible','off');
    case {8,9} 
        set([handles.t_fsw handles.e_l_fsw],'visible','on');
        set([handles.t_tsw handles.t_l_tsw handles.e_l_tsw ],'visible','off');
		if length(varargin)>3

% UIWAIT makes time_frec_distribution wait for user response (see UIRESUME)
% uiwait(handles.figure1);

% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line.
function varargout = time_frec_distribution_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% varargout  cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT);
% hObject    handle to figure
% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)

% Get default command line output from handles structure
global tfdDATA tfdOUT

if tfdDATA.autocalc
    compute_Callback(handles.compute, [], handles);
    varargout{1} =tfdOUT.tfd;
    varargout{2} =tfdOUT.t;
    varargout{3} =tfdOUT.f;
    if strcmp(tfdDATA.gui_mode,'silent')
        varargout{1} =tfdOUT.tfd;
        varargout{2} =tfdOUT.t;
        varargout{3} =tfdOUT.f;

% --- Executes on button press in cancel.
function cancel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject    handle to cancel (see GCBO)
% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)

% --- Executes on button press in compute.
function compute_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject    handle to compute (see GCBO)
% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
global tfdDATA tfdOUT


if max(Dt-mean(Dt))>1e-10
    warndlg('Time instants is not equally spaced. Frequency scale is wrong.','Warning');

switch I
    case 1
		[tfd, t, f] = born_jordan2(tfdDATA.data.data, fs, nfreq, wlen);
    case 2
		[tfd, t, f] = binomial2(tfdDATA.data.data, fs, nfreq, wlen);
    case 3
		[tfd, t, f] = qwigner2(tfdDATA.data.data, fs, nfreq, wlen);
    case 4
		[tfd, t, f] = levin2(tfdDATA.data.data, fs, nfreq);
    case 5
		[tfd, t, f] = rihaczek2(tfdDATA.data.data, fs, nfreq);
    case 6
		[tfd, t, f] = page2(tfdDATA.data.data, fs, nfreq);
    case 7
		[tfd, t, f] = margenau_hill2(tfdDATA.data.data, fs, nfreq);
    case 8
        [tfd,t,f] = spec2(tfdDATA.data.data,fs,nfreq,1,w,'short');
    case 9
        [tfd,t,f] = stft2(tfdDATA.data.data,fs,nfreq,1,w,'short');
if strcmp(tfdDATA.gui_mode, 'gui')
	if get(handles.las,'Value')
        ptfd(tfd, t, f, 8);
		ptfddb(tfd, 25,t, f, 8)

% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.
function e_l_fsw_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject    handle to e_l_fsw (see GCBO)
% handles    empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called

% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.
%       See ISPC and COMPUTER.

if ispc

function e_l_fsw_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject    handle to e_l_fsw (see GCBO)
% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)

% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of e_l_fsw as text
%        str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of e_l_fsw as a double

% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.
function e_l_tsw_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject    handle to e_l_tsw (see GCBO)
% handles    empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called

% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.
%       See ISPC and COMPUTER.
% global tfdDATA

if ispc

function e_l_tsw_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject    handle to e_l_tsw (see GCBO)
% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)

% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of e_l_tsw as text
%        str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of e_l_tsw as a double

% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.
function method_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject    handle to method (see GCBO)
% handles    empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called

% Hint: popupmenu controls usually have a white background on Windows.
%       See ISPC and COMPUTER.
if ispc
str='Born-Jordan distribution'; % 1
str=[str '|Binomial distribution']; % 2
str=[str '|quasi-Wigner distribution']; % 3
str=[str '|Levin distribution']; % 4
str=[str '|Rihaczek distribution']; % 5
str=[str '|Page distribution']; % 6
str=[str '|Margenau-Hill distribution']; % 7
str=[str '|Spectrogram']; % 8
str=[str '|Short-time Fourier Transform']; % 9


% --- Executes on selection change in method.
function method_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject    handle to method (see GCBO)
% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)

% Hints: contents = get(hObject,'String') returns method contents as cell array
%        contents{get(hObject,'Value')} returns selected item from method
switch I
    case {1,2,3}
        set([handles.t_fsw handles.e_l_fsw],'visible','off');
        set([handles.t_tsw handles.t_l_tsw handles.e_l_tsw ],'visible','on');
    case {4,5,6,7} 
        set([handles.t_fsw handles.e_l_fsw],'visible','off');
        set([handles.t_tsw handles.t_l_tsw handles.e_l_tsw ],'visible','off');
    case {8,9} 
        set([handles.t_fsw handles.e_l_fsw],'visible','on');
        set([handles.t_tsw handles.t_l_tsw handles.e_l_tsw ],'visible','off');

% --- Executes on button press in das.
function das_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject    handle to das (see GCBO)
% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)

% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of das

% --- Executes on button press in las.
function las_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject    handle to las (see GCBO)
% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)

% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of las

%%% DiscreteTFD's functions (Type2,(3): discrete and aperiodic; continuous and periodic) %%% 

% Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999  Jeffrey C. O'Neill
% Copyright (C) 1998, 1999  Boston University
% Copyright (C) 1997, 1998  L'Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
% Copyright (C) 1997  The Regents of the University of Michigan
% All Rights Reserved
% Jeffrey O'Neill <jeffo@bu.edu>
% 8 St. Mary's Street
% Boston, MA 02135
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
% of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
function [tfd, t, f] = binomial2(x, fs, nfreq, wlen)
% binomial2 -- Compute samples of the type II binomial distribution.
%  Usage
%    [tfd, t, f] = binomial2(x, fs, nfreq, wlen)
%  Inputs
%    x     signal vector
%    fs    sampling frequency of x (optional, default is 1 sample/second)
%    nfreq number of samples to compute in frequency (optional, default
%          is twice the length of x)
%    wlen  length of the rectangular lag window on the auto-correlation
%          function, must be less than or equal to nfreq (optional, default
%          is twice the length of x)
%  Outputs
%    tfd  matrix containing the binomial distribution of signal x.  If x has
%         length N, then tfd will be nfreq by N. (optional)
%    t    vector of sampling times (optional)
%    f    vector of frequency values (optional)

% Copyright (C) -- see DiscreteTFDs/Copyright

% specify defaults
x = x(:);
N = length(x);

error(nargchk(1, 4, nargin));
if (nargin < 4) 
  wlen = 2*N;
if (nargin < 3)
  nfreq = 2*N;
if (nargin < 2)
  fs = 1;

if (nfreq < wlen)
  error('rectangular lag window must be less than or equal to data length!');
if (wlen > N)
  error('rectangular lag window must be less than or equal to the length of the signal!');
w = wlen/2;

% make the binomial kernel
ker = zeros(w);
ker(1,1) = 1;
for tau = 2:w,
  temp = ker(tau-1,1:tau-1);
  ker(tau,1:tau) = ([0 temp] + [temp 0])/2;

% Do the computations.

% make the acf for positive tau
acf = lacf2(x, w);

% convolve with the kernel
acf2 = fft(acf.');
ker = [ker zeros(w,N-w)];
ker2 = fft(ker.');
gacf = ifft(acf2.*ker2);
gacf = gacf.';

% make the gacf for negative lags
gacf = [gacf ; zeros(nfreq-wlen+1,N) ; conj(flipud(gacf(2:w,:)))];

%compute the tfd
tfd = real(fft(gacf));
tfd = tfdshift(tfd)/nfreq;

t = 1/fs * (0:N-1);
f = -fs/2:fs/nfreq:fs/2;
f = f(1:nfreq);

function [tfd, t, f] = born_jordan2(x, fs, nfreq, wlen)
% born_jordan2 -- Compute samples of the type II Born_Jordan distribution.
%  Usage
%    [tfd, t, f] = born_jordan2(x, fs, nfreq, wlen)
%  Inputs
%    x     signal vector
%    fs    sampling frequency of x (optional, default is 1 sample/second)
%    nfreq number of samples to compute in frequency (optional, default
%          is twice the length of x)
%    wlen  length of the rectangular lag window on the auto-correlation
%          function, must be less than or equal to nfreq (optional, default
%          is twice the length of x)
%  Outputs
%    tfd  matrix containing the Born_Jordan distribution of signal x.  If x has
%         length N, then tfd will be nfreq by N. (optional)
%    t    vector of sampling times (optional)
%    f    vector of frequency values (optional)

% Copyright (C) -- see DiscreeTFDs/Copyright

% specify defaults
x = x(:);
N = length(x);

error(nargchk(1, 4, nargin));
if (nargin < 4) 
  wlen = 2*N;
if (nargin < 3)
  nfreq = 2*N;
if (nargin < 2)
  fs = 1;

if (nfreq < wlen)
  error('rectangular lag window must be less than or equal to data length!');
if (wlen > N)
  error('rectangular lag window must be less than or equal to the length of the signal!');
w = wlen/2;

% make the born jordan kernel
ker = zeros(w);
for tau = 1:w,
  ker(tau,1:tau) = ones(1,tau)/tau;

% Do the computations.

% make the acf for positive tau
acf = lacf2(x, w);

% convolve with the kernel
acf2 = fft(acf.');
ker = [ker zeros(w,N-w)];
ker2 = fft(ker.');
gacf = ifft(acf2.*ker2);
gacf = gacf.';

% make the gacf for negative lags
gacf = [gacf ; zeros(nfreq-wlen+1,N) ; conj(flipud(gacf(2:w,:)))];

%compute the tfd
tfd = real(fft(gacf));
tfd = tfdshift(tfd)/nfreq;

t = 1/fs * (0:N-1);
f = -fs/2:fs/nfreq:fs/2;
f = f(1:nfreq);

function lacf = lacf2(x, mlag)
% lacf2 -- Compute samples of the type II local acf.
%  Usage
%    lacf = lacf2(x, mlag)
%  Inputs
%    x     signal vector
%    mlag   maximum lag to compute.  must be <= length(x).
%           (optional, defaults to length(x))
%  Outputs
%    lacf  matrix containing the lacf of signal x.  If x has
%         length N, then lacf will be nfreq by N. (optional)
% This function has a tricky sampling scheme, so be careful if you use it.

% Copyright (C) -- see DiscreteTFDs/Copyright

% specify defaults
x = x(:);
N = length(x);

error(nargchk(1, 2, nargin));
if (nargin < 2) 
  mlag = N;

if (mlag > N)
  error('mlag must be <= length(x)')

% make the acf for positive tau
lacf = zeros(mlag, N);
for t=1:N
  mtau = min(mlag, N-t+1);
  lacf(1:mtau, t) = conj(x(t))*x(t:t+mtau-1);
function [tfd, t, f] = levin2(x, fs, nfreq)
% levin2 -- Compute samples of the type II Levin distribution.
%  Usage
%    [tfd, t, f] = levin2(x, fs, nfreq)
%  Inputs
%    x     signal vector
%    fs    sampling frequency of x (optional, default is 1 sample/second)
%    nfreq number of samples to compute in frequency (optional, default
%          is twice the length of x)
%  Outputs
%    tfd  matrix containing the binomial distribution of signal x.  If x has
%         length N, then tfd will be nfreq by N. (optional)
%    t    vector of sampling times (optional)
%    f    vector of frequency values (optional)

% Copyright (C) -- see DiscreteTFDs/Copyright

% specify defaults
x = x(:);
N = length(x);

error(nargchk(1, 3, nargin));
if (nargin < 3)
  nfreq = 2*N;
if (nargin < 2)
  fs = 1;

% make the acf for positive tau
gacf = zeros(N);
for t=1:N;
  gacf(1:t,t) = conj(x(t)) * x(t:-1:1);

% negative tau
gacf = [gacf ; zeros(nfreq-2*N+1,N) ; conj(flipud(gacf(2:N,:)))];

%compute the tfd
tfd = real(fft(gacf));
tfd = tfdshift(tfd)/nfreq;

t = 1/fs * (0:N-1);
f = -fs/2:fs/nfreq:fs/2;
f = f(1:nfreq);

function [tfd, t, f] = margenau_hill2(x, fs, nfreq);
% margenau_hill2 -- Compute samples of the type II Margenau-Hill 
%                    distribution.
%  Usage
%    [tfd, t, f] = margenau_hill2(x, fs, nfreq)
%  Inputs
%    x     signal vector
%    fs    sampling frequency of x (optional, default is 1 sample/second)
%    nfreq number of samples to compute in frequency (optional, default
%          is the length of x)
%  Outputs
%    tfd  matrix containing the Margenau-Hill distribution of signal x.  
%         If x has length N, then tfd will be nfreq by N. (optional)
%    t    vector of sampling times (optional)
%    f    vector of frequency values (optional)

% Copyright (C) -- see DiscreteTFDs/Copyright

error(nargchk(1, 3, nargin));
if (nargin == 1)
  [tfd, t, f] = rihaczek1(x);
elseif (nargin == 2)
  [tfd, t, f] = rihaczek1(x, fs);
elseif (nargin == 3)
  [tfd, t, f] = rihaczek1(x, fs, nfreq);

tfd = real(tfd);

function [tfd, t, f] = page2(x, fs, nfreq)
% page2 -- Compute samples of the type II Page distribution.
%  Usage
%    [tfd, t, f] = page2(x, fs, nfreq)
%  Inputs
%    x     signal vector
%    fs    sampling frequency of x (optional, default is 1 sample/second)
%    nfreq number of samples to compute in frequency (optional, default
%          is twice the length of x)
%  Outputs
%    tfd  matrix containing the binomial distribution of signal x.  If x has
%         length N, then tfd will be nfreq by N. (optional)
%    t    vector of sampling times (optional)
%    f    vector of frequency values (optional)

% Copyright (C) -- see DiscreteTFDs/Copyright

% specify defaults
x = x(:);
N = length(x);

error(nargchk(1, 3, nargin));
if (nargin < 3)
  nfreq = 2*N;
if (nargin < 2)
  fs = 1;

% positive tau
acf = zeros(N);
for t=1:N;
  gacf(1:N-t+1,t) = x(t) * conj(x(t:N));

% negative tau
gacf = [gacf ; zeros(nfreq-2*N+1,N) ; conj(flipud(gacf(2:N,:)))];

%compute the tfd
tfd = real(fft(gacf));
tfd = tfdshift(tfd)/nfreq;

t = 1/fs * (0:N-1);
f = -fs/2:fs/nfreq:fs/2;
f = f(1:nfreq);

function [tfd, t, f] = qwigner2(x, fs, nfreq, wlen)
% qwigner2 -- Compute samples of the type II quasi-Wigner distribution.
%  Usage
%    [tfd, t, f] = qwigner2(x, fs, nfreq, wlen)
%  Inputs
%    x     signal vector
%    fs    sampling frequency of x (optional, default is 1 sample/second)
%    nfreq number of samples to compute in frequency (optional, default
%          is twice the length of x)
%    wlen  length of the rectangular lag window on the auto-correlation
%          function, must be less than or equal to nfreq (optional, default
%          is twice the length of x)
%  Outputs
%    tfd  matrix containing the quasi-Wigner distribution of signal x.  If x 
%         has length N, then tfd will be nfreq by N. (optional)
%    t    vector of sampling times (optional)
%    f    vector of frequency values (optional)
% Note that the Wigner distribution does
% not exist for type II signals, but the quasi-Wigner distribution is 
% a reasonable approximation.

% Copyright (C) -- see DiscreteTFDs/Copyright

% specify defaults
x = x(:);
N = length(x);

error(nargchk(1, 4, nargin));
if (nargin < 4) 
  wlen = 2*N;
if (nargin < 3)
  nfreq = 2*N;
if (nargin < 2)
  fs = 1;

if (nfreq < wlen)
  error('rectangular lag window must be less than or equal to data length!');
if (wlen > N)
  error('rectangular lag window must be less than or equal to the length of the signal!');
w = wlen/2;

% make the quasi-wigner kernel
ker = zeros(w);
for tau = 1:2:w,
  ker(tau,(tau+1)/2) = 1;
for tau = 2:2:w;
  ker(tau,tau/2) = .5;
  ker(tau,tau/2+1) = .5;

% Do the computations.

% make the acf for positive tau
acf = lacf2(x, w);

% convolve with the kernel
acf2 = fft(acf.');
ker = [ker zeros(w,N-w)];
ker2 = fft(ker.');
gacf = ifft(acf2.*ker2);
gacf = gacf.';

% make the gacf for negative lags
gacf = [gacf ; zeros(nfreq-wlen+1,N) ; conj(flipud(gacf(2:w,:)))];

%compute the tfd
tfd = real(fft(gacf));
tfd = tfdshift(tfd)/nfreq;

t = 1/fs * (0:N-1);
f = -fs/2:fs/nfreq:fs/2;
f = f(1:nfreq);

function [tfd, t, f] = rihaczek2(x, fs, nfreq);
% rihaczek2 -- Compute samples of the type II Rihaczek distribution.
%  Usage
%    [tfd, t, f] = rihaczek2(x, fs, nfreq)
%  Inputs
%    x     signal vector
%    fs    sampling frequency of x (optional, default is 1 sample/second)
%    nfreq number of samples to compute in frequency (optional, default
%          is the length of x)
%  Outputs
%    tfd  matrix containing the Rihaczek distribution of signal x.  If x has
%         length N, then tfd will be nfreq by N. (optional)
%    t    vector of sampling times (optional)
%    f    vector of frequency values (optional)

% Copyright (C) -- see DiscreteTFDs/Copyright

error(nargchk(1, 3, nargin));
if (nargin == 1)
  [tfd, t, f] = rihaczek1(x);
elseif (nargin == 2)
  [tfd, t, f] = rihaczek1(x, fs);
elseif (nargin == 3)
  [tfd, t, f] = rihaczek1(x, fs, nfreq);

function [tfd, t, f] = spec2(x, fs, nfreq, decf, w, how)
% spec2 -- Compute samples of the type II spectrogram.
%  Usage
%    [tfd, t, f] = spec2(x, fs, nfreq, decf, w, how)
%  Inputs
%    x      signal vector
%    fs     sampling frequency of x (optional, default is 1 sample/second)
%    nfreq  number of samples to compute in frequency (optional, default
%           is 256)
%    decf   sub-sampling factor in time of the stft (optional, default 
%           is 1, i.e. no sub-sampling)
%    w      if length(w)==1 then the window is a guassian with duration 'w'
%           (see chirplets.m), otherwise 'w' is the window.  'w' must have an
%           odd length to have a center point. (optional, default is a 
%           gaussian with a duration of 5)
%    how    if how='short' then the stft is computed for the same times
%           as the signal and 
%               size(tfd,2) = length(x)
%           if how='long' then the stft will be computed for times before
%           and after the times of the signal and
%               size(tfd,2) = length(x) + length(w) - 1
%           (optional, default is 'short')
%  Outputs
%    tfd  matrix containing the spectrogram of signal x (optional)
%    t    vector of sampling times (optional)
%    f    vector of frequency values (optional)

% Copyright (C) -- see DiscreteTFDs/Copyright

error(nargchk(1, 6, nargin));
if (nargin == 1)
  [tfd, t, f] = stft2(x);
elseif (nargin == 2)
  [tfd, t, f] = stft2(x, fs);
elseif (nargin == 3)
  [tfd, t, f] = stft2(x, fs, nfreq);
elseif (nargin == 4)
  [tfd, t, f] = stft2(x, fs, nfreq, decf);
elseif (nargin == 5)
  [tfd, t, f] = stft2(x, fs, nfreq, decf, w);
elseif (nargin == 6)
  [tfd, t, f] = stft2(x, fs, nfreq, decf, w, how);

tfd = real(tfd.*conj(tfd));

function [tfd, t, f] = stft2(x, fs, nfreq, decf, w, how)
% stft2 -- Compute samples of the type II short-time Fourier transform.
%  Usage
%    [tfd, t, f] = stft2(x, fs, nfreq, decf, w, how)
%  Inputs
%    x      signal vector
%    fs     sampling frequency of x (optional, default is 1 sample/second)
%    nfreq  number of samples to compute in frequency (optional, default
%           is 256)
%    decf   sub-sampling factor in time of the stft (optional, default 
%           is 1, i.e. no sub-sampling)
%    w      if length(w)==1 then the window is a guassian with duration 'w'
%           (see chirplets.m), otherwise 'w' is the window.  'w' must have an
%           odd length to have a center point. (optional, default is a 
%           gaussian with a duration of 5)
%    how    if how='short' then the stft is computed for the same times
%           as the signal and 
%               size(tfd,2) = length(x)
%           if how='long' then the stft will be computed for times before
%           and after the times of the signal and
%               size(tfd,2) = length(x) + length(w) - 1
%           (optional, default is 'short')
%  Outputs
%    tfd   matrix containing the STFT of signal x
%    t     vector of sampling times (optional)
%    f     vector of frequency values (optional)

% Copyright (C) -- see DiscreteTFDs/Copyright

x = x(:);

error(nargchk(1, 6, nargin));

if (nargin < 2) fs = 1; end
if (nargin < 3)
  M = 63;
  w = chirplets(M,[1 (M+1)/2 0 0 5]);
  nfreq = 256;
if (nargin < 4) decf = 1; end
if (nargin < 5)
  M = 63;
  w = chirplets(M,[1 (M+1)/2 0 0 5]);
if (nargin < 6) how = 'short'; end

if (length(w)==1)
  M = 2*round(32*w/5)-1;
  w = chirplets(M,[1 (M+1)/2 0 0 w]);
  w = w(:);
  M = length(w);

if (round(M/2) == M/2)
  error('window length must be odd')
if (N <= M)
  error('the signal must be longer than the window')

% Create a matrix filled with signal values.

x = [x; zeros(decf,1)];   % prevents going past the end of the array

if (how(1) == 'l')
  L = ceil((M+N-1)/decf);
  for n=2:L,
    t = (n-1)*decf+1;      % real time
    if (t-decf+1 <= N)    % we still have new data to add
      tfd(M-decf+1:M,n) = x(t-decf+1:t);
else % how == 'short'
  L = ceil(N/decf);
  for n=2:L,
    t = (n-1)*decf+1;      % real time
    if ((M-1)/2+t-decf+1 <= N)

% Window the data.

% take care of the case if M > nfreq
if (M>nfreq)
  P = ceil(M/nfreq);
  tfd = [tfd ; zeros(P*nfreq-M,L)];
  tfd = reshape(tfd,nfreq,P,L);
  tfd = squeeze(sum(tfd,2));

% Perform the column ffts to get the stft.
tfd = fft(tfd, nfreq);
tfd = tfdshift(tfd)/sqrt(nfreq);

if (how(1) == 'l')
  t = 1/fs * ((0:N+M-2) - (M-1)/2);
  t = t(1:decf:end);
  t = 1/fs * (0:N-1);
  t = t(1:decf:end);
f = -fs/2:fs/nfreq:fs/2;
f = f(1:nfreq); 

function ptfd(tfd, t, f, fs)
% ptfd -- Display an image plot of a TFD with a linear amplitude scale.
%  Usage
%    ptfd(tfd, t, f, fs)
%  Inputs
%    tfd  time-frequency distribution
%    t    vector of sampling times (optional)
%    f    vector of frequency values (optional)
%    fs   font size of axis labels (optional)

% Copyright (C) -- see DiscreteTFDs/Copyright

error(nargchk(1, 4, nargin));

if (nargin < 4)
  fs = 10;
if (nargin < 3)
  f = [-0.5 0.5];
if (nargin < 2)
  t = [1 size(tfd,2)];

if isempty(t)
  t = [1 size(tfd,2)];
if isempty(f)
  f = [-0.5 0.5];

imagesc(t, f, abs(tfd)), axis('xy'), xlabel('time','FontSize',fs), ylabel('frequency','FontSize',fs), set(gca,'FontSize',fs); 

function ptfddb(tfd, dbs, t, f, fs)
% ptfddb -- Display an image plot of a TFD with a dB amplitude scale.
%  Usage
%    ptfddb(tfd, dbs, t, f, fs)
%  Inputs
%    tfd  time-frequency distribution
%    dbs  rabge in dBs (optional, default is 25)
%    t    vector of sampling times (optional)
%    f    vector of frequency values (optional)
%    fs   font size of axis labels (optional)

% Copyright (C) -- see DiscreteTFDs/Copyright

error(nargchk(1, 5, nargin));

if (nargin < 5)
  fs = 10;
if (nargin < 4)
  f = [-0.5 0.5];
if (nargin < 3)
  t = [1 size(tfd,2)];
if (nargin < 2)
  dbs = 25;

if isempty(t)
  t = [1 size(tfd,2)];
if isempty(f)
  f = [-0.5 0.5];

tfd = tfd - max(max(tfd));
imagesc(t, f, tfd), axis('xy'), xlabel('time','FontSize',fs), ylabel('frequency','FontSize',fs),set(gca,'FontSize',fs); 

function [tfd, t, f] = rihaczek1(x, fs, nfreq);
% rihaczek1 -- Compute samples of the type I Rihaczek distribution.
%  Usage
%    [tfd, t, f] = rihaczek1(x, fs, nfreq)
%  Inputs
%    x     signal vector
%    fs    sampling frequency of x (optional, default is 1 sample/second)
%    nfreq number of samples to compute in frequency (optional, default
%          is the length of x)
%  Outputs
%    tfd  matrix containing the Rihaczek distribution of signal x.  If x has
%         length N, then tfd will be nfreq by N. (optional)
%    t    vector of sampling times (optional)
%    f    vector of frequency values (optional)

% Copyright (C) -- see DiscreteTFDs/Copyright

% specify defaults
x = x(:);
N = length(x);

error(nargchk(1, 3, nargin));
if (nargin < 3)
  nfreq = N;
if (nargin < 2)
  fs = 1;
X = fft(x,nfreq);
tfd = (conj(X) * x.') .* exp(-j*[0:2*pi/nfreq:2*pi*(1-1/nfreq)]'*[0:N-1]);
tfd = tfdshift(tfd)/nfreq;

t = 1/fs * (0:N-1);
f = -fs/2:fs/nfreq:fs/2;
f = f(1:nfreq);

function out = tfdshift(in)
% tfdshift -- Shift the spectrum of a TFD by pi radians.
%  Usage
%    out = tfdshift(in)
%  Inputs
%    in   time-frequency distribution
%  Outputs
%    out  shifted time-frequency distribution

% Copyright (C) -- see DiscreteTFDs/Copyright

error(nargchk(1, 1, nargin));

N = size(in, 1);
M = ceil(N/2);
out = [in(M+1:N,:) ; in(1:M,:)]; 

function x = chirplets(N, P)
% chirplets -- make a signal that is a sum of chirplets
%  Usage
%    x = chirplets(N, P)
%  Inputs
%    N    length of signal
%    P    matrix of parameters [amp time freq chirp_rate duration; ...]
%         (optional, default is [1 N/2+1 0 0 sqrt(N/4/pi)])
%  Outputs
%    x    signal
% d is the standard deviation of the guassian, d=sqrt(N/4/pi) gives an 
% atom with a circular Wigner distribution, and 2*sqrt(2)*d is the 
% Rayleigh limit.
%  Examples
%    N=128; x=chirplets(N, [1 N/2+1 0 0 sqrt(N/4/pi)]);
%    x=chirplets(128, [1 55 0 2*pi/128 12 ; 1 75 0 2*pi/128 12]);

% Copyright (C) -- see DiscreteTFDs/Copyright


if (nargin < 2)
  if (rem(N,2)==0)
    center = N/2+1;
    center = (N+1)/2;
  P = [1 center 0 0 sqrt(N/4/pi)];

if (size(P,2) ~= 5)
  error('Matrix P has the wrong number of columns.')

x = zeros(N,1);
n = (1:N)';
for p = 1:size(P,1),
  A = P(p,1);
  t = P(p,2);
  f = P(p,3);
  cr = P(p,4);
  d = P(p,5);
  am = exp(-((n-t)/2/d).^2) * sqrt(1/sqrt(2*pi)/d);
  x = x + A * am .* exp(j * (cr/2*(n-t).^2 + f*(n-t)));