www.gusucode.com > matlab灰度运行长度矩阵工具箱 > matlab灰度运行长度矩阵工具箱/matlab灰度运行长度矩阵工具箱/GLRL/grayrlmatrix.m

    function [GLRLMS,SI]= grayrlmatrix(varargin)
%  Description
%  -------------------------------------------
%   Computes the graylevel run length (GLRL) matrix used for textural
%   analysis of an image using zigzag scan method.The method includes four
%   basic steps
%       Step 1 determine direction
%       Step 2 zigzag scan
%       Step 3 obtain new sequences
%       Step 4 calculate run-length matrix
%   -----------------------------------------
%   GLRLMS = GRAYRLMATRIX(I,PARAM1,VALUE1,PARAM2,VALUE2,...) returns one or more
%   gray-level run-length matrices, depending on the values of the optional
%   parameter/value pairs. Parameter names can be abbreviated, and case does
%   not matter.
%  ------------------------------------------
%   Parameters include:
%  ------------------------------------------
%   'Offset'         A p-by-1 vector of offsets specifying the scanning direction.
%                    Angle     OFFSET
%                    -----     ------
%                    0          1
%                    45         2
%                    90         3
%                    135        4
%                    OFFSET must be integers from {1 2 3 4}.
%                    Default: [1 2 3 4]
%   'NumLevels'      An integer specifying the number of gray levels to use when
%                    scaling the grayscale values in I. For example, if
%                    'NumLevels' is 8, GRAYRLMATRIX scales the values in I so
%                    they are integers between 1 and 8.  The number of gray levels
%                    determines the size of the gray-level run-length matrix
%                    'NumLevels' must be an integer. 'NumLevels' must be 2 if I
%                    is logical.
%                    Default: 8 for numeric
%                             2 for logical
%   'GrayLimits'     A two-element vector, [LOW HIGH], that specifies how the
%                    grayscale values in I are linearly scaled into gray
%                    levels. Grayscale values less than or equal to LOW are
%                    scaled to 1. Grayscale values greater than or equal to
%                    HIGH are scaled to HIGH.  If 'GrayLimits' is set to [],
%                    GRAYRLMATRIX uses the minimum and maximum grayscale values
%                    in I as limits, [min(I(:)) max(I(:))].
%                    Default: the LOW and HIGH values specified by the
%                    class, e.g., [LOW HIGH] is [0 1] if I is double and
%                    [-32768 32767] if I is int16.
%  ------------------------------------------
%  Example
%  ------------------------------------------
% I =[1     1     1     2     2
%      3     4     2     2     3
%      4     4     4     4     4
%      5     5     3     3     3
%      1     1     3     4     5]
% [GLRLMS,SI] = grayrlmatrix(I,'NumLevels',5,'G',[])
% I =
%      1     1     1     2     2
%      3     4     2     2     3
%      4     4     4     4     4
%      5     5     3     3     3
%      1     1     3     4     5
% GLRLMS(:,:,1) =
%      0     1     1     0     0
%      0     2     0     0     0
%      3     0     1     0     0
%      2     0     0     0     1
%      1     1     0     0     0
% GLRLMS(:,:,2) =
%      5     0     0     0     0
%      0     2     0     0     0
%      4     1     0     0     0
%      5     1     0     0     0
%      3     0     0     0     0
% GLRLMS(:,:,3) =
%      5     0     0     0     0
%      2     1     0     0     0
%      4     1     0     0     0
%      5     1     0     0     0
%      3     0     0     0     0
% GLRLMS(:,:,4) =
%      5     0     0     0     0
%      4     0     0     0     0
%      6     0     0     0     0
%      5     1     0     0     0
%      3     0     0     0     0
% SI =
%      1     1     1     2     2
%      3     4     2     2     3
%      4     4     4     4     4
%      5     5     3     3     3
%      1     1     3     4     5
% -------------------------------------------
% See also zigzag rle_0 rle_45
% -------------------------------------------
% Author:
% -------------------------------------------
%    (C)Xunkai Wei <xunkai.wei@gmail.com>
%    Beijing Aeronautical Technology Research Center
%    Beijing %9203-12,100076
% -------------------------------------------
% History:
% -------------------------------------------
% Creation: beta  Date: 01/10/2007
% Revision: 1.0   Date: 14/11/2007
% -------------------------------------------
% Bug Fixed:
% -------------------------------------------
% 1.Issue wrong results for nonsquare matrix,now output cells instead of
%   multi-dim arrays
% 2.Add support for inputs checking inspired by MATLAB style
[I, Offset, NL, GL] = ParseInputs(varargin{:});

% Scale I so that it contains integers between 1 and NL.
if GL(2) == GL(1)
    SI = ones(size(I));
    slope = (NL-1) / (GL(2) - GL(1));
    intercept = 1 - (slope*(GL(1)));
    SI = round(imlincomb(slope,I,intercept,'double'));

% Clip values if user had a value that is outside of the range, e.g., double
% image = [0 .5 2;0 1 1]; 2 is outside of [0,1]. The order of the following
% lines matters in the event that NL = 0.
SI(SI > NL) = NL;
SI(SI < 1) = 1;
% total numbers of direction
numOffsets = size(Offset,1);

if NL ~= 0
    % make direction matrix for all given directions
    for k = 1 : numOffsets
        GLRLMS{k} = computeGLRLM(SI,Offset(k),NL);
    GLRLMS = [];

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function oneGLRLM = computeGLRLM(si,offset,nl)
% For given direction, compute the run length matrix
switch offset
    case 1
        % 0 degree
        oneGLRLM = rle_0(si,nl);
    case 2
        % 45 degree
        seq = zigzag(si);
        oneGLRLM  = rle_45(seq,nl);
    case 3
        % 90 degree
        oneGLRLM = rle_0(si',nl);
    case 4
        % 135 degree
        seq = zigzag(fliplr(si));
        oneGLRLM = rle_45(seq,nl);
        error('Only 4 directions supported')

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function [I, offset, nl, gl] = ParseInputs(varargin)
% parsing parameter checking
% Inputs must be max seven item
% Check I
I = varargin{1};
iptcheckinput(I,{'logical','numeric'},{'2d','real','nonsparse'}, ...
% ------------------------
% Assign Defaults
% -------------------------
% four directions 0, 45, 90,135
offset = [1;2;3;4];
if islogical(I)
    nl = 2;
    nl = 8;
gl = getrangefromclass(I);

% Parse Input Arguments
if nargin ~= 1

    paramStrings = {'Offset','NumLevels','GrayLimits'};

    for k = 2:2:nargin

        param = lower(varargin{k});
        inputStr = iptcheckstrs(param, paramStrings, mfilename, 'PARAM', k);
        idx = k + 1;  %Advance index to the VALUE portion of the input.
        if idx > nargin
            eid = sprintf('Images:%s:missingParameterValue', mfilename);
            msg = sprintf('Parameter ''%s'' must be followed by a value.', inputStr);
            error(eid,'%s', msg);

        switch (inputStr)

            case 'Offset'

                offset = varargin{idx};
                    mfilename, 'OFFSET', idx);
                % must be row vector 
                if size(offset,2) ~= 1
                    eid = sprintf('Images:%s:invalidOffsetSize',mfilename);
                    msg = 'OFFSET must be an n x 1 array.';
                offset = double(offset);

            case 'NumLevels'

                nl = varargin{idx};
                    mfilename, 'NL', idx);
                if numel(nl) > 1
                    eid = sprintf('Images:%s:invalidNumLevels',mfilename);
                    msg = 'NL cannot contain more than one element.';
                elseif islogical(I) && nl ~= 2
                    eid = sprintf('Images:%s:invalidNumLevelsForBinary',mfilename);
                    msg = 'NL must be two for a binary image.';
                nl = double(nl);

            case 'GrayLimits'

                gl = varargin{idx};
                    mfilename, 'GL', idx);
                if isempty(gl)
                    gl = [min(I(:)) max(I(:))];
                elseif numel(gl) ~= 2
                    eid = sprintf('Images:%s:invalidGrayLimitsSize',mfilename);
                    msg = 'GL must be a two-element vector.';
                gl = double(gl);