www.gusucode.com > MATLAB雷达工具箱 > MATLAB雷达工具箱/MATLAB雷达工具箱/dbtlinkR1-3/util/getparamno.m

    function paramNo = getparamno

%GETPARAMNO Returns a unique positive integer for each call.
%  paramNo = getparamno
%  Returns a unique positive integer for each call. After the command
%  "clear global" the same numbers can be returned again.
%  This function is used to in the generation of unique names for global 
%  variables.
%Output and Input:
%  paramNo (IntScalarT): The returned unique positive integer.
%  Data type names are shown in parentheses and they start with a capital
%  letter and end with a capital T. Data type definitions can be found in [1]
%  or by "help dbtdata".
%  [D] = This parameter can be omitted and then a default value is used.
%  When the [D]-input parameter is not the last used in the call, it must be
%  given the value [], i.e. an empty matrix.
%  ... = There can be more parameters. They are explained under respective
%  metod or choice.
%Software Quality:
%  (About what is done to ascertain software quality. What tests are done.)
%Known Bugs:
%  [1]: Bj鰎klund S.: "DBT, A MATLAB Toolbox for Radar Signal Processing.
%    Reference Guide", FOA-D--9x-00xxx-408--SE, To be published.
%See Also:

%   *  DBT, A Matlab Toolbox for Radar Signal Processing  *
% (c) FOA 1994-99. See the file dbtright.m for copyright notice.
%  Start        : 991006 Svante Bj鰎klund (svabj).
%  Latest change: $Date: 2000/01/10 09:55:09 $ $Author: svabj $.
%  $Revision: $
% *****************************************************************************

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Handle input parameters
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Do the work
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %

global paramNoGlobal

if isempty(paramNoGlobal)
  paramNoGlobal = 1;
  paramNoGlobal = paramNoGlobal + 1;
paramNo = paramNoGlobal;