www.gusucode.com > 图像融合工具箱 > 图像融合工具箱/fusetool11/fuse_pca.m

    function Y = fuse_pca(M1, M2)
%Y = fuse_pca(M1, M2) image fusion with PCA method
%    M1 - input image #1
%    M2 - input image #2
%    Y  - fused image   

%    (Oliver Rockinger 16.08.99)

% check inputs 
[z1 s1] = size(M1);
[z2 s2] = size(M2);
if (z1 ~= z2) | (s1 ~= s2)
  error('Input images are not of same size');

% compute, select & normalize eigenvalues 
[V, D] = eig(cov([M1(:) M2(:)]));
if (D(1,1) > D(2,2))
  a = V(:,1)./sum(V(:,1));
  a = V(:,2)./sum(V(:,2));

% and fuse
Y = a(1)*M1+a(2)*M2;