www.gusucode.com > matpower工具箱源码程序 > matpower工具箱源码程序/MP2_0/pqcost.m

    function [pcost, qcost] = pqcost(gencost, ng, on)
%PQCOST  Splits the gencost variable into two pieces if costs are given for Qg.
%   [pcost, qcost] = pqcost(gencost, ng, on) checks whether gencost has cost
%   information for reactive power generation (rows ng+1 to 2*ng). If so it
%   returns the first ng rows in pcost and the last ng rows in qcost.
%   Otherwise, leaves qcost empty. Also does some error checking.
%   If on is specified (list of indices of generators which are on line)
%   it only returns the rows corresponding to these generators.

%   MATPOWER Version 2.0
%   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell    9/19/97
%   Copyright (c) 1997 by Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
%   See http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/ for more info.

if nargin < 3
	on = [1:ng]';

if size(gencost, 1) == ng
	pcost = gencost(on, :);
	qcost = [];
elseif size(gencost, 1) == 2 * ng
	pcost = gencost(on, :);
	qcost = gencost(on+ng, :);
	error('gencost has wrong number of rows');
