边界节点法模拟瞬态热传导及Matlab工具箱开发 - matlab文档资料 - 谷速源码
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所属分类: 文档资料 资源类型:文档 文件大小: 660.12 KB 上传时间: 2017-07-15 23:33:08 下载次数: 18 资源积分:1分 提 供 者: admin 20170715113335855
 针对高温条件下材料热传导问题,采用边界节点法数值模拟二维和三维瞬态热传导问题并编写了相应的计算软件。边界节点法是无网格方法的一种,采用径向基函数的非奇异通解来满足控制方程。对于热传导方程,采用Implicit-Euler差分离散其时间项,将不含时间项的非齐次亥姆赫兹方程以特解与通解的和的形式给出。使用双重互易法在计算区域配点求出方程的特解,使用边界节点法在边界配点来求出方程的齐次解。使用结果表明:该方法计算精度高,数学简单,收敛快,能很好地数值模拟二维及三维瞬态热传导问题。基于上述的算法,使用Matlab语言开发了一个热传导问题的数值模拟工具箱,该工具箱具有简单易操作、代码开源、界面友好等特点。Aiming at the problem of material heat conduction under high temperature condition, the boundary node method is used to simulate the two - dimensional and three - dimensional transient heat conduction problems, and the corresponding calculation software is written. Boundary node method is a kind of meshless method, using the radial basis function of the nonsingular general solution to meet the control equation. For the heat conduction equation, the implicit-Euler difference is used to separate the time term, and the nonhomogeneous Helmholtz equation with no time term is given in the form of the sum of the solution and the general solution. We use the method of double reciprocity method to find the special solution of the equation in the calculation area. We use the boundary node method to find the homogeneous solution of the equation at the boundary point. The results show that the method has high accuracy, simple mathematics and fast convergence, and can simulate the two - dimensional and three - dimensional transient heat transfer problems well. Based on the above algorithm, a numerical simulation toolbox of heat conduction problem is developed by using Matlab language. The toolbox has the characteristics of simple operation, open source code and friendly interface. 



关键词: 热传导 节点 边界

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