www.gusucode.com > MATLAB在煤矿车辆提升桥设计中的应用 > MATLAB在煤矿车辆提升桥设计中的应用\文件说明.txt

    在现代煤矿中,信息化技术的涌现使得各类设备逐渐实现了自动化和智能化,其性能也在持续提升。新的生产工艺和科学技术的应用,对于机械设备也提出了许多新的要求,以煤矿车辆提升桥为例,为保证设计的合理性,就必须对存在的各种细节问题进行深入研究和分析。提出了基于MATLAB软件的煤矿车辆提升桥设计方案,结合仿真分析,对方案的合理性和可行性进行了验证。In modern coal mines, the emergence of information technology makes all kinds of equipment gradually realized automation and intelligence, and its performance is also rising. New production technology and the application of science and technology, mechanical equipment also put forward many new requirements to coal mine vehicle lift bridge as an example, in order to ensure the rationality of the design, it must be on the existence of various details of the problem in-depth study and analysis The The design scheme of coal mine vehicle lift bridge based on MATLAB software is put forward, and the rationality and feasibility of the scheme are verified by simulation analysis.