www.gusucode.com > 基于MATLAB的数字图像增强软件平台设计 > 基于MATLAB的数字图像增强软件平台设计\文件说明.txt

    数字图像处理中所涉及的内容广泛且理论较深奥,学生难以理解并掌握其中的核心方法,为此,开发的数字图像增强软件平台有助于增强学生对相关知识的理解和掌握。首先,搭建软件平台框架时对图像增强内容进行整合为空域线性、空域非线性、频域滤波三大类别,归纳并实现每一类别的经典算法;最后,在MATLAB环境中构建GUI平台,嵌入实现的图像增强算法。实验结果表明,本软件平台仿真实现的图像增强算法,结果清晰、正确,界面友好,辅助数字图像处理相关内容教学,对增强学生对相关理论知识和算法的理解、激发学生学习兴趣性有促进作用。 Digital image processing involves a wide range of topics and the theory is more profound, students difficult to understand and master the core method, for which the development of digital image enhancement software platform to help students to enhance the understanding and mastery of relevant knowledge. Firstly, when the software platform framework is set up, the image enhancement content is integrated into three categories: spatial linear, spatial non-linear and frequency domain filtering. The classical algorithm of each category is summarized and realized. Finally, the GUI platform is embedded in the MATLAB environment. Image enhancement algorithm. The experimental results show that the image enhancement algorithm implemented by the software platform simulation results in a clear, correct, user-friendly, auxiliary digital image processing related content teaching, to enhance students 'understanding of relevant theoretical knowledge and algorithms, and to stimulate students' interest in learning The