www.gusucode.com > 基于MATLAB仿真的非规则齿轮行星系扎穴机构的优化设计 > 基于MATLAB仿真的非规则齿轮行星系扎穴机构的优化设计\文件说明.txt

     为更好地满足深施型液态施肥机喷肥针入土垂直度及穴口较小的农艺要求,采用MATLAB GUI开发平台,编写了非规则齿轮行星系扎穴机构的反求设计与运动学分析仿真软件。该软件避免了正求方法试凑参数的盲目性,通过改变静轨迹上若干型值点的坐标,控制喷肥针尖姿态,直观动态地显示出反求过程、结果以及机构仿真运动过程,优化出最佳参数:穴口宽度为28 mm,静轨迹的高度为252 mm、宽度为182 mm。为了验证扎穴轨迹的正确性进行高速摄像试验,观察和分析了实际作业过程中喷肥针尖的相对运动轨迹、关键点姿态。试验结果表明:喷肥针尖轨迹高度246 mm、宽度188 mm,在试验误差允许范围内,轨迹的高度和宽度与理论仿真软件优化结果基本一致,充分验证反求设计分析的准确性和可行性。该研究为扎穴机构的反求设计提供了参考。 In order to better meet the requirements of deep application of liquid fertilizers and vertical inclusions, the use of MATLAB GUI development platform, the preparation of the irregular gear planets

Mechanism of Reverse Design and Kinematics Analysis Simulation Software. The software avoids the blindness of the method of making the parameters, and by changing the coordinates of several points on the static trajectory,

The correct parameters are as follows: the width of the cavity is 28 mm, the height of the static track is 252 mm, the width is

Is 182 mm. In order to verify the correctness of the track, the relative motion trajectory and the key attitude of the spray tip were observed and analyzed during the actual operation. test

The results show that the height and width of trajectory are consistent with the optimization results of the theoretical simulation software, and the width of the trajectory is 246 mm and the width is 188 mm.

Verify the accuracy and feasibility of the reverse design analysis. This study provides a reference for the reverse design of the grouting mechanism.