基于Matlab软件的先天性外耳道狭窄CT影像特点分析 - matlab文档资料 - 谷速源码
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所属分类: 文档资料 资源类型:文档 文件大小: 209.25 KB 上传时间: 2017-07-23 22:10:10 下载次数: 62 资源积分:1分 提 供 者: admin 20170723101019692
目的探讨外耳道发育不良的特征(形态、位置、长度),比较正常与狭窄外耳道相关解剖参数的差异,为优化外耳道重建术提供依据。方法狭窄组包括外耳道狭窄患者27例(30耳);正常组包括健康者2例、9例单侧外耳道狭窄和25例单侧外耳道闭锁患者的正常侧(共38耳)。将所有CT图像文件导入Mimics软件,读取外耳道相关标志点的三维坐标,基于Matlab软件编制程序,计算鼓环、骨性外耳道口、软骨性外耳道内口和软骨性外耳道外口的前后径、上下径、近似面积,它们的中心点到水平面、冠状面和正中矢状面的距离;骨性外耳道内、外侧曲和软骨性外耳道内、外侧曲的半径、曲率、开角、弧长;外耳道各段的长度。结果鼓环、骨性外耳道口、软骨性外耳道内口、软骨性外耳道外口的中心点(均在法兰克福平面的下方)到法兰克福平面的距离,均是狭窄组小于正常组(P<0.05)。狭窄组外耳道软骨段曲线长软骨性外耳道外口(10.64±2.31)mm,小于正常组的(13.05±1.66)mm(P<0.05)。狭窄组外耳道软骨段直线长软骨段曲线长软骨性外耳道外口(10.13±2.16)mm,小于正常组的(12.05±1.43)mm(P<0.05)。狭窄组外耳道总曲线长和总直线长均小于正常组(P<0.05)。骨性外耳道有2个弯曲的比例:狭窄组为46.67%,正常组为31.58%,2组之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);而狭窄组中软骨性外耳道有2个弯曲的比例(53.33%)明显低于正常组(97.34%)(P<0.05)。结论除了口径较小之外,先天性外耳道狭窄患者的外耳道与正常人相比,骨性段位置较高,形态与正常外耳道相似,软骨段的形态变得单一(只有1个弯曲),软骨段有更大向下的倾斜度。外耳道软骨段和外耳道总长度都较短,但是骨性段的长度与正常外耳道相近。Objective To investigate the characteristics (shape, location and length) of the external auditory canal of the external auditory canal, and to compare the anatomic parameters of the external auditory canal. square
There were 27 cases (30 ears) in the narrow group including the external auditory canal; the normal group included 2 cases of healthy subjects, 9 cases of unilateral external auditory canal stenosis and 25 cases of unilateral external auditory canal atresia,
The All CT image files were imported into Mimics software, and the three-dimensional coordinates of the external auditory canal were read. Based on the software program, the drum ring, bone external ear canal, cartilage
The anteroposterior diameter, the upper and lower diameter, the approximate area, the distance from the center point to the horizontal plane, the coronal plane and the median sagittal plane; the external auditory canal
, Lateral curvature and cartilage external auditory canal, lateral curvature, curvature, open angle, arc length; length of the external auditory canal. The results of drum ring, bone external ear canal, cartilage external auditory canal mouth,
The distance from the center of the cartilage external auditory canal (at the bottom of the Frankfurt plane) to the plane of the Frankfurt was narrower than in the normal group (P <0.05). Narrow group of external auditory canal cartilage
(10.64 ± 2.31) mm, which was smaller than that in the normal group (13.05 ± 1.66) mm (P <0.05). Narrow group of external auditory canal cartilage straight line soft cartilage curve curve soft
(10.13 ± 2.16) mm, which was smaller than that in the normal group (12.05 ± 1.43) mm (P <0.05). The total length of the total curvature and the length of the total straight line were smaller than those in the normal group
(P <0.05). There were no significant differences between the two groups (P> 0.05). There was no significant difference between the two groups (P> 0.05), but there was no significant difference between the two groups (P> 0.05)
The number of curvature (53.33%) in the external auditory canal was significantly lower than that in the normal group (97.34%) (P <0.05). Conclusion In addition to the smaller diameter, the external auditory canal of patients with congenital external auditory canal stenosis and normal
Compared with the normal external auditory canal, the location of the cartilage segment becomes single (only one bend), and the cartilage has a greater downward inclination. External auditory canal cartilage and
The total length of the external auditory canal is shorter, but the length of the bone segment is similar to the normal external auditory canal.



关键词: 外耳道 影像 特点

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