www.gusucode.com > 基于MATLAB的“8”字绕障无碳小车的轨迹模拟 > 基于MATLAB的“8”字绕障无碳小车的轨迹模拟\文件说明.txt

    无碳小车比赛是一个锻炼人的思考能力、动手能力和团队协作能力的比赛。文中依据大赛的要求,简单介绍了"8"字绕障无碳小车的结构设计,并重点介绍了如何利用M A TLA B编程模拟无碳小车的轨迹。The carless car race is a game that raises people's ability to think, hands-on and teamwork. According to the requirements of the competition, the paper introduces the structural design of "8" wordless cableless car, and focuses on how to use M A TLA B programming to simulate the trajectory of carbonless car.