www.gusucode.com > 基于Matlab的“数字信号处理”课程实验设计 > 基于Matlab的“数字信号处理”课程实验设计\文件说明.txt

    本文设计了一个基于Matlab的"数字信号处理"课程综合性实验。该实验把"数字信号处理"课程中的许多离散的知识点串接了起来,包括采样、量化、滤波器设计、滤波器实现、DFT/FFT和滤波器的有限字长效应等。教学实践表明该实验有利于巩固学生课堂上学到的理论知识,提高学生的理论联系实际的能力和动手解决问题的能力。 This paper designs a comprehensive experiment of "digital signal processing" course based on Matlab. The experiment concatenates many of the discrete knowledge points in the Digital Signal Processing course, including sampling, quantization, filter design, filter implementation, DFT / FFT and finite word length effects of filters. The teaching practice shows that the experiment is helpful to consolidate the theoretical knowledge learned in the students 'classroom, improve the students' ability to link the actual ability and the ability to solve the problem.