www.gusucode.com > 基于MATLAB的液压马达行走驱动控制原理仿真与应用 > 基于MATLAB的液压马达行走驱动控制原理仿真与应用\文件说明.txt

    连铸中间罐车液压马达行走驱动控制原理通常采用伺服阀或者比例阀进行控制,该文介绍了中间罐车的具体结构及液压马达的行走驱动控制要求,提出了采用普通换向阀进行组合控制的方式,并对该原理进行了仿真研究。通过现场的使用,证明该控制原理具有运行稳定、结构简单、故障率低以及维修容易等优点。Continuous operation of the middle tanker hydraulic motor travel drive control principle is usually controlled by a servo valve or proportional valve, the paper describes the specific structure of the tanker and hydraulic motor travel drive control requirements, proposed a common directional control valve combination of the way , And the principle of the simulation study. Through the use of the field, it is proved that the control principle has the advantages of stable operation, simple structure, low failure rate and easy maintenance.