www.gusucode.com > 电磁理论类课程可视化教学中的MATLAB动画技术研究 > 电磁理论类课程可视化教学中的MATLAB动画技术研究\文件说明.txt

    电磁理论类课程是电子信息类理工科专业本科生的一类专业基础课程。为了解决该类课程中电磁理论概念抽象、时空分布复杂等教学难题,探索研究了可用于该类课程开展可视化教学的MATLAB动画技术分类、特点和实施步骤,并通过实例为其教学应用提供指导和借鉴,以提升该类课程的课堂教学质量,提高学生对该类课程的学习兴趣。 Electromagnetic theory course is a kind of professional basic course of undergraduate degree of electronic information science and engineering. In order to solve the teaching problems such as abstract concept of electromagnetic theory and complex spatial and temporal distribution in these courses, this paper explores the classification, characteristics and implementation steps of MATLAB animation technology which can be used for visualization in such courses, and provides guidance and application for teaching and learning. To improve the quality of classroom teaching in such courses, to improve students' interest in such courses.