www.gusucode.com > 基于MATLAB的二孩政策下人口增长模型研究--以郑州市人口为例 > 基于MATLAB的二孩政策下人口增长模型研究--以郑州市人口为例\文件说明.txt

    综合考虑影响二胎的各种因素,以郑州市历年人口数据为基础,给出二孩政策下人口增长模型函数—改进的Logistic模型,并采用MATLAB进行参数预测,函数建模;在建模过程中着重分析影响MATLAB建模性能优劣的两个关键因素:初值的设定和曲线拟合的实现方式;用MATLAB仿真软件,尝试多种Logistic曲线拟合的方法,找出性能良好的Logistic函数实现方法,最终确定二孩政策下的郑州人口增长模型;并对多种方法设置不同的初始值来检验拟合方法对初始值的宽容度,最终找出对初始值宽容度较高的两种MATLAB 实现Logistic曲线拟合的方法:nlinfit非线性拟合; lsqcurvefit最小二乘拟合. Based on the population data of Zhengzhou City, this paper gives the population growth model function under the two - child policy - the improved Logistic model, and uses MATLAB to carry out parameter prediction and function modeling. In the modeling process This paper focuses on the analysis of two key factors that affect the performance of MATLAB modeling: the setting of initial value and the realization of curve fitting. Using MATLAB simulation software, try a variety of Logistic curve fitting method to find out the good performance of Logistic Function method, and finally determine the population growth model of Zhengzhou under the two-child policy; and set different initial values for various methods to test the tolerance of the fitting method to the initial value, and finally find the two values MATLAB method to achieve Logistic curve fitting: nlinfit nonlinear fitting; lsqcurvefit least squares fitting.