基于 MATLAB 的车辆牌照图像识别算法研究毕业论文 - matlab文档资料 - 谷速源码
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标题:基于 MATLAB 的车辆牌照图像识别算法研究毕业论文

所属分类: 文档资料 资源类型:文档 文件大小: 65.59 KB 上传时间: 2019-09-12 20:21:14 下载次数: 55 资源积分:1分 提 供 者: admin 20190912082206949
基于 MATLAB 的车辆牌照图像识别算法研究
摘   要
MATLAB 既是一种直观、高效的计算机语言 , 同时又是一个科学计算平台。为数据分析、算法和应用程序开发提供了最核心的数学和高级图形工具。随着我国经济的飞速发展,交通运输车辆的不断增多,车辆牌照的识别显得越来越重要。数字图像处理技术是上世纪发展起来的一门新兴学科,随着图像处理理论和方法的进一步完善,使得数字图像处理技术在各个领域得到了广泛应用,并显示出广阔的应用前景。
本课题主要研究基于 MATLAB 的车辆牌照识别算法,以车辆牌照识别的算法设计为实例,详细介绍图像识别的基本方法。在整个车辆牌照识别的过程中,有预处理、边缘提取、车牌定位、字符分割、字符识别五大模块,用 MATLAB 软件编程来实现每一个部分,最后识别出汽车牌照。在研究的同时对其中出现的问题进行了具体分析,处理。寻找出对于具体的汽车牌照识别过程的最好的方法。
关键词: MATLAB ,图像识别,图像处理,字符分割

The Vehicle Plate Recognition Algorithm Based on MATLAB
MATLAB is an intuitive and efficient computer language ,at the same time it is also a scientific computing platform. It provides the most core mathematics and advanced graphical tools for data analysis, algorithm and application development. With the rapid development of our country's economy and the increasing of transportation vehicles, vehicle license plate recognition is becoming more and more important. Digital image processing technology is an emerging discipline and develops since last century. With the image processing theory and method of further perfect,   the digital image processing technology has been widely applied in different fields and shown a broad application prospect.
The topic mainly studies the vehicle license plate recognition algorithm based on MATLAB and it is designed with the algorithm of vehicle license plate recognition as an example and detailed introduce the basic method of image recognition. In the course of the vehicle license plate recognition, there is a preprocessing, edge detection, license plate location, character segmentation and character recognition five modules by using MATLAB software programming to realize every part, finally recognizing the license plates. In the research of some concrete problems We should find out the best way to the process of car license plate recognition.
Key words :   MATLAB ,  Image Recognition, Image Processing , Character segmentation
目   录
   1   绪   论      1
1.1  车牌识别背景综述      1
1.2  车牌号识别研究现状      1
2  车牌号码识别系统总体方案      3
2.1  图像的采集      3
2.2  图像预处理      3
2.2.1   图像的灰度处理      4
2.2.2   边缘提取      5
2.2.3  图像平滑      6
2.3  车牌定位      6
2.3.1  车牌特征的信息      8
2.3.2   车牌号码定位      9
2.3.3  牌照区域的分割      10
2.3.4  牌照字符分割      11
2.4  车牌字符的识别      12
2.4.1  车牌字符识别方法      12
2.4.2  模版匹配字符识别      13
3  仿真结果及分析      15
结论      21
致谢      22
参考文献      23
附录      24 


基于 MATLAB 的车辆牌照图像识别算法研究毕业论文.docx

关键词: 车辆 牌照 图像 识别 算法 研究 毕业论文

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