MATLAB 在光学中的应用研究毕业论文 - matlab文档资料 - 谷速源码
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标题:MATLAB 在光学中的应用研究毕业论文

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光学是物理学当中很抽象的一门学科。由于试验和教学需求,不断出现各种仿真模式,然而既能反映整个物理过程,又能反映实验现象的仿真软件一直没有出现,不利于学生对光学知识的加深理解,又不利于教学工作者的深入讲解。随着计算机科学技术的不断发展和普及, MATLAB 凭借其强大的图形处理功能、数学运算,逐渐走入了科研人员以及教学人员的视野,并不断的加真完善,逐步开发出更加精确、逼真的仿真应用程序。本论文正是基于以上背景下借鉴查阅相关领域资料,再之结合了自己遇到的一些问题加以编程、分析,总结编写而出。本文在仿真实验的开端,粗要简短的讲解了实验原理与方法,给出了实验仿真图。本文完成的主要工作有 :
(1) 介绍了光学实验中 MATLAB 常用知识点。
(2) 对光学基本概念讲解,并进行了仿真试验,包括光的分类、光的偏振态、光的本质和特性、光的合成与分解。
(3) 对光学部分基本现象进行了仿真试验,包括光的直线传播 ( 小孔成像 ) ,光的干涉 ( 杨氏双缝干涉实验、等厚干涉、等倾千涉、牛顿环 ) 、光的衍射 ( 夫琅禾费圆孔衍射,夫琅禾费单缝衍射 ) 等。通过光学现象和实验仿真,教师和学生能更加深刻的学习、理解光学理论。
关键词: MATLAB ;光学;仿真;偏振;干涉;衍射
Optics is a very abstract subject in physics. As a result of the test and teaching needs, there are a variety of simulation models, but both reflect the entire physical process, but also reflect the experimental phenomenon of simulation software has not appeared, is not conducive to students to deepen the understanding of optical knowledge, but also not conducive to the teaching staff Explain in depth. With the continuous development and popularization of computer science and technology, MATLAB with its powerful graphics processing functions, mathematical operations, and gradually into the field of scientific research personnel and teaching staff, and constantly add true and perfect, and gradually develop a more accurate, realistic Simulation application.This paper is based on the above context for reference to access to relevant areas of information, and then combined with some of the problems  encountered to be programmed to analyze, summarize the preparation out. In this paper, at the beginning of the simulation experiment, the experimental principle and method are briefly introduced, and the experimental simulation is given. The main work of this paper is:
(1)  This paper introduces the common knowledge points of MATLAB in optical experiment.
(2)  The basic concepts of optical interpretation, and carried out simulation tests, including the classification of light, light polarization, the nature and characteristics of light, light synthesis and decomposition.
(3)  The basic phenomena of the optical part are simulated, including the linear propagation of light (small hole imaging), light interference (Young's double-slit interference experiment, equal-thickness interference, equidistant chaos, Newton ring), light diffraction Langhe Fei round hole diffraction, Fraunhofer single seam diffraction) and so on. Through optical phenomena and experimental simulation, teachers and students can learn more deeply, understand the optical theory
Keywords: MATLAB; Optics; Simulation; Polarization;Interference;Involved
   摘要       I
Abstract       II
第 1 章绪论       1
1.1 光学及其仿真中的发展现状和意义       1
1.2 MATLAB 软件简介及仿真优势       2
1.3 本文研究的主要内容       3
第 2 章  MATLAB 的预备知识       5
2.1  数据类型、变量、表达式       5
2.2 流程控制及运算       5
2.3 常用的函数       9
第 3 章 光学 的基本概念及仿真       15
3.1 光学的概念及分类       15
3.2 光的本质及特性       15
3.3 光的合成和分解       18
3.3.1 线偏振光合成椭圆偏振       19
3.3.2 线偏振光合成园偏振光       19
3.3.3 线偏振光合成线偏振光       21
第 4 章光学的基本现象及仿真       25
4.1  光的传播       25
4.1.1 光的直线传播       25
4.1.2 光的反射、折射       26
4.1.3 光的吸收现象       26
4 .1.4 光在各向同性介质中的传播       26
4.2.1 杨氏双缝干涉实验       26
4.2.2 薄膜干涉       26
4.3 光的衍射       26
4.3.1 夫琅未费单缝衍射       26
4.3.2 夫琅未费圆孔衍射       26
第 5 章结论       32
参考文献       33
致谢       35 


MATLAB 在光学中的应用研究毕业论文.docx

关键词: MATLAB 光学 应用 研究 毕业论文

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