大规模光伏发电并网概率潮流计算及对电网的影响 - matlab文档资料 - 谷速源码
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所属分类: 文档资料 资源类型:文档 文件大小: 1.07 MB 上传时间: 2017-07-08 18:33:30 下载次数: 13 资源积分:1分 提 供 者: admin 20170708063339198
随着并网光伏发电容量的规模越来越大,光伏发电固有的波动性和不可控性导致其大规模并网时会使潮流分布发生变化甚至潮流反向,对电网的安全稳定运行造成影响。建立了光伏发电系统的潮流计算模型,以IEEE14节点系统和西北某省级电网系统为研究算例,对含光伏的电力系统进行概率潮流计算,全面分析了不同光伏接入容量、不同光伏接入点及不同光伏出力相关性的情况下大规模光伏并网对系统潮流的影响。结果表明光伏接入容量越大,电压及支路潮流的波动和越限概率也越大,光伏接入点将影响系统网损及光伏极限接入容量,并发现光伏接入对系统潮流的影响具有方向性,且光伏电站出力相关性不可忽略。所得结论可为电力系统新能源规划与运行提供决策参考。With the increasing scale of grid-connected photovoltaic power generation capacity, the inherent volatility and uncontrollability of photovoltaic power generation cause the large-scale grid connection to make the trend distribution change and even the trend of reverse, the safe and stable operation of the power grid The The power flow model of the photovoltaic power generation system is established. Taking the IEEE14 node system and the provincial power grid system in the northwest as an example, the probabilistic power flow calculation of the photovoltaic power system is carried out. The different PV access capacity, different PV access Point and the relationship between the output of different photovoltaic power of large-scale photovoltaic grid-connected system on the impact of the trend. The results show that the larger the PV access capacity, the greater the fluctuation and the limit probability of the voltage and branch flow, the PV access point will affect the network loss and the PV limit access capacity, and find the influence of PV access on the system power flow With the direction, and the power plant output correlation can not be ignored. The conclusion can provide decision-making reference for the planning and operation of new energy in power system.



关键词: 电网 概率 大规模

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