基于仿真分析的船用防爆阀阻燃片优化研究 - matlab文档资料 - 谷速源码
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所属分类: 文档资料 资源类型:文档 文件大小: 上传时间: 2017-07-08 22:33:59 下载次数: 4 资源积分:1分 提 供 者: admin
针对防爆阀阻燃片结构设计缺少理论指导,主要依靠实验测试完成设计的问题,给出了一种仿真分析方法,以便于结构优化研究。借助计算流体力学理论和FLUENT仿真平台,建立了阻燃片的优化模型,通过均匀设计方法对阻燃片凸台宽度、凸台角、凸台高度等尺寸数据进行了分析,使用MATLAB对仿真数据进行了回归处理,通过出口总压与温度的散点图寻找性能最佳尺寸。研究结果表明,运用均匀设计和回归分析数值处理方法有利于数据处理和多目标优化,获得的尺寸回归函数能求得性能最佳尺寸;仿真结果与实际情况基本一致,同时该尺寸阻燃片实际测试过程中降压灭焰性能满足要求,有助于防爆阀阻燃片的设计研究。 Aiming at the lack of theoretical guidance on the design of the flame retardant flap structure of the explosion - proof valve, we mainly rely on the experimental test to complete the design problem, and give a simulation analysis method to facilitate the structural optimization research. The optimization model of the flame retardant sheet was established by means of computational fluid dynamics theory and FLUENT simulation platform. The size data of the width, the boss angle and the boss height of the flame retardant sheet were analyzed by the uniform design method. The simulation data The regression processing was performed to find the best size of the performance by plotting the total pressure of the outlet and the temperature. The results show that the method of uniform design and regression analysis is helpful for data processing and multi-objective optimization, and the obtained size regression function can obtain the best performance. The simulation results are basically the same as the actual situation, and the size of the flame retardant During the test, the antihypertensive performance of the explosion-proof flame can meet the requirements, and it is helpful to the design research of the flameproof flame.

关键词: 仿真

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