www.gusucode.com > ArmCortexMFastModelSupportPackage > ArmCortexMFastModelSupportPackage/doc/html/Functions.m

    %% Functions
% List of functions for use with this support package.
%% closeAllSimulations
% * Input Arguments: 0 required, variable amount of character inputs.
% * Output: Cell array of the errors encountered during run.
% Use this function to close all virtual platform simulations currently
% running on your computer. By default the function takes no arguments and
% closes all processes that contain the string 'FVP_MPS2_' which is a
% specific notation for each fixed virtual platform spawned. To kill
% processes of custom virtual platforms, simply add the executable name as
% an argument to this function and it will try to close any process that
% includes that argument in it. For example, to kill any number of hanging
% fixed virtual platform processes spawned by this support package, simply call:
%   closeAllSimulations
% To kill any number of hanging processes of a custom virtual platform with
% the name 'myCustomPlatform.exe', simply call:
%   closeAllSimulations('myCustomPlatform')
% Copyright 2018 Arm Holdings