www.gusucode.com > DS-cdma仿真matlab程序 > code8/cdma/ds_demod.m

%         This function does the DS-SS modulation
%         AUTHOR: Wenbin Luo
%			 DATE  : 04/28/01
%			 SYNOPSIS: x = ds_demod(c,y)
%			 c ---> user code (column vector)
%         y ---> tmp = c*x, y = tmp(:) (ds-ss modulated signal, column vector)
%         x ---> input signal (row vector)

function x = ds_demod(c,y)
tmp = reshape(y, length(c), length(y)/length(c));
tmp = tmp';
%x is a column vector
x = tmp * c;
% convert to row vector
x = x';