www.gusucode.com > GPS_SDR_GPS软件接收机源码 > code4/GNSS_SDR/include/skyPlot.m

    function hpol = skyPlot(varargin)
%Function plots "sky view" from the receiver perspective. 
%h = skyPlot(AZ, EL, PRN, line_style)
%   Inputs:
%       AZ              - contains satellite azimuth angles. It is a 2D
%                       matrix. One line contains data of one satellite.
%                       The columns are the calculated azimuth values.
%       EL              - contains satellite elevation angles. It is a 2D
%                       matrix. One line contains data of one satellite.
%                       The columns are the calculated elevations.
%       PRN             - a row vector containing PRN numbers of the
%                       satellites.
%       line_style      - line style of the plot. The same style will be
%                       used to plot all satellite positions (including
%                       color). 
%   Outputs:
%       h               - handle to the plot

%                           SoftGNSS v3.0
% Copyright (C) Darius Plausinaitis and Kristin Larson
% Written by Darius Plausinaitis and Kristin Larson
%This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
%as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
%of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
%This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%GNU General Public License for more details.
%You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
%Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301,

%CVS record:
%$Id: skyPlot.m,v 2006/08/18 11:41:57 dpl Exp $

%% Check arguments and sort them ==========================================
[hAxis, args, nargs] = axescheck(varargin{:});

if nargs < 3 || nargs > 4
    error('Requires 3 or 4 data arguments.')
elseif nargs == 3
    [az, el, prn]   = deal(args{1:3});
    line_style      = 'auto';    
    [az, el, prn, line_style] = deal(args{1:4});

if ischar(az) || ischar(el) || ischar(prn)
    error('AZ and EL must be numeric.');

if ~isequal(size(az), size(el))
    error('AZ and EL must be same size.');

%% Prepare axis ===========================================================
hAxis = newplot(hAxis);

%--- Get x-axis text color so grid is in same color -----------------------
tc = get(hAxis, 'xcolor');

hold(hAxis, 'on');

%--- Plot white background ------------------------------------------------
rectangle('position', [-90, -90, 180, 180], ...
          'Curvature', [1 1], ...
          'facecolor', 'white', ...
          'edgecolor', tc);

%% Plot spokes ============================================================

%--- Find spoke angles ----------------------------------------------------
% Only 6 lines are needed to divide circle into 12 parts
th = (1:6) * 2*pi / 12;

%--- Convert spoke end point coordinate to Cartesian system ---------------
cst = cos(th); snt = sin(th);
cs = [cst; -cst];
sn = [snt; -snt];

%--- Plot the spoke lines -------------------------------------------------
line(90*sn, 90*cs, 'linestyle', ':', 'color', tc, 'linewidth', 0.5, ...
    'handlevisibility', 'off');

%% Annotate spokes in degrees =============================================
rt = 1.1 * 90;

for i = 1:max(size(th))

    %--- Write text in the first half of the plot -------------------------
    text(rt*snt(i), rt*cst(i), int2str(i*30), ...
        'horizontalalignment', 'center', 'handlevisibility', 'off');

    if i == max(size(th))
        loc = int2str(0);
        loc = int2str(180 + i*30);

    %--- Write text in the opposite half of the plot ----------------------
    text(-rt*snt(i), -rt*cst(i), loc, ...
        'handlevisibility', 'off', 'horizontalalignment', 'center');

%% Plot elevation grid ====================================================

%--- Define a "unit" radius circle ----------------------------------------
th = 0 : pi/50 : 2*pi;
xunit = cos(th);
yunit = sin(th);

%--- Plot elevation grid lines and tick text ------------------------------
for elevation = 0 : 15 : 90
    elevationSpherical = 90*cos((pi/180) * elevation);

    line(yunit * elevationSpherical, xunit * elevationSpherical, ...
        'lineStyle', ':', 'color', tc, 'linewidth', 0.5, ...
        'handlevisibility', 'off');

    text(0, elevationSpherical, num2str(elevation), ...
        'BackgroundColor', 'white', 'horizontalalignment','center', ...
        'handlevisibility', 'off');

%--- Set view to 2-D ------------------------------------------------------
view(0, 90);

%--- Set axis limits ------------------------------------------------------
%save some space for the title
axis([-95 95 -90 101]);

%% Transform elevation angle to a distance to the center of the plot ------
elSpherical = 90*cos(el * pi/180);

%--- Transform data to Cartesian coordinates ------------------------------
yy = elSpherical .* cos(az * pi/180);
xx = elSpherical .* sin(az * pi/180);

%% Plot data on top of the grid ===========================================

if strcmp(line_style, 'auto')
    %--- Plot with "default" line style -----------------------------------
    hpol = plot(hAxis, xx', yy', '.-');
    %--- Plot with user specified line style ------------------------------
    % The same line style and color will be used for all satellites
    hpol = plot(hAxis, xx', yy', line_style);

%--- Mark the last position of the satellite ------------------------------
plot(hAxis, xx(:,end)', yy(:,end)', 'o', 'MarkerSize', 7);

%--- Place satellite PRN numbers at the latest position -------------------
for i = 1:length(prn)
    if(prn(i) ~= 0)
        % The empthy space is used to place the text a side of the last
        % point. This solution results in constant offset even if a zoom
        % is used.
        text(xx(i, end), yy(i, end), ['  ', int2str(prn(i))], 'color', 'b');

%--- Make sure both axis have the same data aspect ratio ------------------
axis(hAxis, 'equal');

%--- Switch off the standard Cartesian axis -------------------------------
axis(hAxis, 'off');