www.gusucode.com > bioinfo 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > bioinfo/DisplayBoxPlotsForMicroarrayDataExample.m

    %% Display Box Plots for Microarray Data
% This example shows how to display box plots for microarray data.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Load the MAT-file, provided with the Bioinformatics Toolbox(TM) software,
% that contains yeast data. This MAT-file includes three variables:
% |yeastvalues| , a matrix of gene expression data, |genes| , a cell array of
% GenBank(R) accession numbers for labeling the rows in yeastvalues, and
% |times| , a vector of time values for labeling the columns in yeastvalues.
load yeastdata
% Show the box plot of gene expression data.
xlabel('Sample Times');

% Use the |gprread| function to create a structure containing microarray
% data, and plot the data using name-value pair arguments of the |maboxplot|
% function.
madata = gprread('mouse_a1wt.gpr');
maboxplot(madata,'F635 Median - B635','TITLE', 'Cy5 Channel FG - BG');