www.gusucode.com > bioinfo 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > bioinfo/PlotASetOfMassSpectraDataExample.m

    %% Plot Mass Spectra Data
% This example shows how to plot mass spectra data.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Load and plot a sample mass spectra data.
load sample_lo_res
msviewer(MZ_lo_res, Y_lo_res)

% Add a marker by pointing to a mass peak, right-clicking, and
% then clicking *Add Marker*.

% The *File* menu has the following options.
% * *Import Markers from Workspace* - Opens the Import Markers From MATLAB(R)
% Workspace dialog. The dialog displays a list of double Mx1 or 1xM
% variables. If the selected variable is out of range, the viewer displays
% an error message.
% * *Export Markers to Workspace* - Opens the Export Markers to MATLAB(R)
% Workspace dialog. Enter a variable name for the markers. All markers are
% saved. If thre is no marker available, this menu item is disabled.
% * *Print to Figure* - Prints the spectra plot in the main display to a
% MATLAB(R) figure window.

% The *Tools* menu has the following options.
% * *Add Marker* - Opens the Add Marker dialog where you can enter an m/z
% marker.
% * *Delete Marker* - Removes the currently selected m/z marker from the
% *Markers* (m/z) list.
% * *Next Marker* or *Previous Marker* - Moves the selection up and down
% the *Markers* list.
% * *Zoom XY*, *Zoom X*, *Zoom Y*, or *Zoom Out* - Changes the cursor from
% an arror to a crosshair. Left-click and drag a rectangle box over an area
% and then release it. The display zooms the area covered by the box.

% From the range window at the bottom, move the view box to a new
% location.