www.gusucode.com > bioinfo 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > bioinfo/RetrieveAlignmentRecordsThatAlignToTwoRefSeqExample.m

    %% Retrieve alignment records that align to reference sequences
% Read multiple alignment records from the ex1.bam file that align to two
% different reference sequences.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

data1 = bamread('ex1.bam', 'seq1', [100 200])
data2 = bamread('ex1.bam', 'seq2', [100 200])

% Read alignments from the ex1.bam file that are fully contained in the 100
% to 200 bp range of the seq1 reference sequence.
data3 = bamread('ex1.bam', 'seq1', [100 200], 'full', true)
% Read alignments from the ex1.bam file that align to the 100 to 300 bp
% range of the seq1 reference sequence. Read the same alignments using
% zero-based indexing. Compare the position of the 27th record in the two
% outputs.

data_one = bamread('ex1.bam','seq1', [100 300]);
data_zero = bamread('ex1.bam','seq1', [100 300], 'zerobased', true);
