www.gusucode.com > coder_compiler_dsp 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > coder_compiler_dsp/DeployAnAcceleratedDSPApplicationForUseWithMATLABRuntimeExample.m

    %% Use Generated Code to Accelerate an Application Deployed  with MATLAB Compiler
% This example shows how to use generated code to accelerate an application  
% that you deploy with MATLAB® Compiler. The example accelerates 
% an algorithm by using MATLAB® Coder™ to generate a MEX version of the algorithm.  
% It uses MATLAB Compiler to deploy a standalone application that calls the MEX function.    
% The deployed application uses the MATLAB® Runtime which enables
% royalty-free deployment to someone who does not have MATLAB.
% This workflow is useful when:
% * You want to deploy an application to a platform that the 
% MATLAB Runtime supports.
% * The application includes a computationally intensive algorithm that is
% suitable for code generation.
% * The generated MEX for the algorithm is faster than the original MATLAB
% algorithm.
% * You do not need to deploy readable C/C++ source code for the application.
% The example application uses a DSP algorithm that requires the
% DSP System Toolbox™.
%% Create the MATLAB Application
% For acceleration, it is a best practice to separate the computationally
% intensive algorithm from the code that calls it.
% In this example, |myRLSFilterSystemIDSim| implements the algorithm.  
% |myRLSFilterSystemIDApp| provides a user interface that calls 
% |myRLSFilterSystemIDSim|.
% |myRLSFilterSystemIDSim| simulates system identification by 
% using recursive least-squares (RLS) adaptive filtering. It uses 
% |dsp.VariableBandwidthFIRFilter| to model the unidentified system and
% |dsp.RLSFilter| to identify the FIR filter.
% |myRLSFilterSystemIDApp| provides a user interface that you use to 
% dynamically tune simulation parameters. It runs the simulation for a
% specified number of time steps or until you stop the simulation. It plots
% the results on scopes.
% For details about this application, see
% <docid:dsp_examples.example-RLSFilterSystemIdentificationExample> in the
% DSP System Toolbox documentation.
% In a writable folder, create |myRLSFilterSystemIDSim| and
% |myRLSFilterSystemIDApp|. Alternatively, to access these files, click
% *Open Script*.
% *myRLSFilterSystemIDSim*
% <include>myRLSFilterSystemIDSim.m</include>
% *myRLSFilterSystemIDApp*
% <include>myRLSFilterSystemIDApp.m</include>

%% Test the MATLAB Application
% Run the system identification application for 100 time steps. 
% The application runs the simulation for 100 time steps or until you click 
% *Stop Simulation*. It plots the results on scopes.
%% Prepare Algorithm for Acceleration
% When you use MATLAB Coder to accelerate a MATLAB algorithm, the code must
% be suitable for code generation.
% 1. Make sure that |myRLSFilterSystemIDSim.m| includes the |%#codegen|
% directive after the function signature. 
% This directive indicates that you intend to generate code for the
% function. In the MATLAB Editor, it enables the code analyzer to detect 
% code generation issues.
% 2. Screen the algorithm for unsupported functions or constructs.
%   coder.screener('myRLSFilterSystemIDSim');
% <<../screener_output.png>>
% The code generation readiness tool does not find code generation issues in 
% this algorithm.
%% Accelerate the Algorithm
% To accelerate the algorithm, this example use the MATLAB Coder |codegen|
% command. Alternatively, you can use the MATLAB Coder app.
% Generate a MEX function for |myRLSFilterSystemIDSim|. 
codegen myRLSFilterSystemIDSim;
% |codegen| creates the MEX function |myRLSFilterSystemIDSim_mex| in the
% current folder.
%% Compare MEX Function and MATLAB Function Performance
% 1. Time 100 executions of |myRLSFilterSystemIDSim|.
clear myRLSFilterSystemIDSim
disp('Running the MATLAB function ...')
nTimeSteps = 100;
for ind = 1:nTimeSteps
tMATLAB = toc;
% 2. Time 100 executions of |myRLSFilterSystemIDSim_mex|.
clear myRLSFilterSystemIDSim
disp('Running the MEX function ...')
for ind = 1:nTimeSteps
tMEX = toc;

disp(['Time for original MATLAB function: ', num2str(tMATLAB),...
     ' seconds']);
disp(['Time for MEX function: ', num2str(tMEX), ' seconds']);
disp(['The MEX function is ', num2str(tMATLAB/tMEX),...
    ' times faster than the orignal MATLAB function.']);
%% Optimize the MEX code
% You can sometimes generate faster MEX by using a different C/C++
% compiler or by using certain options or optimizations. See
% <docid:coder_ug.bsx_ir0>. 
% For this example, the MEX is sufficiently fast without further optimization. 
%% Modify the Application to Call the MEX Function
% Modify |myRLSFilterSystemIDApp| so that it calls
% |myRLSFilterSystemIDSim_mex| instead of |myRLSFilterSystemIDSim|.
% Save the modified function in |myRLSFilterSystemIDApp_acc.m|.
%% Test the Application with the Accelerated Algorithm
clear myRLSFilterSystemIDSim_mex;
% The behavior of the application that calls the MEX function is the same
% as the behavior of the application that calls the original MATLAB function. 
% However, the plots update more quickly because the simulation is faster.
%% Create the Standalone Application 
% 1. To open the Application Compiler App, on the *Apps* tab, under 
% *Application Deployment*, click the app icon.
% 2. Specify that the main file is |myRLSFilterSystemIDApp_acc|.
% The app determines the required files for this application.
% The app can find the MATLAB files and MEX-files that an
% application uses. You must add other types of files,
% such as MAT-files or images, as required files.
% 3. In the *Packaging Options* section of the toolstrip, make sure that
% the *Runtime downloaded from web* check box is selected.
% This option creates an application installer that downloads and 
% installs the MATLAB Runtime with the deployed MATLAB application.
% <<../compiler_app_dsp_example.png>>
% 4. Click *Package* and save the project. 
% 5. In the Package window, make  sure that the 
% *Open the output folder when the process completes* 
% check box is selected.
% <<../package_window.png>>
% When the packaging is complete, the output folder opens.
%% Install the Application
% 1. Open the |for_redistribution| folder.
% 2. Run |MyAppInstaller_web|.
% 3. If you connect to the internet by using a proxy server, enter the server
% settings.
% 4. Advance through the pages of the installation wizard. 
% * On the Installation Options page, use the default installation folder.
% * On the Required Software page, use the default installation folder.
% * On the License agreement page, read the license agreement and accept
% the license.
% * On the Confirmation page, click *Install*.
% If the MATLAB Runtime is not already installed, the installer installs it.
% 5. Click *Finish*.
%% Run the Application
% 1. Open a terminal window.
% 2. Navigate to the folder where the application is installed.
% * For Windows&#0174;, navigate to |C:\Program
% Files\myRLSFilterSystemIDApp_acc|.
% * For MAC OS x, navigate to  |/Applicatons/myRLSFilterSystemIDApp_acc|.
% * For Linux, navigate to |/usr/myRLSFilterSystemIDApp_acc|.
% 3. Run the application by using the appropriate command for your platform.
% * For Windows, use |application\myRLSFilterSystemIDApp_acc|.
% * For Mac OS x, use
% |myRLSFilterSystemIDApp_acc.app/Contents/MacOS/myRLSFilterSystemIDApp_acc|.
% * For Linux, use |/myRLSFilterSystemIDApp_acc|. 
% Starting the application takes approximately the same amount of time as 
% starting MATLAB.