www.gusucode.com > control 案例程序 matlab源码代码 > control/AnalysisPointLocationsInControlSystemModelExample.m

    %% Analysis-Point Locations in Control System Model  
% Build a closed-loop model of a cascaded feedback loop system, and get
% a list of analysis point locations in the model.   

% Create a model of the following cascaded feedback loop. $C_{1}$ and $C_{2}$
% are tunable controllers. $AP_{1}$ and $AP_{2}$ are points of interest
% for analysis, which you mark with |AnalysisPoint| blocks.
% <<../getloopid1.png>>  
G1 = tf(10,[1 10]);
G2 = tf([1 2],[1 0.2 10]);
C1 = tunablePID('C','pi');
C2 = tunableGain('G',1);
AP1 = AnalysisPoint('AP1');
AP2 = AnalysisPoint('AP2');
T = feedback(G1*feedback(G2*C2,AP2)*C1,AP1); 

% |T| is a |genss| model whose Control Design Blocks include the tunable
% controllers and the switches |AP1| and |AP2|.  

% Get a list of the loop-opening sites in |T|. 
points = getPoints(T) 

% |getPoints| returns a cell array listing loop-opening sites in the model.  

% For more complicated closed-loop models, you can use |getPoints| to keep
% track of a larger number of analysis points.