www.gusucode.com > control 案例程序 matlab源码代码 > control/ArrayOf2DOFStdPIDControllersExample.m

    %% Array of 2-DOF PID Controllers
% Create a 2-by-3 grid of 2-DOF PI controllers in standard form.  The
% proportional gain ranges from 1–2 across the array rows, and
% the integrator time constant ranges from 5–9 across columns.
% To build the array of PID controllers, start with arrays
% representing the gains.  

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

Kp = [1 1 1;2 2 2];
Ti = [5:2:9;5:2:9];
% When you pass these arrays to the |pidstd2| command, the command returns the
% array of controllers.
pi_array = pidstd2(Kp,Ti,0,Inf,0.5,0,'Ts',0.1,'IFormula','BackwardEuler');
% If you provide scalar values for some coefficients, |pidstd2| automatically
% expands them and assigns the same value to all entries in the array.  For
% instance, in this example, |Td| = 0, so that all entries in the array are
% PI controllers. Also, all entries in the array have |b| = 0.5.
% Access entries in the array using array indexing.  For dynamic system
% arrays, the first two dimensions are the I/O dimensions of the model, and
% the remaining dimensions are the array dimensions.  Therefore, the
% following command extracts the (2,3) entry in the array.
pi23 = pi_array(:,:,2,3)
% You can also build an array of PID
% controllers using the |stack| command.  
C2 = pidstd2(1,5,0.1,Inf,0.5,0.5);         % PID controller
C2f = pidstd2(1,5,0.1,0.5,0.5,0.5);        % PID controller with filter
pid_array = stack(2,C2,C2f);               % stack along 2nd array dimension
% These commands return a 1-by-2 array of controllers.
% All PID controllers in an array must have the same sample time, discrete
% integrator formulas, and dynamic system properties such as |InputName|
% and |OutputName|.