www.gusucode.com > control 案例程序 matlab源码代码 > control/CheckPassivityOfModelsInArrayExample.m

    %% Check Passivity of Models in Array
% You can use |isPassive| to evaluate the passivity of multiple models in a
% model array simultaneously.  For this example, generate a random array
% of transfer function models.
G = rss(3,1,1,1,5);
% |G| is a 1-by-5 array of 3-state SISO models.  Check the passivity of all
% the models in |G|.
[pf,R] = isPassive(G)
% |pf| and |R| are also 1-by-5 arrays.  Each |pf| entry indicates whether
% the corresponding model in |G| is passive.  Likewise, each |R| value
% gives the relative excess or shortage of passivity in the corresponding
% model in |G|.  For instance, examine the passivity of the second entry in
% |G|, and compare the result with the second entries in |pf| and |R|.
[pf2,R2] = isPassive(G(:,:,2))