www.gusucode.com > control 案例程序 matlab源码代码 > control/CheckSectorBoundsExample.m

    %% Check Sector Bounds
% Test whether, on average, the I/O trajectories of $G\left( s \right) =
% \left( {s + 2} \right)/\left( {s + 1} \right)$  belong within the
% sector defined by:
% $$ S = \left\{ {\left( {y,u} \right):0.1{u^2} < uy < 10{u^2}} \right\}. $$
% In U/Y space, this sector is the shaded region of the following diagram.
% <<../sector_diagram1.png>>
% The |Q| matrix corresponding to this sector is given by:
% $$ Q = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
% 1&{ - {{\left( {a + b} \right)} \mathord{\left/
%  {\vphantom {{\left( {a + b} \right)} 2}} \right.
%  \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}}\\
% { - {{\left( {a + b} \right)} \mathord{\left/
%  {\vphantom {{\left( {a + b} \right)} 2}} \right.
%  \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}}&{ab}
% \end{array}} \right];\quad a = 0.1,\;b = 10. $$
% A trajectory $y\left( t \right) = G{\kern 1pt} u\left( t \right)$ lies
% within the sector _S_ when for all _T_ > 0,
% $$0.1\int_0^T {u{{\left( t \right)}^2} < } \;\;\int_0^T {u\left( t
% \right)y\left( t \right)dt < } \;\;10\int_0^T {u{{\left( t \right)}^2}dt}
% .$$
% To check whether trajectories of |G| satisfy the sector bound,
% represented by |Q|, compute the _R_-index for |H = [G;1]|.
G = tf([1 2],[1 1]); 

a = 0.1;  b = 10;
Q = [1 -(a+b)/2 ; -(a+b)/2 a*b];

R = getSectorIndex([G;1],Q)
% This resulting |R| is less than 1, indicating that the trajectories 
% fit within the sector. The value of |R| tells you how much
% tightly the trajectories fit in the sector. This value, |R| = 0.41, means
% that the trajectories would fit in a narrower sector with a base 1/0.41 =
% 2.4 times smaller.