www.gusucode.com > control 案例程序 matlab源码代码 > control/ConvertDiscreteTimeDynamicSystemTo2DOFStandardFormPIDExample.m

    %% Convert Discrete-Time Dynamic System to 2-DOF Standard-Form PID Controller
% Convert a discrete-time dynamic system that represents a 2-DOF PID controller
% with derivative filter to standard |pidstd2| form.  
% The following state-space matrices represent a discrete-time 2-DOF PID controller with
% a sample time of 0.05 s.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

A = [1,0;0,0.6643];
B = [0.05,-0.05; -0.004553,0.3357];
C = [0.2301,10.66];
D = [0.8905,-11.79];
Ts = 0.05;
sys = ss(A,B,C,D,Ts);
% When you convert |sys| to 2-DOF PID form, the result depends on which discrete
% integrator formulas you specify for the conversion.  For instance, use
% the default, |ForwardEuler|, for both the integrator and the derivative.
C2fe = pidstd2(sys)
% Now convert using the |Trapezoidal| formula.
C2trap = pidstd2(sys,'IFormula','Trapezoidal','DFormula','Trapezoidal')
% The displays show the difference in resulting coefficient values and
% functional form.
% For some dynamic systems, attempting to use the |Trapezoidal| or |BackwardEuler|
% integrator formulas yields invalid results, such as negative |Ti|, |Td|,
% or |N| values.  In such cases, |pidstd2| returns an error.