www.gusucode.com > control 案例程序 matlab源码代码 > control/DiscreteTimePIControllerExample.m

    %% Discrete-Time PI Controller
% Create a discrete-time PI controller with trapezoidal discretization formula.
% To create a discrete-time PI controller, set the value of |Ts| and the
% discretization formula using |Name,Value| syntax.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

C1 = pid(5,2.4,'Ts',0.1,'IFormula','Trapezoidal')    % Ts = 0.1s
% Alternatively, you can create the same discrete-time controller by
% supplying |Ts| as the fifth input argument after all four PID parameters, |Kp|,
% |Ki|, |Kd|, and |Tf|.  Since you only want a PI controller, set |Kd| and
% |Tf| to zero.
C2 = pid(5,2.4,0,0,0.1,'IFormula','Trapezoidal')
% The display shows that |C1| and |C2| are the same.