www.gusucode.com > control 案例程序 matlab源码代码 > control/EstimateStatesOnlineUsingUKFExample.m

    %% Estimate States Online Using Unscented Kalman Filter
% Estimate the states of a van der Pol oscillator using an unscented Kalman
% filter algorithm and measured output data. The oscillator has
% two states and one output.
% Create an unscented Kalman filter object for the oscillator.
% Use previously written and saved state
% transition and measurement functions, |vdpStateFcn.m| and
% |vdpMeasurementFcn.m|. These functions describe a discrete-approximation
% to a van der Pol oscillator with nonlinearity parameter, mu, equal to 1.
% The functions assume additive process and measurement noise in the system.
% Specify the initial state values for the two states as [1;0]. This is the
% guess for the state value at initial time |k|, using knowledge of system
% outputs until time |k-1|, $\hat x[k|k-1]$.
obj = unscentedKalmanFilter(@vdpStateFcn,@vdpMeasurementFcn,[1;0]);
% Load the measured output data, |y|, from the oscillator. In this example,
% use simulated static data for illustration. The data is stored in the
% |vdp_data.mat| file.
load vdp_data.mat y

% Specify the process noise and measurement noise covariances of the
% oscillator.
obj.ProcessNoise = 0.01;
obj.MeasurementNoise = 0.16;
% Implement the unscented Kalman filter algorithm to estimate the states of
% the oscillator by using the |correct| and |predict| commands. You first 
% correct $\hat x[k|k-1]$ using measurements at time |k| to get $\hat x[k|k]$.
% Then, you predict the state value at next time step, $\hat x[k+1|k]$, using 
% $\hat x[k|k]$, the state estimate at time step |k| that is estimated
% using measurements until time |k|.
% To simulate real-time data measurements, use the measured data one time
% step at a time.
for k = 1:size(y)
    [CorrectedState,CorrectedStateCovariance] = correct(obj,y(k));
    [PredictedState,PredictedStateCovariance] = predict(obj);

% When you use the |correct| command, |obj.State| and |obj.StateCovariance|
% are updated with the corrected state and state estimation error covariance
% values for time step |k|, |CorrectedState| and |CorrectedStateCovariance|.
% When you use the |predict|
% command, |obj.State| and |obj.StateCovariance| are
% updated with the predicted values for time step |k+1|, |PredictedState|
%  and |PredictedStateCovariance|.

% In this example, you used |correct| before |predict| because 
% the initial state value was  $\hat x[k|k-1]$, a guess for the state value
% at initial time |k| using system outputs until time |k-1|. 
% If your initial state value is  $\hat x[k-1|k-1]$, the value at previous
% time |k-1| using measurement until |k-1|, then use the |predict| command
% first.
% For more information about the order of using |predict| and |correct|,
% see <docid:control_ref.bvgiqh_>.