www.gusucode.com > control_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > control_featured/TunableModelExample.m

    %% Building Tunable Models
% This example shows how to create tunable models of control systems for use
% with |systune| or |looptune|.

% Copyright 1986-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Background
% You can tune the gains and parameters of your control system with 
% |systune| or |looptune|. To use these commands, you need to construct
% a tunable model of the control system that identifies and parameterizes
% its tunable elements. This is done by combining numeric LTI models of
% the fixed elements with parametric models of the tunable elements.

%% Using Pre-Defined Tunable Elements
% You can use one of the following "parametric" blocks to model commonly
% encountered tunable elements:
% * *tunableGain*: Tunable gain
% * *tunablePID*: Tunable PID controller
% * *tunablePID2*: Tunable two-degree-of-freedom PID controller
% * *tunableTF*: Tunable transfer function
% * *tunableSS*: Tunable state-space model.
% For example, create a tunable model of the feedforward/feedback configuration
% of Figure 1 where $C$ is a tunable PID controller and $F$ is a tunable first-order
% transfer function.
% <<../tunablemodel1.png>>
% *Figure 1: Control System with Feedforward and Feedback Paths*
% First model each block in the block diagram, using suitable parametric
% blocks for $C$ and $F$. 

G = tf(1,[1 1]); 
C = tunablePID('C','pid');  % tunable PID block
F = tunableTF('F',0,1);     % tunable first-order transfer function

% Then use |connect| to build a model of the overall block diagram. To
% specify how the blocks are connected, label the inputs and outputs of 
% each block and model the summing junctions using |sumblk|.

G.u = 'u';  G.y = 'y';
C.u = 'e';  C.y = 'uC';
F.u = 'r';  F.y = 'uF';

% Summing junctions
S1 = sumblk('e = r-y');
S2 = sumblk('u = uF + uC');

T = connect(G,C,F,S1,S2,'r','y')

% This creates a generalized state-space model |T| of the closed-loop transfer 
% function from |r| to |y|. This model depends on the tunable blocks |C|
% and |F|. You can use |systune| to automatically tune the PID gains and 
% the feedforward coefficients |a,b| subject to your performance requirements.
% Use |showTunable| to see the current value of the tunable blocks.


%% Interacting with the Tunable Parameters
% You can adjust the parameterization of the tunable elements $C$ and $F$ by
% interacting with the objects |C| and |F|. Use |get| to see their list of 
% properties.


% A PID controller has four tunable parameters |Kp,Ki,Kd,Tf|. The 
% tunable block |C| contains
% a description of each of these parameters. Parameter attributes include
% current value, minimum and maximum values, and whether the parameter is 
% free or fixed.


% Set the corresponding attributes to override defaults. For example, you
% can fix the time constant |Tf| to the value 0.1 by

C.Tf.Value = 0.1;
C.Tf.Free = false;

%% Creating Custom Tunable Elements
% For tunable elements not covered by the pre-defined blocks listed above, 
% you can create your own parameterization in terms of elementary real 
% parameters (|realp|). Consider the low-pass filter
% $$ F(s) = {a \over s+a} $$
% where the coefficient $a$ is tunable. To model this tunable element, 
% create a real parameter $a$ and define $F$ as a transfer function whose
% numerator and denominator are functions of $a$. This creates a generalized 
% state-space model |F| of the low-pass filter parameterized by the tunable 
% scalar |a|. 

a = realp('a',1);   % real tunable parameter, initial value 1
F = tf(a,[1 a])

% Similarly, you can use real parameters to model the notch filter
% $$N(s) = {s^2 + 2 \zeta_1 \omega_n s + \omega_n^2 \over s^2 + 2 \zeta_2 \omega_n s + \omega_n^2} $$
% with tunable coefficients $\omega_n, \zeta_1, \zeta_2$.

wn = realp('wn',100);
zeta1 = realp('zeta1',1);   zeta1.Maximum = 1;    % zeta1 <= 1
zeta2 = realp('zeta2',1);   zeta2.Maximum = 1;    % zeta2 <= 1
N = tf([1 2*zeta1*wn wn^2],[1 2*zeta2*wn wn^2]);  % tunable notch filter

% You can also create tunable elements with matrix-valued parameters.
% For example, model the observer-based controller $C(s)$ with equations
% $$ {dx \over dt} = Ax + Bu + L(y-Cx), \;\;  u=-Kx $$
% and tunable gain matrices $K$ and $L$.

% Plant with 6 states, 2 controls, 3 measurements
[A,B,C] = ssdata(rss(6,3,2));

K = realp('K',zeros(2,6));
L = realp('L',zeros(6,3));

C = ss(A-B*K-L*C,L,-K,0)

%% Enabling Open-Loop Requirements
% The |systune| command takes a closed-loop model of the overall control system,
% like the tunable model |T| built at the beginning of this example. Such 
% models do not readily support open-loop analysis or open-loop specifications
% such as loop shapes and stability margins. To gain access to open-loop responses,
% insert an |AnalysisPoint| block as shown in Figure 2.
% <<../tunablemodel2.png>>
% *Figure 2: Analysis Point Block*
% The |AnalysisPoint| block can be used to mark internal signals of
% interest as well as locations where to open feedback loops and measure
% open-loop responses. This block evaluates to a unit gain and has no 
% impact on the model responses. For example, construct
% a closed-loop model |T| of the feedback loop of Figure 2 where $C$ is a tunable PID.

G = tf(1,[1 1]);
C = tunablePID('C','pid');
AP = AnalysisPoint('X');
T = feedback(G*C,AP);

% You can now use |getLoopTransfer| to compute the (negative-feedback) 
% loop transfer function measured at the 
% location "X". Note that this loop transfer function is $L=GC$ for the 
% feedback loop of Figure 2.

L = getLoopTransfer(T,'X',-1);  % loop transfer at "X"
clf, bode(L,'b',G*C,'r--')

% You can also refer to the location "X" when specifying target loop shapes 
% or stability margins for |systune|. The requirement then applies to the 
% loop transfer measured at this location.

% Target loop shape for loop transfer at "X"
Req1 = TuningGoal.LoopShape('X',tf(5,[1 0]));

% Target stability margins for loop transfer at "X"
Req2 = TuningGoal.Margins('X',6,40);   

% In general, loop opening locations are 
% specified in the |Location| property of |AnalysisPoint| blocks. For single-channel 
% analysis points, the block name is used as default location name. For multi-channel
% analysis points, indices are appended to the block name to form the default
% location names.

AP = AnalysisPoint('Y',2);  % two-channel analysis point

% You can override the default location names and use more descriptive
% names by modifying the |Location| property.

% Rename loop opening locations to "InnerLoop" and "OuterLoop".
AP.Location = {'InnerLoop' ; 'OuterLoop'};